Obama regret

I had my reservations before the election, but I voted for Obama as the better choice (and I have not changed my opinion on that at all). I had hopes that he'd get in office and stand up for some principles…but no such luck. There are several reasons for my dissatisfaction.

Looking at his record (which isn't just his problem: the Democratic Party has failed to promote a Democratic agenda), I see the real problem. Despite all the screamers on the right accusing him of being a socialist, what actually happened here is that we elected another Republican to office. A moderate Republican, to be sure, but not someone who has the kinds of priorities I want in my president.

We're going to be marking time until the 2012 campaign starts up. I'm hoping their will be some viable, liberal alternative to our crappy incumbent, because I really don't want to have to choose between Republican Lite and Republican Lunatic in the next election.


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