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I leave on Wednesday afternoon for London for the European Science Blogging conference, sponsored by NATURE -- wow, I can hardly believe this day is almost here! To say that I am very stressed out is an understatement. The thing that bothers me most is the fact that I have no vacation planning…
I hate to publish online quizzes on a more or less daily basis for you all, dear readers, instead of writing material with more substance, but right now, this is the best I can do. By posting these quizzes, I am trying to let you know that I have not abandoned you, that even though I am quiet right…
Hey, do you all know what day today is? Today is one month before I will be standing in London England. That's right, one month from this very moment, after having spent the previous night on a redeye from NYC, I will be hanging around with my NATURE blog colleagues and exploring London pubs…
Okay, everyone, I am getting some wonderful suggestions in email for what to see and do in London in August, so I have decided to start a thread where you all can suggest things for a person who lives (and travels) on a shoestring. I already have gotten some suggestions from birders (they are such…
Cool movie. Really grabs you, but then leaves you hanging. Hope to see more from Long. Living the pacific NW I immediately recognized the forest setting and the rocky beaches. I had to check with IBDB and sure enough it was shot in Vancouver BC.
Well done, but shame there is no ending to speak of. Perhaps they ran out of funding.
Pretty cool.
Reminds me of the first movie by George Lucas I saw it on TV it was a black and white version of THX1138 done as a student project. This movie while not like THX1138, it was very impressive also and he clearly understands how to tell a story climatically. We will see more from him I suspect.
uncle frogy