I've had enough

This just isn't right. Jen reports that women atheists are being described as "pretty" at conferences. This has got to stop. It's discriminatory and rude.

I am really annoyed that we guys are being left out. Jen even says that she wouldn't "stoop to suggesting we need to recruit hot guys to lure in the ladies to solve our gender problem", which is a disgraceful slap in the face to all of us hot guys. I'm going to have to insist that from now on, whenever anyone is tempted to discuss the virtue to the atheist movement of having pretty young women on our side, that they also mention ME as an example of lovely godless eye candy who attracts people to join our organizations, for balance. If they're doing a presentation, I'm willing to give them permission to use this photo to titillate the audience.


I think that should do the trick. There's no need to include a link to this site, or mention anything I've said or written, or even bring up my name — just flash the picture, leer a little bit, and imply that this is what awaits the infidels when they sign up for the cause.

Because, after all, this has long been the atheists' prime recruiting strategy: using gorgeous faces to attract the shallow, superficial people who don't think much. That's why The Humanist magazine is so hard to distinguish from People, and why Free Inquiry has photo spreads just like Playboy.

Although, technically, using my image may not equalize the reprehensible sexist bias since I was, after all, the most influential female atheist of 2009.

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