Lawrence, Kansas is having a loud and aggressive godless event this weekend, ReasonFest, with a nice noisy poster and of course, a noisy video.
You should go and make some noise. Or at least make lots of noise in The Endless Thread. Or if this is all such short notice, there's also a Berkeley event coming up on the 29th, SkeptiCal. No silence, at any rate, not ever any more.
(Current totals: 12,308 entries with 1,361,001 comments.)
More like this
I've munged up the last iteration of the endless thread! While I try to patch it up, it was time to update it anyway. So resume here, with this video of what Maori science classes are like.
(Current totals: 12,037 entries with 1,308,294 comments.)
If there are any grad students reading the procrastinative thread…GET BACK TO WORK. Don't watch this video.
(Current totals: 11,788 entries with 1,262,152 comments.)
Mary and I are on the way home; McCarran Airport has free wi-fi; and I notice that the Endless Thread is full. So, yay, fast update just before I get on an airplane.
(Current totals: 12,737 entries with 1,437,530 comments.)
Don't say I never do you any favors, acolytes of the endless thread. I'm about to spare you the need to see the latest cheap, unimaginative Hollywood dreck to hit the theaters by showing you the ending of the new Yogi Bear movie. Bring the kids around, tell 'em to see what the new kiddie movie is…