Of course they were quick to respond

The head of the Pontificia Academia Pro Vita, the specifically crazy anti-choice arm of the Catholic Church, has already issued a statement about the Nobel Prize awarded to an IVF pioneer. He's against it, of course.

Among his peculiar complaints is the objection that it "didn't treat the underlying problem of infertility but rather skirted it", which is rather odd. This:

Couples can't have children

Couples use IVF

Couples now have children

Looks to me like a rather direct way to treat infertility. Where they once could have no children, now they have children.

They also don't like the fact that the procedure produces excess embryos which are then discarded, stored, or used in further research in reproduction. They prefer the natural method of intercourse, which produces excess embryos which are then flushed down the toilet to rot in the sewers.

The church is also deeply concerned that the technology has produced a market for women to sell a few cells from their ovaries, when everyone knows that women are supposed to be sold whole and intact and dedicate every aspect of their lives to their owners.

As yet, there is no word from Bill Donohue.

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