I get spam

Surely this was misaddressed! I am not the right person to contact about pseudo-scientific 'spiritual' evolutionary seminars.

Dear Evolutionary,

I am happy to invite you to two free teleseminars--one with spiritual teacher and founder of EnlightenNext Andrew Cohen, and another with EnlightenNext magazine executive editor, Carter Phipps. These calls offer not only valuable content but also a fully interactive experience on MaestroConference, a new technology platform that allows you to engage the speaker and other participants as if it's an in-person workshop, with breakout groups and more. Here are the details:

Awakening to the Evolutionary Impulse
FREE Conference Call with Andrew Cohen
Thursday, October 8, 2009; 5:00 pm (Pacific Time, US)

How does higher spiritual and psychological development translate into the demonstrable evolution of our personal attitudes and cultural values? In this dynamic virtual seminar, Cohen will guide participants into a direct experience and understanding of the life-transforming power and perspective of Evolutionary Enlightenment. Always teaching within the context of an Integral framework, Cohen will help us to see in clear and simple terms how our experience of higher consciousness can lead not only to our own personal liberation but also to the evolution of our shared beliefs and cultural values.

Evolution Changes Everything:
How the Discovery of Progress Is Transforming the Spiritual Path
FREE Conference Call with Carter Phipps
Thursday, October 15, 2009; 3:30 pm (Pacific Time, US)

Once upon a time, there was only the cycle of birth, life, and death. Then God created Darwin, whose theory of evolution transformed a static wheel of existence into a great arc of change, with bacteria, beast, biosphere and even human consciousness caught up in the currents of an evolutionary universe. This still radical revelation poses a fundamental challenge to some of our most cherished spiritual beliefs. In this teleseminar, Carter Phipps will upend traditional concepts of enlightenment and spiritual awakening, showing how the latest insights in science, philosophy, and spirituality are destined to transform our relationship to life, God, and…well, everything!

Oh, no, that's insane. Darwin is now a messianic prophet who changed the universe? Sorry, but he was just a guy with a smart idea.

Of course, to two very dumb con artists like Andrew Cohen and Carter Phipps, that might seem god-like. After all, Darwin made it possible for them to bilk gullible people out of their money.


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