The permanent thread could use a little amusement, and this video offers it. Ask a scientist whether they believe in god, and what you get is an I-can't-believe-you-asked-me-that look; ask them about their work, and they get all enthusiastic and passionate. That's fairly universal among any group of scientists.
(Current totals: 11,090 entries with 1,137,575 comments.)
More like this
There's all kinds of depressing economics talk on the thread without an end, so let's cheer everyone up. Just remember, when a ship sinks, one end can rise up into the air, first.
(Current totals: 11,137 entries with 1,147,926 comments.)
If there are any grad students reading the procrastinative thread…GET BACK TO WORK. Don't watch this video.
(Current totals: 11,788 entries with 1,262,152 comments.)
Look up, all you denizens of the twisty little thread, and think about…astrobiology!
(Current totals: 11,637 entries with 1,234,909 comments.)
Don't say I never do you any favors, acolytes of the endless thread. I'm about to spare you the need to see the latest cheap, unimaginative Hollywood dreck to hit the theaters by showing you the ending of the new Yogi Bear movie. Bring the kids around, tell 'em to see what the new kiddie movie is…