Uh-oh. Spanked.

VenomFangX is one of those semi-legendary creationists, one so inane that it's hard to believe. He had a website where he kept all of his ridiculous youtube videos, but it's about to disappear. If you go there now, this is what you'll see:


Oh, wow, that's going to leave a psychological scar.

As long as we're talking smack about creationists, don't forget to click on this link and help me win an iPod Touch from Eric Hovind. Click it lots.

More like this

While I'm off at meetings, you could be voting to help me win Eric Hovind's iPod Touch. All you have to do is CLICK ON THIS LINK. Note that it has to be that link — it's got an imbedded code in it to let the tabulators know that the incoming click comes from me, PZ Myers, so that the Hovind crew…
Ray has always been good for hours of hilarity — he writes amazingly stupid stuff. But now Ray has competition: Eric Hovind has a blog! It's not quite as insane as Ray's, but it does have more evil and stupidity. For example, Eric likes a poem that he quotes — it's a crude racist ditty that, I'm…
After sitting through Hovind's talk, I have seen the light. I've always been awfully hard on Christianity and Christians here, despising their beliefs and making mock of their nonsensical ideas and backwards social agenda. But this evangelist really reached out and grabbed me. I now feel a great…
I know it hurts, it hurts so bad, but I have to ask you again to keep clicking to help me win that iPod Touch from Eric Hovind. It's only a little pain, after a few clicks you'll be numb. But that reminder also reminds me that I'll be judging a video contest after 1 June — you only have one more…

That is one of the funniest things I've seen in months

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

And here I was thinking VenomFangX got his delusion from his parents.

That is so awesome. I lauged. Hard. How old is the artist formerly known as VenomfangX anyway?

@ #3

No kidding. Makes me curious what their views are.......

By MaleficVTwin (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

How old is he? I never liked the guy and don't agree with his views, but I'm not so keen on his parents controlling him, if he is of some legal age.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

That is one of the funniest things I've seen in months

Good riddance.

im a christian and i can't stand that ignorant, pseudoscience spouting, unthinking idiot VFX

By brightmoon (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

What I loved about venomfangx was that he provided mucho red meat to thunderf00t. The replies from thunderfoot are awesome.

venomfangx was popular with creationists. He put up huge viewed-by numbers on youtube. Lots of those viewers were lead directly to thunderf00t videos.

Seems to me that venomfangx's parents could simply require him to post the note that they disagree with him. They don't need to silence him. Bit draconian, that. They'll make him into a martyr for sure. Besides, the kid is old enough to make his own mistakes.

Having watched several venomfang videos (aaarrrgggghh!), and knowing his penchant for drama and self-inflicted wounds, I suspect that he may have gotten tired of taking the heat and thought up this ploy to martyr himself. Maybe just a twisted or half-truth? That would be typical for him.

Never fear. You can still see some of his more hilarious stuff in the refutations done by Thunderfoot.

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I heard that he was considering leaving YouTube because of death threats by muslims against him, this may be a part of that, indicating that he is taking it seriously and that he doesn't want his parents involved.

While I think it's exceedingly unlikely that he is any actual real danger, it should not be cause for celebration when someone, anyone, censors himself for fear of his life.

By Bullet Magnet (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

"He's a very naughty boy!"

I hope his parents talk some sense into him. Perhaps one day he'll look back at his videos and laugh and/or cringe. Unfortunately, in this internet age his online high school shenanigans will never disappear completely.

There's a much bigger story to it than that (though that in itself is pretty hilarious). VFX has been committing fraud (what else is new?) by soliciting donations for charity without actually giving that money to charity. HUGE no-no, especially in Canada where non-profits and the like are a bit more carefully regulated (plus, he was not going to pay taxes on all that ill-gotten money he was keeping for himself). He may well end up in prison with his hero Kent Hovind.

Is this a joke? If so, it is very funny.

If this is real, what kind of shape is VenomFangX in if his parents are taking control of an adult's action.

By Janine, OMnivore (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Zar @ 12 -

Do you have a source for that "donation fraud" info? I'd be very interested in following that story...

We don't like what somebody has said so we've banned him!? P.Z., only a couple of posts ago you were crying about thought crime, now you are crowing about some muppet whom you don't agree with having their site pulled.

This is bad, very bad. Ridicule the sap, rip him to pieces about being a dumb shit (he's a poor creationist apologetic plank - we can all agree). But taking delight in his dissenting voice being stiffled?

How long until they silence the voices of people educating evolution because they don't support/share their views? - Oh wait ... that's already happening.

Bad taste P.Z., very bad taste.

By HenryFord (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

"All this time we thought he was a powerful superbeing! Yet he was just a child..."

"He is not a child. He is THIRTY-FOUR!"

Ok PZ, I clicked on that damn link and now my mouse pointer has creationist website ick all over it. It's turning blue-brown in color and is starting to smell like cheese. What can be done about it?

Dear Henry Ford:

Your concern has been noted, Sir. Noted and completely disregarded.

Now fuck off you silly concern troll.

You must really want that iPod. I now have PTSD from watching that retarded nothing = nothing video. Makes CMT look like NOVA.

#12 Zar -

Don't BS us here. It sounds far too good to be true, though like any good Poe it just might be true.

I haven't seen one of VFX's bizarre, yet boring, YouTubes in ages. Did he really start soliciting donations AND get them from the "anything for Hate" crowd of KKKreationists and Xians?

By itspiningforth… (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Oh, and HenryFord, fuck you, you dishonest pool of fermenting scum.

By itspiningforth… (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

i wouldn't hold you're breath

In 3 days????? ring any bells?

Anyone, anyone? bueller? bueller?

I loved how thunderf00t made him read that apology (on cam) about his false accusations about thunderf00t's DMCA violations (among other things). The look on vfx's face was that of complete humiliation and submission. Outstanding.

@Kate - and a happy fuck you right back. Glad you revel in dissenting voices (even the voices of complete muppets) being stiffled. What a happy world you must live in.

By HenryFord (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

HenryFord, don't you have tracts of The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion to give away with subscriptions to the Dearborn Independent.

Bad taste, HenryFord, very bad taste.

By Janine, OMnivore (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

What's the probability that this was actually done by his parents and not by, say, a random hacker kid who was annoyed by him?

By Anton Mates (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

We don't like what somebody has said so we've banned him!

Not so, H.F. Just taking juvenile delight in his crash-and-burn.

"My mommy won't let me intertube anymore."

LMAO! Total bullshit! The truth will come out. It won't suprise me that he's a Thief For God™ as has already been brought up.

I have a feeling that this turn of events came about due to the potential legal ramifications of his donation fiasco. I am also skeptical of the claim that his parents were responsible for removing his website. It smells like CYA, to me. He'll be back, eventually.

Still, I will admit to exclaiming, "Holy Noodles," followed by a few moments of laughter.

@22: Hey! Take it easy on the pools of fermenting scum. My favorite beverages start out as pools of fermenting scum.

By littlejohn (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

This is bad, very bad. Ridicule the sap, rip him to pieces about being a dumb shit (he's a poor creationist apologetic plank - we can all agree). But taking delight in his dissenting voice being stiffled?

Um, lighten up? Did you actually read the message? He's being taken off the air by his parents! You don't get an image in your head of a furious mother pulling him along by the ear and slapping his head and scolding him for getting into trouble again?

The vile VenomfangX has turned out to be Dennis the Menace!

Geez, concern troll much?

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

funniest thing I've read this week.

@Kate - and a happy fuck you right back. Glad you revel in dissenting voices (even the voices of complete muppets) being stiffled. What a happy world you must live in.

If it's his parents, then no. It's not some grand conspiracy to stifle him. It's his parents being parents.

Lighten up francis.

He'll be back, eventually.

Yeah, like a wart.

Mr. Ford.:

I have no issue with dissent. I do, however, have an issue with hateful, willfully ignorant liars who attempt to manipulate laws to their own end.

So, I say again, take your concern and shove it right up your ass. It ought to fit next to your head, since your brainpan is obviously on the small side.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Maybe the YouTube asshole brigades will start retreating now that one of their most stalwart lying criminals is gone.

By Blue Fielder (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Seemed suspiciously like a hack/prank at first, but his YouTube account is gone too. I'm calling legit on this one.

RBDC @ 36

Say What?

vfx: ...but mom!!

"All this time we thought he was a powerful superbeing! Yet he was just a child..."

"He is not a child. He is THIRTY-FOUR!"

Haha, I can just imagine some greasy omnipotent creo kidnapping celebrities and forcing them to act in his YouTube videos with Fry and Leela.

And then he makes the fight!

Baa, sheep, baa!

You're as bad as the religious sometimes.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Apparently there are accusations he's been scamming people out of money. Video at that link.

Real name Shawn, VenomFangX was the YouTube screen-name of perhaps the most annoying kind of Christian creationist.
Shawn would regularly post videos in which he claimed to present proof that various scientific methods of establishing facts are flawed because they don’t take into account the kind of biblical literalism preached by convicted fraudster and Creation Science Evangelism ministry founder, Kent Hovind.
Initially Shawn enabled comments and video replies to his clips, later removing ones which refuted his claims. Then he simply disabled comments and video replies altogether.
A few months ago, Shawn launched his own website which included a PayPal donate button. In his YouTube videos he began requesting money for sick children. YouTube user dprjones did some digging around and discovered that Shawn had posted a video (which was later removed) in which he appeared to say that the donations were also to be used for his car payments and tuition.
dprjones also found that by soliciting donations for charity, Shawn was breaking the law by failing to declare himself a registered charity, under Canadian law. dprjones reported Shawn’s activities to the charity he claimed to be raising money for and presumably the Canadian authorities.
Today we’re greeted with the most welcome news that VenomFangX’s YouTube account has been “Closed” (as opposed to ’suspended’, suggesting VFX himself deleted the account) and that venomfangxsite.com has been taken off line, with a suspension notice suggesting that Shawn’s parents requested the site be closed down.
YouTube user FFreeThinker has posted a complete explanation of what VenomFangX has done to scam money from people:

LOL, classic! And he's hoist by his own petard, because, you know...he has to obey his parents. His own rules say so.

HenryFord: if Venom were being censored by the government or something, sure, that would be cause for outrage. But he's being censored by his parents like a little snotty-nosed brat. That's fucking classic :-D

He took his Youtube channel down because of death threats, but this really seems more like a hacker to me. Not being stereotypical about 50-somethings, but my parents sure wouldn't be able to modify a website like that.

Oh and even better there is a video at that link I posted with VFX's last post.

Claiming his parents recieved death threats from


Of course.
I'm frankly shocked they didn't choose atheists.

Either way, if the threats are real, that's lame and the people guilty of that should be prosecuted.

But i have my doubts.

Anon @43: Yes, we know, you're so much smarter than us and a better person, too - that's why you don't have enough balls to use a name. Pants-pissing coward.

By Blue Fielder (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

he will be sadly missed as will be the inane comments of his supporters on the youtubes...

By Porco Dio (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

If he has received threats from Muslims it wouldn't be a surprise. Between parroting Kent Hovind lectures (almost literally - right down to the timing and intonations) and repeating long-debunked arguments, he took the occasional dig at Islam too. His YT account had already been suspended a couple of times because of it. If it's not that then any of the other items on his rapidly growing list of misdemeanours, and in particular his dodgy charity donation promises, that is responsible. Whether this is the wishes of his parents or not, it would be the wisest thing he's ever done to disappear from the public eye for a while.

Oh crap, the crap is gone. Maybe he will somehow infiltrate Pharyngula and try to spread his insane religious venom here. If he does, he can always count on you know who, several of them, to infest this site with ready reenforcements of the deranged persuasion. Bring all your gods to bear for you will need(?) them to run roughshod over us. He doesn't have a prayer, and he doesn't stand a chance of survival.

Lord Hathor has been keeping tabs on our friend VFX for a while. The little shit jumped from one Paypal account to the next as Paypal caught on to his game and shut him down. The thing is, in order to set up multiple Paypal accounts you have to misrepresent your personal information, which involves lying to a bank. Very jail-y.

I'm not surprised that he's a fraudster, but I'm a little surprised he was so stupidly open about it. He obviously hasn't learned a thing from the whole false DMCA violations debacle. It's bizarre. I can't tell if he's just stupid or if he's genuinely mentally ill.

I'm surprised to see him back on Youtube. I doubt he'd voluntarily close his account just to open up a new one with the same name. I'm guessing Youtube finally shut him down and he is trying to get around it with his usual stealth and grace.

If he had voluntarily shut things down because of death threats from evil scary Muslims, why would he open up a new account right away? And why would his website bear the little message from his parents? The whole thing stinks. I sincerely doubt there were any death threats at all; this kid has shown time and time again that he is not trustworthy.

Even now Rupert Murdoch's mum is at the bottom of the stairs shouting "Rupert, if you've taken your father's video camera again to make those silly programmes, there will be trouble!"

We can dream...

By Last Hussar (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Allegedly, VFX setup a site (the Joomla one that is now offline) for his ministries (really, Shawn going out to the streets to try to sell Christianity and show people they're going to hell for any little thing if they don't convert) with a Donation button. With this site, he asked for donations to keep everything going (even though he lives with his rich parents who apparently pay his bills).

He promised that anything over $500 per month would be donated to the Sick Kids Foundation in Ontario. He even kept a live count of his donations until some big funds came in.

Then he switched to a number of donators and said that every donator past 500 per month would get $1 of their donation donated. This then got rescinded.

Several people on Youtube pointed out this shift and demanded Shawn make good. Shawn then showed that he donated $100 each to five charities, none of which were the Sick Kids Foundation.

Shawn also had both of the PayPal accounts closed he was using to solicit the donations. According to the Youtube person who provided these details, Paypal turned over all the information they had to the authorities local to Shawn (this all before his site and Youtube account were closed).

There's another VFX Youtube channel up if you add the numeral 1 to the end of the name. No one knows whether this is just an archive or Shawn returning to Youtube.

The Youtuber who put up videos showcasing Shawn's alleged fraud with details, including recorded conversations with Paypal and Sick Kids Foundation, is Lordhathor. His videos about Shawn are available here:


Please note: Accusations are based on Lordhathor's accounts of Shawn's activity. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.

By Christopher (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

He's back as VenomfangX1. Sigh. Given that the U.S. has a penchant for laws making parents responsible for damage done by their children, and given that there has been at least one murder-suicide with the murderer quoting VenomFangX and one fake charity scam set up by VenomFangX, his parents might be forgiven for putting a leetle tiny lock on the power cord of their kid's computer. (Many power cords have holes in the blades of the plug, which is useful for parents.)

littlejohn: My favorite beverages start out as pools of fermenting scum.

Slurm? Oh! You mean beer!

But taking delight in his dissenting voice being stiffled?

Glad you revel in dissenting voices (even the voices of complete muppets) being stiffled.

It's more triffling than stiffling. It could be worse, we could be armed with riffles!

By Emmet, OM (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

There's nothing to confirm whether the new "VenomFangX1" account was really set up by him, or by a supporter instead. A lot of people mirrored his vids because he had a habit of deleting them (particularly when called on his bullshit). The "new" account isn't disabling comments or video responses like the "old" one did (the owner of the VFX1 account has disabled ratings, but the original VFX used to enable ratings, give himself 5 stars, then disable further ratings so only the 5-star rating showed up in search results).

Classic. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

By Edward Lark (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I wonder if "Henry Ford" is posting with his mommy and daddy's internet connection, too?

By Naked Bunny wi… (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I have a weird feeling that this isn't real. It sounds more like the MO of a hacker who thought it would be a hilarious joke (it is hilarious).

Interesting. So VFX was forced to apologize (online), 1 of his avid followers went apeshit & shot someone, & now not only are his parents shutting down his site, but he may have to move out (he lives w/them), as they don't share his views.
10$ says he plays the watered-down martyr card very very soon.

I KNEW venomfangx was Canadian. I couldn't really confirm it though. I suggested he was long ago because of his accent and reference to the Swiss Chalet but nobody believed me on the Dawkins forum.

Anyway, I hope he gets all the best therapy socialized medicine can provide.

Oh, I only wish that the inane blatherings of VenomFangX were nothing more than the spoutings of a legal minor, whose parents have finally decided to save him from himself while there's still time.

Rev. Big Dumb Chimp,

Man, that is one disturbing bit of video, given the outcome.

I will refrain from editorial comments at this time, except to convey dismay and condolence for the young lady and her friends and family.

Man, that is one disturbing bit of video, given the outcome.

I will refrain from editorial comments at this time, except to convey dismay and condolence for the young lady and her friends and family.

Yep that guy was pretty prevalent on video responses to VFX. He's was obviously seriously disturbed. But it made me wonder if that was what spawned VFX's parents to yank his access.

If the other info above is true, then obviously that's not the reason.

I KNEW venomfangx was Canadian

When I saw mention of Navan, google started showing up South Australia - phew, that was far too close for comfort

By Peter McKellar (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

While I can't say I agree with Anonymous's post, yours isn't much better either. Firstly, your username is meaningless to me. Heck, even your real name probably wouldn't mean anything to me, so you're just as anonymous as he is. Secondly, even if I knew you, your post would then be an ad hominem.

By Anonymous Coward (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Essentially the website and his youtube account were used to perpetrate a fraud so he had no choice but to shut them down.

I highly doubt his parents shut down his site he more likely did that himself and the whole message from his parents thing is an excuse that fits in with his whole "evil Muslims are after my family!" excuse as that is better for him then to come out and say "I had to shut these down because I am liable for defrauding a charity".

He has made claims of death threats several times before he closes his account for a few days uses that opportunity to scrub it of now embarrassing videos and then comes back again. He did something similar when he filed the false dmca claims and lied through his teeth about being threatened and blackmailed and such. After that was exposed as the crap it was he just came back like nothing happened so I would not be surprised if it's something similar here he will use the death threat thing as an excuse to get rid of the record of his fraud and try and return as if it never happened but hopefully this time he will finally face some servos legal repercussions for trying to scam people.

His Youtube account is closed but you can view it via the Google cache. The preview image for his last video reads:

"This is VenomFangX.
My parents received death threats
in the mail today directly addressed to
them by name, from Muslims.
They have said unless I stop posting
videos, they are going to kill my family.
I am in contact with the police,
and am attempting to weigh the options.
I may have to move out.
My parents do not support my religious views.
Please keep me in your prayers.
I do not want to stop posting on Youtube,
but right now is a scary time.
Thanks for understanding,
I have never intended to offend or insult
anyone elses beliefs. I'm sorry
if I have offended anyone."


What bullshit. Never intended to offend or insult anyone? I've seen his anti-muslim vids. Any idiot could have seen that it would piss them off. Now you know what atheists have to put up with dear christian.

By He11razor (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Are we sure this isn't some hacker's work? I mean, the idea of VFX's parents shutting him down is just too hilarious--it sounds just like the kind of thing a mischievous hacker would do.

@48 and @54

The VenomFangX1 channel is almost certainly not him. The videos on that channel are all old ones. All his videos were previously mirrored because of his habit of censoring comments and deleting videos for purposes of fair commentary and rating. VFX1 is likely just a subscriber of his trying to create a pro-VFX mirror channel.

By theinquisitor (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

@78, his parents were likely receiving legal complaints due to numerous youtubers who complained about his charity fraud to the authorities.

I suspect they threatend to take away all his luxury and stop paying for everything for him if he didn't comply with their wishes. He started this charity fraud stuff in the first place because he lost his job.

Check the youtube channel dprjones for several videos describing his descent into self-annihilation.

By theinquisitor (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

You have to remember that venomfang is a classic sociopath. Whatever he says is going to be a lie.

I doubt the parent story expecially if he is 34. They had to know there was something wrong with him decades ago.

Speaking of which, don't assume his parents are normals who think his creationist and scam for money schtick is way out there. The way these things work, they could think he was too liberal and moderate and skipped too many Canadian KKK meetings, especially the target practice sessions.

Raven, he isn't 34. That was a reference to Futurama. I'm guessing he's around 20.

How old is he again?

There is a comment on one of the videos about the alleged charity fraud to him “going to jail before his 27th birthday” and Googling turns up references to him being 23 or 24 (maybe older comments though), so it seems like 25±2 is a reasonable estimate.

By Emmet, OM (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Someone said he was using the donations to pay for his car and his tuition. He must be in one of those fancy middle schools.

I doubt the Moslem death threat story too. There is a simple, standard procedure for these. Turn them over to the local police and the FBI or RCMP. At least in the USA, death threats are felonies and the feds can and do send people to prison for them.

The christofascists have become the lunatic fringes. They are so desperate for martyrs, heroes, and spokespeople that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel and the mental institutions. Look at who they have found noteworthy:

1. Miss California, a silicon implant babe who is incapable of telling the truth. Her claim to fame is that she looks good undressed and hates gays.

2. VenomfangX, just a malevolent form of mental illness.

3. Joe the not plumber, unemployed former welfare recipient wanted on a warrant from Arizona (traffic violation or some such).

4. McCain and Palin, the zombie and the moron.

5. This could go on for a long time. So where is this mythological xian morality? The electron microscopists are complaining, They've looked and looked and found nothing. They want to move on to more interesting stuff like viruses and organelles.

What, isn't that iPod competition over yet? Eric Hovind didn't promise the iPod in the iAfterLife, did he?

By MadScientist (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Yarcofin @56

He took his Youtube channel down because of death threats, but this really seems more like a hacker to me. Not being stereotypical about 50-somethings, but my parents sure wouldn't be able to modify a website like that.

I have kids his age (and older!), and I'm quite capable of modifying a website like that.

#74 Posted by Anonymous Coward on May 8, 2009 8:28 PM

While I can't say I agree with Anonymous's post, yours isn't much better either. Firstly, your username is meaningless to me. Heck, even your real name probably wouldn't mean anything to me, so you're just as anonymous as he is. Secondly, even if I knew you, your post would then be an ad hominem.

You're probably right about that ad hominem. I mean, after all, calling a spade a spade is an ad hominem, right? No?

Anyway, Blue Fielder left bread crumbs you could follow, as I have, if you want to learn more about them. So, perhaps Blue Fielder isn't nearly as effectively anonymous.

I understand entirely why some would want to post anonymously. Given the context here, though, I have to reason to respect those doing so.


It's good to know there are some responsible parents out there. All his youtube videos are gone, his website gone, he's probably grounded for a month.

I want to send his mom a Mother's Day gift.

I want to send his mom a Mother's Day gift.

I suggest a message of sincere condolences.

Seems to me that venomfangx's parents could simply require him to post the note that they disagree with him. They don't need to silence him. Bit draconian, that. They'll make him into a martyr for sure. Besides, the kid is old enough to make his own mistakes.

Venomfangx's parents are not a university granting him tenure. Plus, it's extremely difficult to spin "My parents are yanking my internet access because I'm wasting their bandwidth antagonizing people for Jesus" as a case of martyrdom.

Taken off line by his PARENTS!

Oh, please, stop it! I can't take much more of this!


Please tell me it's a Poe! Pleeeeeezzzzzzzeeeeeeeee!!!111 one ONE O1Ne

Did he go to bed without dessert, too?

By Kevin Schreck (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Who's been a naughty boy......

I wonder how much input Mommy and Daddy had to Venomfangx's apology to Thunderf00t? I can easily see them saying "and if you get in trouble again with this creationist shit, the plug will be pulled on your computer. Since we're paying for broadband, we can just put a stop to your computer usage."

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Maybe the whole incident with that other crazy fundie youtuber who committed murder-suicide got VFX's parents worried.

Seems to me that venomfangx's parents could simply require him to post the note that they disagree with him. They don't need to silence him. Bit draconian, that. They'll make him into a martyr for sure. Besides, the kid is old enough to make his own mistakes.

Come on.

The kid is in his 20's and is still living with them. If I had kids that mooched off me into their 20s and weren't in college I'd have some serious rules.


If, as has been purported, he is living with his parents past the age of majority, the parents have created this (very ugly) mess, by allowing this child-in-adult-body too much free time.

"Here you go, son, three months rent and a thousand bucks. Good luck. Shall I help you pack?"

In the meantime there is another fucking stupid poll (H/t to Jim Lippard via Facebook that must be pharyngulated.

the question
Do you think that having a National Day of Prayer violates the separation of church and state?

By Mike Haubrich, FCD (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

HenryFord: Your screenname name wouldn't have anything to do with the Community College where Anthony Powell killed himself and another student, would it?

Oh. Wow. Wow. Wow.

It's Christmas in July!

Is there a petition, or better yet an online poll, where the public can register support for Ma & Pa VenomFangX posting a video of the actual spanking?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

#73: He mentioned Navan?! Crap, I hope it's not the Navan in the Ottawa region. That would mean he lives near my place! Bleh.

By Finchster (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I'm probably going to wait until the smoke clears to figure out what's really going on.

But I'll go ahead and put forth my speculation: I imagine that if his parents are indeed the ones taking him off, it's because of the prospect of more legal trouble from his dubious donation scheme. Given what I've seen of VFX, I imagine there could be some sort of trouble he's causing in meatspace as well as cyberspace.

This is not a free speech issue. VFX is a fraud, a liar, and a thief, just like his God. Kent Hovind.

Free speech rights do not extend to inciting violence (which one could argue some of this punk's videos did) or fraudulent schemes. VFX's actions certainly fall in the latter category. Soliciting donations on behalf of an organization and pocketing them is not just illegal. It's fucking vile.

I sincerely hope that he is facing severe legal repercussions as well as the wrath of his parents.

My guess reading the comments is that venomfangX is just a conman sociopath and his hero is Kent Hovind.

There is always money to be made skinning the morons. PT Barnum said it many years ago, "There is a sucker born every minute."

Hovind never bothered with facts, it was all just over the top rhetoric and one scheme after the other. Unfortunately for him, his lack of ethics included not paying taxes which is why he is in prison.

If VFX was a little smarter, he might realize that Hovind did not come to a good end. If he was a lot smarter, he could just get some education and get a real job. Expain it again, where is that xian morality hiding anyway?

#106 Which makes me wonder if venomfangX declared the, uh, "gift" income from his little scam to the Canadian revenue folks...

By Blue-eyed Videot (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

It appears Vemonfangx just came back with a new channel on YouTube:


Which shows all the more what a liar and a coward he is, as well as disobedient to his parents.

Fuck him!

By Dale Husband (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

In re: the iPod Creationist site - did anybody notice that the Web Of Trust add-on for Firefox rates that site as untrustworthy?

By Chakolate (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Good grief, I'd hate to be the parent of this kid. He's gotten himself so much trouble we don't even know for sure why his YouTube account and website are down.

Is it because one of his fans committed murder/suicide? Is it from threats he has received from offending Muslims? Is it from soliciting donations under false pretenses?

Hey, VFX, get your shit together. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to make YouTube videos in jail.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

To: VenomFangX's parents

You win the internet. Have an amazing day!

I figured it out.

He deliberately wanted to get caught with the paypal scheme. After being caught he would be sentenced to the Federal Correctional Institution, Edgefield in Edgefield, South Carolina, where Kent Hovind is currently being held.
Now before being sent to prison VFX will tattoo various bible verses onto his body like "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." and "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves".

Once in contact with Hovind the two will pray together and Jesus will beam them out of there. Then, Burns and Smithers Hovind and VFX will be free!

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I am curious about his parents.

Yes, I am!

I thought VFX was older than that.

Which makes this even more hilarious.

By Citizen of the… (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Sheesh, I was kinda waiting him to crash and burn, but I didn't expect that it would happen so soon. Well, I guess reality has a way of sneaking up on you when you spend enough time in laalaa-land.

Funny isn't it that in the end it wasn't Kent Hovind's crazy beliefs that proved to be his undoing, but his skepticism towards Federal Income Taxes?

Guess it is true that sometimes you need a little faith to get by. :)

To anyone concerned about VFX's mental state, just watch this brilliant video from TheraminTrees on YouTube. It's entitled "Illision of Superiority" and is fantastically well done.


By Mephistopheles (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I always thought he was really cute. I felt dirty for a while for thinking he was (and not fun-dirty), but I figure it would freak him out endlessly so just happily got on with it.

Being gay can be wierdly satisfying.

Yeah, VenomFangX1 is not him. It's just a mirror. Everyone chill out. He's posted no new videos, and all of the old videos he's posted have been low-quality versions that he downloaded from YouTube users like venomfangxmirror, etc. (The original versions of VFX's most recent videos were HD because he managed to mooch an HD video camera off someone.) It's not him, just some fucktard fan who's archiving his videos on an identical channel.

By Bueller_007 (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Holy shit that's funny.

my first reaction was a guess that it was hacked. I just find it hard to believe that someone could have become this deluded without an environment that is conducive to that sort of thing. Granted he's not exactly a heavy hitter mentally, but I also dont think some random fundie would be able to take him for a ride like that without his parents trying to stop this sort of thing long before the point it's reached

This site was and still a HACK JOB... Get it?! HAHAHA!!

No way it was his parents. Religion belief usually runs in the family. His site was broken into.

Now that I looked up the phrase "hack job" I see it's not a really good joke but we'll have to make do.

By Anonymous Coward (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

I'm suspicious here. Who has parents that know how to close down a Joomla site? They need to know the admin password for starters. Venomfangx can easily recover the password and re-open the site. Looks like an inside job to me. This is venomfang himself, not spanked by ma and pa,at all, but spanking himself while they watch. Pwned!

OT but part of Fundies Do The Dumbest Things.

Ohio Christian school tells student to skip prom
Fri May 8, 12:05 pm ET
FINDLAY, Ohio – A student at a fundamentalist Baptist school that forbids dancing, rock music, hand-holding and kissing will be suspended if he takes his girlfriend to her public high school prom, his principal said.

Despite the warning, 17-year-old Tyler Frost, who has never been to a dance before, said he plans to attend Findlay High School's prom Saturday.

Frost, a senior at Heritage Christian School in northwest Ohio, deleted for length
If Frost is involved with alcohol or sex at the prom, he will be expelled, England said.

Not seeing much future for a cult that forbids dancing, rock music, hand holding, kissing, alcohol, or sex to teen agers. Maybe it is just me.

Not seeing much future for a cult that forbids dancing, rock music, hand holding, kissing, alcohol, or sex to teen agers

Yeah but by the time the kids figure it out the cult will still have robbed them of years of their lifes they could have spent having fun and developing their personality.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

Most puzzling part of the close-down notice is it apparently has active checkboxes for name, password etc.

i've come across this little weiner before. i used to do parodies of his vids.

his parents are both atheist to my knowledge. he's brought it up a few times in his vids.

his parents are both atheist to my knowledge. he's brought it up a few times in his vids.

VFX is a sociopath. Anything he says is likely to be a lie and certain to be self serving. They may or may not be atheists but you will never get the truth from one such. Best to disbelieve everything and hope he lives a long ways away. Like maybe in Canada or Siberia. It is a funde xian thing, you wouldn't understand.

He's not a creationist. He's just a naughty boy!

Raven @126...

Not seeing much future for a cult that forbids dancing, rock music, hand holding, kissing, alcohol, or sex to teen agers.

I never did any of that evil hand holding stuff at my prom, and just look how I turned out!

*intentional vagueness is intentional*

By BobbyEarle (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink

i've come across this little weiner before. i used to do parodies of his vids.

his parents are both atheist to my knowledge. he's brought it up a few times in his vids.


From long experience, I've realized that one must be very, very careful in believing theists who claim anyone else is an atheist.

To some of these theists, an atheist is:

1) Theists who aren't Christian.

2) A person who is of a different Christian sect.

3) A person who is of the same sect, but does not attend the same church.

4) Wiccans and New Agers and the like (most theists of VFX's ilk don't think Wicca is a religion; ergo, Wiccans aren't theists).

5) Christians who support secular humanism.

6) All liberals. And some moderates, too.

7) Anyone who disagrees with them.

and finally, 8) Actual atheists and agnostics.

I won't take that lying little shit's word for anything. Unless his parents state otherwise, I won't speculate about their beliefs or lack thereof.

But it would be the ultimate irony if his parents are real atheists. There he is, old enough to support himself, and he's mooching off his rich atheist parents.

Funny someone here mentioned sociopathy. Some time ago I wondered if VFX was actually susceptible to suicide. That is not a fun thing to wonder, but his behaviour seemed to indicate that to me.

He said in one video that he didn't just believe the Bible to be true. He *knew* it to be true. And if he ever is able to acknowledge that the NT is in fact not inerrant, he may choose death over the embarassment.

on the one hand, good riddance. that guy is just plain obnoxious.

on the other... he's just a kid, guys.

By arachnophilia (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Yarcofin | May 8, 2009 7:42 PM

He took his Youtube channel down because of death threats, but this really seems more like a hacker to me. Not being stereotypical about 50-somethings, but my parents sure wouldn't be able to modify a website like that.


By druidbros (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

on the one hand, good riddance. that guy is just plain obnoxious.
on the other... he's just a kid, guys.

He's in his mid twenties. He put himself out there.

FUCK him.




Mid twenties and his parents can take down his web site? Wow, hella lame.

By woodstein312 (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

All those IDiots going down in flames one after the other makes me almost believe in a higher power. Call it reason.

Don't forget the reason he started his "charity drive" in the first place.

He got fired from his job at Blockbuster...for offering free Kent Hovind DVDs that he had burnt to customers.


I'm suspicious here. Who has parents that know how to close down a Joomla site?

My daughter, for one. It's almost as if some of you think knowing Joomla blocks reproductive capability (and if any of you get a federal grant for such a study, I want my share!). My reasoning that this was not done by his parents is that if they truly want to shut him off, they could have as easily erased the entire thing. The whole three day notice thing rings false to me, especially now that it seems he's back at youtube with a slightly embellished name.

I believe VenomFangX's parents are Jewish and they disliked him when he became atheist (after learning about evolution in Hebrew school) and even more when he became Christian (after he learned about creationism from a Kent Hovind seminar).
I remember VenomfangX receing death threats from atheists and muslims before and even being a victim of flagging campaigns by muslims. It is sad that this mess spilled over to his parents and this anti-Christian bigotry is horrible. I wonder what he is going to do now that his job manager fired him for watching "expelled" while at work and he does not not have his contributors on youtube as a soure of income.

By Ineffable (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Publicity stunt maybe.

By felixthecat (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Ineffable, what color is the sky in your world?

Is there a sun? A moon?

Seriously--you have the most deranged interpretation of the events in VFX's life of anyone who's ever lived. Not a single thing you spewed remotely resembles reality.

Get help.


You guys should check this out. It is an excellent video on the history of the Democratic Party.
More here
The history of the Domccrat Party really scared me I can't believe they supported slavery and the Ku Klux Klan and depriving black people of their rights while good republicans like Abraham Lincoln tried to end slavery and give rights to freed slaves. One interesting thing Barton did was drawing a comparison between how the Democrats wanted to kill black people and deprive them of civil rights to how Democrats support killing unborn babies and depriving them of their rights to live nowadays.
Are we seeing history repeat itself? We better learn from history and our mistakes.

By Ineffable (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

If VFX is using Mommy's home and computer to conduct illegal activities then Mom and Dad could find themselves in the same cell along with him. Not to mention running afoul of whatever forfeiture laws Canada has.

Ineffable @145 & 148
Lookout, the kooks are really coming out of the woodwork now!

...The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. The demons begin to stir.
(Carl Sagan)

By Beelzebub (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Someone please tell me No 145 is a Poe.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

It's not anything to do with kooks #150
It has to do with a historian named David Barton and a PBS history special.

By Ineffable (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Yes, Ineffable, back in the 1850s the Democratic Party was the pro-slavery party and the Republicans were the anti-slavery party. How from 1860 to 1920 the two parties switched positions is quite interesting, but that story is too long to put in a YouTube video.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Great. One of the tinfoil hat crowd has snuck out of the short bus to pay us a visit.

Whose turn is it to get the hose?

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

His parents... Ah ha ha ha ha ahaaaaaaa

Fucking Ineffable ignores the fact that many old line Democrats left the party in the wake of LBJ's embracing of Civil Rights and the Republican Party's use of the Southern Strategy in 1968. Fucking Ineffable is also ignoring the fact that currently, the Republican Party strongholds is basically the old Confederate states.

This is to be expected, one has to edit old real life in order to compare Jim Crow laws to being pro-choice. Fucking Ineffable, go back to Freepland. Or find a medieval town where people are still using the RRC's version of Aristotelian science and will be wowed by Aquinas.

By Janine, OMnivore (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

It's my understanding that his parents are Jewish, so maybe he considers them "atheist" for not believing in Jesus? Also, I always thought he was like...18 or 19. He seems very young.

By Claudia83 (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

a historian named David Barton

David Barton Bio

David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage...David was named by Time magazine as one of America's 25 most influential evangelicals....

Nope, no agenda there.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

'Tis Himself, that switch took part in the from the late 1960's through 1980. Just remember, it was a Democrat, Wilson who segregated the federal government and praised Birth Of A Nation. And when Strom Thurman ran for the Senate on a pro lynching platform in 1948, he was a Democrat.

By Janine, OMnivore (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

It has to do with a historian named David Barton

David Barton is not a historian. He holds no academic credentials in history, and his work has been panned by actual historians. He is a propagandist, pure and simple.

Posted by: HenryFord | May 8, 2009 7:22 PM

@Kate - and a happy fuck you right back. Glad you revel in dissenting voices (even the voices of complete muppets) being stiffled. What a happy world you must live in.

Better trolls please. This one lacks even the basics of reading comprehension as it was CLEAR that it was his PARENTS that shut his site down. Probably for being an embarrassing ass. Like you.

And, btw, if my daughter acted half the ass of VenomfangX, it'd go a lot worse than losing a website. His kind of abrasive stupidity (like yours) has no worthwhile place in our society and should not be coddled.

@ 161,

This one lacks even the basics of reading comprehension as it was CLEAR that it was his PARENTS that shut his site down. Probably for being an embarrassing ass. Like you.

Even after 161 posts on the matter I am not convinced and have seen no definitive proof that it was his parents who shut the site down.
So go easy on the insults.

By Rorschach (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

(in my best Nelson Muntz voice) HA HA!

ladies, gentlement, and multiforms. i had only vaguely known of this young man until this thread. after watching some of his videos i can only conclude that he is Peter Popoff's love child.
I would be surprised if this guy, assuming his parents have taken him to therapy for his mental disturbances, he shows up again, maybe hawking some magic water to buy or a cause to support.

he is kinda cute, but then so are many pyschopaths i've met, it's the staring eyes.

Here is a short essay about David Barton. It seems he has a history of speaking to white rights group (Oops! Ineffable, you know nothing of the people you try to site.) as well as making up quotes.

By Janine, OMnivore (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

It is easy to tell that Shawn/VFX/PCS is lying AGAIN about "death threats" as if it were true one could find evidence in police logs or news reports from his home town of Toronto.

As none exist, neither do the threats. The most likely explaination is his fradulent use of charity names in order to make money to pay for his car, food, porn?, that already forced him to shut down one of his PayPal accounts.

I expect Shawn to appear again soon with requests for money again.

By ScientiaPerceptum (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

He was a total idiot and should be laughed at in the way in which he largely was.

I'm not in favor of anyone being forcibly silenced, shame on those who think that would be a good thing if others silence him. Thought police!

In this case I think it is unlikely it is his parents as unless they are paying for it i don't think the could take it off without his consent. My guess would be that its either as a result of his aleged fraudulent activity or he did it himself.

By Prosthetic Head (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

I'm not in favor of anyone being forcibly silenced, shame on those who think that would be a good thing if others silence him. Thought police!

It's far more likely that his getting shut down has more to do with the real police than the thought police. If he's using their internet connection, any legal trouble young VFX brought on himself could also be visited on his parents.


It was a little earlier than that. Remember it was Kennedy who forceably desegregated schools in the south, and it was Truman who desegregated the Army.

There was a big split in the Democratic party through the 50s and 60s, with the southern Democrats (Wallace, et al) becoming the Dixiecrats in opposition to desegregation and civil right.

DaveL, you're probably right about that, if he's been committing real fraud through that site then it has to go.
It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth if its been taken down solely for the ideas he expresses, much as i think he is very wrong and idiotic. - too may people here seem to think that would be good.

By Prosthetic Head (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Posted by: windy @ 16 " "All this time we thought he was a powerful superbeing! Yet he was just a child..." "He is not a child. He is THIRTY-FOUR!"

According to someone at Atheist Nexus he is in his very early 20's.

By Katkinkate (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Aquaria's point #4

Wiccans and New Agers and the like (most theists of VFX's ilk don't think Wicca is a religion; ergo, Wiccans aren't theists).

Then it's doubly ironic that such theists also regard Atheism as being a religion.

It has to do with a historian named David Barton and a PBS history special.

Barton was told by gawd to go out & prove that America was indeed founded as an xtian nation. Subsequently, said self-appointed historian has been caught multiple times quote mining, speech and quote creating, and in short, lying and pulling 'history' out of his ass.
About a level 4 Dominionist, who belongs in the Liars Club Hall of Fame.

Posted by: windy @ 16 " "All this time we thought he was a powerful superbeing! Yet he was just a child..." "He is not a child. He is THIRTY-FOUR!"

According to someone at Atheist Nexus he is in his very early 20's.

I think Windy was quoting Futurama

ineffable the braindead kook:

I believe VenomFangX's parents are Jewish....
I remember VenomFangX said....

You don't know anything about VFX. The guy is a pathological liar of dubious sanity so anything he says is a lie without outside reliable corroboration. The death threat story isn't even a very good lie, unbelievable.

Not very bright and gullible aren't you? It takes a shallow thinker to believe VFX or that the earth is 6,000 years old.

The Democrats have some very old skeletons in their closet. They cleaned them out and guess where the white supremacists, and racists went? The GOP, now known as the Theothuglican party. Even an idiot could figure this out. The base of the 23% of voters left in the party is mostly in the OLD CONFEDERACY, you know the South.

America has lots of skeletons in the closet. We used to hang witches when the xians were running lose. The Indians used to own this whole continent. Twice we elected a moron named Bush as president. Best to learn from your mistakes and move on.Why are fundie xians always so ignorant, dumb, and dishonest? Are these the 11th thru 13th commandments?

As others have pointed out, he is in his early 20s, lives at home and can't hold a job.

I'm with his parents. He can get a job, move out, and run whatever web drivel he wants, but until then, no toys. And if he is under investigation for fraud, it goes doubly so.

As to getting his password, he may not have been bright enough to remember it and used autocomplete or an encrypted post it note. Or his parents could have demanded it from him. Just saying that it doesn't have to be a lie, despite his previous propensity for dishonesty.

By Robster, FCD (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

HAH!!! A creepy KID!


Gotta wonder where those "parents" have been all this time. You suppose they've been making sure to bring up baby properly?

By astrounit (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Windy #16 - "He is not a child. He is THIRTY-FOUR!"

Maybe he's 50. Who knows? But he still needs to have his diapers changed.

Oh, what's a parent with a "special gifted" child to do...

By astrounit (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Thunderf00t's recent videos suggests that he has but a weak voice without VenomfangX.

Long live VenomfangX!!!

By bunnycatch3r (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink


Maybe that's part of the appeal of "Ditchkins"? Feagletosh trying to be a cargo-cult Thunderf00t?

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Nah, Thunderf00t's videos are good with or without VFX - only a handful of the WDPLAC videos have directly taken on VFX's arguments. Any creationist nonsense seems to make fine grist for Tf00t's mill. His earlier videos were read from a script, and he seems a bit less dynamic when he's playing it off-the-cuff, as he does in his recent ones (see also his "beautyintheuniverse" tour of America series, where he also rambles somewhat).

I'm sure tf00t will be able to find some other creationist idiot.

Perhaps this is a good time to remember the many strawmen who gave their lives in the production of his youtube videos.

By SquidBrandon (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

I'm in intrigued by how someone can be "stiffled;" must be some new netspeak :-)

By Faithful Reader (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink


We did VenomFangX awhile ago on our site. In fact it was the episode with the Bullshitometer.


That is full of win...subscribed!

// I tried watching vfx straight up, and got ill. Your "reworking" makes them watchable! Thanks!

By maddogdelta (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

This thread is getting curiouser and curiouser.

Twice we elected a moron named Bush as president.

Did you?

Probably not even once...


By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

Ain't that great? :-)

By Arthur van Haarlem (not verified) on 09 May 2009 #permalink

VenomFangX based his YouTube identity on Creationist dogma, arrogance and questionable charity initiatives, much to the irritation and fascination of the atheist and scientific communities. For whatever reason, he made his mark on YouTube and his departure has caused quite a stir; the responses and pwning were legendary. He was pwned by the best, int. al. Thunderf00t and Richard Dawkins. It now looks like he is taking time out to re-invent himself. Who knows, perhaps he will "see the light" and one day be born again on YouTube as a Darwinian atheist with an increased critical thinking approach. It would be the next intellectual evolutionary step and, let's face it, wouldn't it be funny?

@Rev. BigDumbChimp: (#139)

He's in his mid twenties. He put himself out there. FUCK him.

oh. in that case, nevermind. dude's babyfaced.

but seriously? fired from blockbuster? parents canned his website? this guy's a bigger loser than i am and that's saying a lot.

oh, and, "if only this were failblog, and the tv would fall on him." classic.

By arachnophilia (not verified) on 10 May 2009 #permalink

oh. in that case, nevermind. dude's babyfaced.

but seriously? fired from blockbuster? parents canned his website? this guy's a bigger loser than i am and that's saying a lot.

Oh he's a loser. But the whole scamming people for cash thing adds a whole new twist. Being a loser is one thing. Being loser who scams people is a whole other level of suck.

Ow. Ow. I think I hurt myself laughing!