The lesson learned

Always write short articles.



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I'm sure it was a moment of epiphany. Person in charge of an MRI takes avantage of an idle moment in the parade of patients to have lunch. Pulls a banana out of a brown paper bag. Looks at banana. Looks at MRI. Looks at banana. Looks at MRI. And the rest is history. Give it time to load, and if you…
Or, um, a banana. Or something... The Evil Monkey at Neurotopia is soliciting donations to support an essay contest to be run by the Alliance for Science. The idea is to offer prizes for students to write essays about evolution, to encourage students to learn more about the foundations of biology.…
tags: animals, porcupine, banana, hiccups, cute, funny, streaming video This cute video depicts a baby porcupine (also called porcupet) while he eats a banana. You'll hear tiny squeaks -- those are hiccups! [1:24]
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. - Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx