Dear Pat

Just what we need: relationship advice from Pat Robertson.

In case you don't want to watch it, it's very simple. In any relationship with an atheist, just remember that he or she is of Belial, and serves Satan. He or she will suck your soul down and destroy you. So he may be a nice guy and all, but back off and curse him to hell.


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What a crock of shit. The old fool forgets the verses in the holy babble that say the unbeliever is scantified by the believer. Moron.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

He or she will suck your soul down and destroy you.

And eat your babies and kill your kittens.

Seriously, why is this demented, deranged, decrepit kook given any credibility? Is it because he wears a suit? Is it because of his age? I bet this guy carries on active conversations with dead people when he's all alone at home wringing his hands over the gays and the second coming.

Pat is spreading the love-gospel ones more.. Pathetic

Moronistic advice from a moron ... and he calls himself Christian. Bwahhahahaha!

No wonder youth in USA are moving away from these morons.

By Joe Cracker (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

what's with religious nuts thinking that atheists serve satan? we don't believe in any of their crap.

"There is no peace, no middle ground" where Pat Robertson is concerned. This creep is an advocate of murder, torture, theocracy, American hegemony, genocide -- and opposed to everything sane and humane.

By Riman Butterbur (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Interesting situation. While it's almost axiomatic that Pat Robertson is insane and evil, I've got to wonder, is there really much possibility of long-term compatibility between an atheist and someone who would actually turn to Pat Robertson for relationship advice?

I know they've been together for four years, so maybe, but still, I gotta have my doubts...


Seriously, why is this demented, deranged, decrepit kook given any credibility? Is it because he wears a suit? Is it because of his age? I bet this guy carries on active conversations with dead people when he's all alone at home wringing his hands over the gays and the second coming.

didn't you notice? Look at his hair! That should be all the credibility you need!

By maddogdelta (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

And she finishes off saying "that's so true, that's so true". Any other interviewer, Christian or not, would have reacted with "hmmm.. moving quickly on then-" But not in this studio.

Hmm, is that perhaps judging an atheist? I seem to recall some personage saying something about judging.

By Gruesome Rob (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Fair enough. That's what he believes and he says it straight up and without apology or equivocation.

But now that one of the most prominent American Christian leaders has described atheists in the most unflattering way possible (what, I ask you, could be worse in Christian eyes than serving Satan?), I don't see how anyone can be offended whatsoever by any criticism of Christianity.

"That is so true, that is so true..." baaah... disgusting, but hey, if she falls for it and leaves her fiancee, it might be for the better anyway. I mean, even I know who that guy is, and she is actually asking him for advice? And on television?

And his accent. You can always tell an authoritative christian because he or she is southern. No accent, must be an ageht of the devil.

And don't even get me started on those dang furriners...

// what a tool

By maddogdelta (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Excuse me, but I serve no one. I'm my own evil master.

Mmm. Souls.

By Michelle R (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Yeah, I love that "That's so true. That's so true."

Talk about being brainwashed.

Critical thinking? No, thanks.

Now, if you will excuse me, Belial is calling.


Any other interviewer, Christian or not, would have reacted with "hmmm.. moving quickly on then-"

Well... when I went to church, this was pretty much the standard position. Christians shouldn't date non-Christians. If somebody in the church was dating a non-Christian, they would be approached by someone in the church.

If an atheist guy has been in a relationship with a Christian woman (of the type that would write to Pat Robertson for advice), he has already made many compromises and has probably bent over backwards to respect his girlfriend's views. The girlfriend, on the other hand, cannot compromise. For such a relationship to succeed, one of the partners has to be the adult, be all-forgiving, be all-loving...and it's not the Christian.

@MS #8, I thought of the same thing, but who are we to judge? Maybe they are able to mostly avoid the topic?

Of course, it also occurs to me that the person asking the question was fabricated so that Robertson could decree the immorality of atheisexual marriage...

Bah, who knows. Anyway, if it's true, and they get along, hell, more power to them (though I feel bad for the kids...)

By James Sweet (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

That exact advice is what made me break up with a boyfriend when I was a teenager. Thanks, God!
(not that it would have lasted, but it was pretty traumatic at the time)

How can someone think that Pat Robertson is someone capable of finding any middle ground? Who thinks these thoughts?

Lord almighty. We wouldn't want Christians engaging in any sort of fellowship with their compatriots. It might lead to dancing!

By Furious_Six_Cl… (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

I'm dreaming here, but there's a chance that this girl might think, "wait a minute, I've known this guy for years and what Pat is saying is clearly wrong. I wonder what other sage wisdom my religious leaders have gotten wrong..."

Yeah, ok. Couldn't make it through typing that without laughing, but I tried.

You people better get to work!

I unfortunately live within walking distance of where this was filmed. I have to drive by CBN several times a week because of school, AND I have to live with the fact that my dad actually works for Mr. Robertson. Woe is me!

By meursault (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

.... If I'm serving satan or whatever belal is, then where's my freaking paycheck?!

Who in their right mind would ask Pat Robertson advice? If the person really did ask that question and write into the show, which I doubt, then they deserve the idiot things that come to them. I'll bet it isn't even a real letter. He's right though. When she gets fundie, can't get past the undies.

By Barklikeadog (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

That bit just makes me sick. I can't believe people like that get to go on air. What the fuck is wrong with your country? (I know it's not up to you individuals)

By Vorvadoss (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

is there really much possibility of long-term compatibility between an atheist and someone who would actually turn to Pat Robertson for relationship advice?

I was thinking that myself. If this guy's fiancee dumps him based on Pat Robertson's assertion that he serves the devil...well that's a big damn bullet to dodge. And if she doesn't dump him... well chalk one up for the good guys (i.e. those of us, believer and non, who can live and let live).

And Pat needs to ask himself "who is my neighbour"? But I doubt he is that introspective, or truly faithful to Jesus.

My situation is not so bad. I'm an agnostic, she's a crystal-wavin' wiccan-chantin' astrologly-lovin' dingbat. But I love her, so I put up with her woo.

Pat needs to get laid a whole lotta more.

By Connochaetes (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

What was "Roni" expecting from this god-botherer? She reminds me of the people who used to call Dr. Laura's show for advice on their gay relationships. Hilarity (on my side of the radio) usually ensued!

By Tom Coward (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Gotta love his affirmative-action bimbo chick he has at his beck and call. "That's so true!" "Absolutely Pat!". Har har har.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Oh wait, that's right. Pat can leg press 2000 lbs.. There's his street creds! Yeah right. This maggot is a disgusting charlatan and and an evil human being.

As hideous as it might feel...if one puts oneself into it's...I mean...his shoes, what he's saying makes perfect sense. Which reminds me of "The End of Faith" and how dangerous these people can be if given power.

Also, Pat reminds me of George Costanza talking to Jerry:
"It's not a lie....if you believe it"

Patricia @#1: Brilliant. Perfect comeback. Pat Robertson needs to hire you as a consultant. But I don't know if he could take all the snorting.

I can understand the words, but how come a sleezy creep like this is allowed in the public arena? Sick, sick, sick!

But if that sheila takes the moron's advice, as others mention, GOOD RIDDANCE, because she must be quite a cretin. Or maybe she's just a good root (in the Aussie sense).


I never call people on their typos, but this...

...the unbeliever is scantified by the believer... [emphasis added] so much better than what I assume you meant (sanctified?) that I just had to applaud. I imagine being "scantified" would involve having most of your clothing removed? Far better than being sanctified, by any measure! ;^)

You guys have it all wrong! This has nothing to do with right or wrong or Christianity. It is about MONEY! This stuff sells. If it didn't, no one would do it. It's a business, just like any other, except it is selling a product that doesn't exist. That, however, has never stopped people from paying for it.

@Jeffery: Agree. My wife and I are both atheists, and she is in theory a rationalist and all that -- but she is also a bit prone to the woo now and then. (Of course a big part of it is that placebos have a profound effect on her, so in some cases partaking of the woo is actually rational for her...) No reason for that to be a problem at all, as long as they don't get into harmful woo like anti-vax.

Heh, I must admit, there is actually a homeopathic remedy in our home. In my defense, I did adamantly refuse to pay for it, though ;) And in my wife's defense, she agrees homeopathy is complete bullshit, but this particular remedy is popular enough that she tried it anyway... which I don't really understand... but I think selective irrationality is actually just fine, as long as one is aware of it and makes good choices about what to be irrational about.

By James Sweet (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

A fake question? Maybe, though I guess it's possible there is someone in Robertson's flock who's naive enough to think he was going to say "Well, the important thing is that you love and respect each other."

I'm just surprised he didn't recommend that she try to convert him with some of Pat's Age Defying Protein Pancakes.

It's a business, just like any other, except it is selling a product that doesn't exist.

Religion: The original Vapor Ware.

"If I'm serving satan or whatever belal is, then where's my freaking paycheck?!" - chupa

Haven't you heard? The wages of sin is death! However, I believe the Amalgamated Union of Sinners is considering strike action if ongoing negotiations with Pandemonium Inc. fail to produce a satisfactory settlement.

By Knockgoats (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Hmm. I've been an atheist for just about 40 years and my wife has been a Christian for longer than that. She knew I was an atheist when she married me and we've been married for 32 years.

No middle ground? Then what have we been doing for all that time?

Granted, she gets pissed off when I go off on one of my anti-religion rants, but that doesn't last long.

I just cut back on the rants to her and re-directed them to places like this. Works great.


Well, as Belial explained it, he's HOLDING my money for me in a safe place-- but I can totally have some whenever I need it. Later on, he smacked me to the floor and called me a bitch. Of course I know he loves me. I guess my only question is:

"Pat, Belial has taken great care of me for a long time, but he hasn't always agreed with me because he's bright red, and has flames coming out of his nether regions. What I think we need is a good middle ground? How do you think we can interact peacefully without the need for exorcisms, or eternal punishment in a lake of fire?"

On an unrelated topic, Obama continues to totally rock out with the First Amendment:

Granted, he is still making a proclamation and all that -- clearly, if we were to abide by the intention of the establishment clause we would do away with the National Day of Prayer altogether -- but this is a great and highly public step in the right direction.

Now if only my civil rights weren't violated every single time I use currency...

By James Sweet (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

There is a rump contingent of inbred mountain people who find this kind of logic compelling, but they are dying off and/or sending their kids to college. I feel a lot less threatened and depressed about kooks like this now than I did. I think history is moving in the right direction.

By Bosch's Poodle (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Woo hoo! Back off you xtian fool. I'm an atheist, I have THE POWER of Belial, THE MIGHT of Satan. You are going down if you mess with me. Not that I believe in those entities, but if you do you better run scared. Hahahaha...

By Die Anyway (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

whoa, "affirmative-action bimbo chick"?

I... feel a bit queasy at that.

I am sure she's there to reinforce the whole 'Authority of the man' crap Pat likes, but really...

Also, doesn't Pat there hate affirmative action?

By Cat of Many Faces (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink


I have to agree, Neo-Pagans are cool. They're weird, and deluded as any other religious types, but they don't push things or accuse you of working for... well, maybe the Fomoiri if they're into insular mythos... but they don't really have a "Satan" or... Whoever.

Although I was a bit weirded out when my Wiccan friend considered getting a degree in alternative medicine.

And who the flying fuck is Belial? I don't work for him/her. My boss's name is Alex.

The woman's fiance will be better off without her and her crummy spiritual advisor. In fact, seeing how atheist chicks tend to be hotter by several degrees than their Xian counterparts, he's probably going to get a substantial upgrade in the girlfriend department.

Before I hear about being a misogynist, let me add that Xians in general tend to be uglier than the non-affiliated, and that fundamentalism seems directly correlated to unattractiveness.

By Mike in Ontario, NY (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Serving Satan might not work in a long-term relationship but it sounds like a fine way to spend an afternoon.

By Michael Fonda (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Cock Sucking Christ...Pat, you are a douche! Taking relationship advice from Pat Robertson is almost as absurd as taking sexual advice from The Pope!

By John Benton (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

How can I serve Satan, he does not exist. An Atheist believes in no Deities good or bad.

By bluescat48 (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Well, shoot, my Catholic wife doesn't need Pat Robertson to tell her this, her mother had me pegged as the devil incarnate when we first started dating.

(PS. My wife thinks Pat and her mother are as full of sh*t as anyone else here does)

By Brett McCoy (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Sometimes I go out of my way to date Xians, just so I can personally make sure that their souls are sucked down to perdition. And because Belial tells me to.

I find it quite refreshing to see a true christian being honest in public. No question dodging here, however there's a very large body of water between he an I. I can thank millions of years of the effects of plate tectonics for our separation. There's irony in there somewhere, he wouldn't see it.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

I'm an athiest, my wife is a christian and we send our two daughters to a christian private school that teaches YEC. I know, I know. Trust me, I'm working on it. They get science instruction at home and they accept evolution even if their teachers don't.

I emphasize critical thinking skills with them all the time. They apply those skills to most areas of their life, but not yet to their religious belief. I'm hopeful that one day, they will take those skills, apply them to their religious instruction and see that it just doesn't fit with reality. Until then, I continue to patiently develop their skills.

By Mendelation (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

oops I'm not anonymous, just daft.

Can you imagine:

"You're leaving me because PAT ROBERTSON, of all people, told you to?!?!
What the hell kinda reason is that?!"

Worst. Breakup. Ever.

"I recently became a True Christian™"

Before this 'conversion' you must have been one of those 'sane christians'.

What Pat says is exactly, word for word, what they taught me. "No fellowship with Belial." Pat just regurgitates old dogma. I don't think he has had an original thought since the 1950s.

I have to say for myself, I would be very cautious dating a very religious person, partly because I'd want to raise the kids in an atheist way. BUT....I'm not saying I'd rule it out altogether, just acknowledge that there are practical concerns to be weighed. Pat, on the other hand, dispenses with practicality and tells this person to ditch their loving fiance of four years because he's aligned with the devil and Belial.

I was worried when I saw this, hoping that two lives hadn't been ruined by superstition-based advice, but my boyfriend cheered me up by cynically noting that there was a chance that Pat's question had been constructed by his staff so he could go off on whatever bugaboo he wanted to address today. Still, I hope the appropriate response of anybody vaguely religious in this situation would be, "Hey, my fiance has stuck by me through thick and thin for four years. That doesn't seem like the act of a devil, so this guy is full of shit." (The non-religious people would have stopped paying attention as soon as the devil was invoked, natch.)

My ex-MomInlaw, a Charismatic xtian was(is?) one of Pat's darlings, and went to Regents U. for a major in "Advocacy Journalism" (Read: propaganda). She gave us a tour of his inner sanctum.

There were probably 50 reams of prayer bundles lying around- Pat presumably says "Lawd answer all these prayers", and then sends for another palatte. In that respect he has more integrity than many others, who just pitch them after sucking out the checks.

So MomInlaw draws a cross on my forhead with Pat's special holy oil, and then tries to do the same to her daughter, who darts away yelling "Get that sutff away from me!"
I did not bother me much-if the natives rub blue mud in their navels I rub som in mine just as solemly.

From WIkipedia: The Satanic Bible names Belial as one of the Four Crown Princes of Hell (specifically, the North Crown), and states that his name means "'without a master' and symbolizes true independence, self-sufficiency, and personal accomplishment."[3] Belial represents the earth element, is the Master of Mankind and the Champion of Humanity, and represents the carnal and base urges of mankind.
Without a master: Check
True independence: Check
Self sufficiency: check
Personnal accomplishment: check
Carnal and base urges of mankind: well, my wife does not have any complaint.
The actual reason is these goons are afraid their women can get too aquainted with sexy and carnal atheists.

Yeah, just what we need, advice from a man who's certifiably insane.

Let's see my Christian Wife is a office manager- OMFSM- WORKING WOMAN TELLING MEN WHAT TO DO!!!

My boss is A LESBIAN- AAAARGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!1!!!!!1!111!!

I really AM working for the Deee-veeel. Hmmm Perhaps Mr R would like to go toe-to-toe with my boss. He CLAIMS to bench press 2000lbs; she DEFINATELY carries an extendable baton. I'd buy a ticket.

By Last Hussar (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

This Pat nicely sums up what that Pat is all about.

Uh, if she seriously thinks Pat Robertson is a worthwhile source of advice, their relationship is a lost cause anyway.

Strong belief in traditional gender roles is strongly correlated with abusive relationships, conflict-driven relationships, difficult divorces, and many other marital difficulties. Robertson advocates traditional gender roles - and worse. His advice is bad for every relationship.

Cylux | May 6, 2009 3:21 PM

Can you imagine:

"You're leaving me because PAT ROBERTSON, of all people, told you to?!?!
What the hell kinda reason is that?!"

Worst. Breakup. Ever.

Not at all. It comes with the consolation that the relationship would likely have done you more harm than good. Pat Robertson gives such terrible advice that a relationship with someone who follows his advice is unsafe. See my previous comment.

Belial wants me for a sunbeam to shine for him each day. da da da da. I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

And she finishes off saying "that's so true, that's so true". Any other interviewer, Christian or not, would have reacted with "hmmm.. moving quickly on then-" But not in this studio.

Isn't it Pat's studio (and network) anyway? So of course she is going to agree with him.

PAT ROBERTSON: Get thee behind me, Satan!

BELIAL: In a minute. Look, Pat. We have to talk about this whole atheist thing.

PAT ROBERTSON: Jesus will protect me from your demon army of unbelievers!

BELIAL: Here's the thing. You're making it sound like I have a demon army of unbelievers. Don't get me wrong, that would be GREAT and all. But the problem with atheists is that while they may not believe in God, they don't really believe in me either. So it's not like I can command them to follow my every satanic command.

PAT ROBERTSON: By the mere existence of their unbelief, they willingly serve the Devil!

BELIAL: Actually, most atheists live happy, compassionate, caring lives and form deep and meaningful relationships with the friends and family around them. The Devil isn't really down with that.

PAT ROBERTSON: Their foul pestilence will ruin the lives of innocent Christians!

BELIAL: You are a crazy person.

Complete and total bullshit. Stuff like this makes me sick, but it also makes me immensely proud to say that I'm proof that it's a flat out lie.

I just got engaged to my catholic fiance last month, and we'll be getting married next year.

When two people love each other and want to get married, religion becomes a non-issue like between myself and my fiance. You find ways to make it work.

I just want to say to the people who are decreeing "So what, if she is the kind of person who takes Pat Robertson's advice, the relationship was doomed anyway"... I think that's a bit judgmental, and almost as objectionable (though clearly less crazy) as Robertson's little rant. Assuming this couple actually exists, you don't know anything about their relationship. I admit I am puzzled as to how such an arrangement could work -- I for one certainly don't think I could manage such a relationship -- and it's fine to question that, but to decree the worthlessness of a relationship between two people you don't even know, based on knowing only a single fact about one of them... I don't think that's right.

By James Sweet (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink


The actual reason is these goons are afraid their women can get too aquainted with sexy and carnal atheists.

Wait a minute, I thought evangelicals had the best sex life anyway?

Fuck you Pat. Oh, and the bible bimbo stroking you in the video too.

What's her face the homophobic beauty pageant loser likes to talk about "opposite marriage." Well, I can't think of any marriage more "opposite" than one between an atheist and a Pat Robertsonesque funnymentalist Christian. After all, males and females are really more similar than different (what's one chromosome between friends?*), but funnymentalist Christians and atheists? Sheesh.

* The first person to even think "trisonomy" is going to get a pair of Intercontinental Ballistic Socks flung at their head.

By Interrobang (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

To those of you atheists out there married to Christians and able to make it work, good on ya, 'cause I sure couldn't.

My ex was a wavering agnostic at the time and seemed on the verge of going atheist. I gambled ...and lost.

Still, it was a passionate relationship, while it lasted.

My ex-Mother-in-law said I'd bring her daughter back to Jesus, and whaddya know, she was right...though she was expecting me to be coming along. Sorry to disappoint.

Well, not really.

Damn--the secret's out. I may be nice, but I am actually in league with the devil.

By Lori Anne (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Pat Robertson should just die already. He is a rotten festering stink on humanity. It is time for his hatefulness to go away forever.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Well look at it this way, it's good all around, either there's one person who will never seek Pat Robertson's advice again, or there's one person who is just as odiously self-righteous as he is and the fiance will be much better off without this vapid parasite later in life.

You'll know they're Christians by their love.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

I became an atheist after marrying my wife. It was scary at first, but now our relationship feels pretty normal.

Our compromise is that I still follow the Bible's instructions if I 'think' that she is unfaithful (;&version=31;). If I think she is unfaithful, or am just jealous, I will have her drink poison water. If she is innocent, God will heal her, just like he miraculously protected all those wrongly accused witches during the Dark Ages ...

By Luchaguate (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

What a nasty old git.

They ask for a middle ground in the relationship, and Pat says to completely dump the guy, and wonders if they're being "intimate". Gee, what a nice guy.

What's all the fuss about? So another hawt athy is back on the market! Va-va-va-voom, go get 'im, athy chicks! Thanks Pat, you're a real friend, and sorry, Roni - use better judgment about who you write to next time. Ding-dong, asking Pat Robertson about your love life? Hello!

Oh brother! That is a rather delightful typo. You can thank the Chimp.

That's what I get for writing while SNORTING mad that the old lying hypocrite can't remember his damned holy babble...OK, I was knitting too.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Patricia, I think you should offer your services to the Brave Ones who go out to debate the creationists. You could sit backstage and knit while whispering holy babble rebuttals into the earpieces of the likes of Dawkins, Hitchens, etc. Hitchens seems to have a pretty good handle on all the sacred texts, and a good memory, but you are in a class of your own.

You were knitting and snorting...and typing with your toes presumably.

Don't forget pullet wrangling. One talented person...

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Humm, perhaps I could make a new career as a bible biter. I've got plenty of chicken ammo. ;)

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Humm, perhaps I could make a new career as a bible biter.

The pay's pretty good. You could do an Oral Roberts and hold yourself for ransom.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

No. 18

If an atheist guy has been in a relationship with a Christian woman... he has already made many compromises and has probably bent over backwards to respect his girlfriend's views.

Which speaks to a deficiency of self-respect on the part of the atheist.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Like I needed any 'more' proof that pat robertson is a sick, sick person.

Thanks for posting this.

Like I needed any 'more' proof that pat robertson is a sick, sick person.

Thanks for posting this.

Almost every relationship I've ever been in has been ruined by someone whispering "but he's an atheist..." in my womans ear. After the last fiasco, I decided that I was better off alone than to be with a faith-head. Atheists are rare here in Redneckistan. You have no idea how pissed I am at the moment after watching that.

Pat's just parroting the big J.

If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. (luke 14:26)

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My name's sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life. (matthew 19:29)

for all the far right's talk about family values, the new testament clearly puts loyalty to religion above marriage.

yuccch. just another example of questionable morality from the bible.

Almost every relationship I've ever been in has been ruined by someone whispering "but he's an atheist..." in my womans ear.

You have to understand it from the woman's, and her friends', perspective.

Really, you don't want to give birth to a baby, only to find it on your husband's plate the next night. It disappoints many women.

The cross-purposes of baby-eating atheists and non-baby-eating women are too great to get past. Just for your information.

Glen D

Pat Robertson is a MORON but regardless he did BOTH of them a giant favor. It's one thing not to agree with your life partner on every issue, it's another thing for one to be an atheist and another to be doing loony holy spirit dances and living in bizarroland. This is the sign of people who are lost. Find someone to be with that at a minimum can be tolerant of your beliefs and visa versa.

I think Darwin's life magnificently demonstrates that Pat Robertson is wrong. Believer and skeptic can share a rich, meaningful life together.

And, just to be clear, Robertson is not interested in this woman's happiness. He's interested in maintaining market share. So the issue here is the not the question of whether two people might differ on a matter of faith, but how this might dilute Pat's influence, and that of the particular religious institutions he peddles to gain influence.

Alas: Ditchkins sleeps alone tonight!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

This video makes me angry, and I hate when Christians complain about "angry atheists" as if they weren't the ones solely causing the situation.

Why do we get angry?

Because while we say that theists are foolish and gullible, at least we don't say that they serve the personification of Evil willingly and deserve an eternity of torment.

Message of love my ass.

Message of love my ass.

I could make a quip about gay sex but I'll be nice and refrain.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Putting aside the question of what is a "true Christian," I'd just like to point out that my in-laws (a Catholic and an atheist) have been married for about thirty-eight years now. There is a middle ground, and Pat Robertson's binary thinking doesn't allow him to see it.

By ShadowWalkyr (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Ahhhh! Pat Robertson is absolutely evil. And the host is right along with him. I hate nothing more than fundamentalist assholes ruining love for people. Self-repressed deluded assholes condemning the deep and numinous feelings we can have for each other as human beings.

When starting the relationship with my significant other, who's been an atheist since Catholic school, I was still entertaining notions of Christianity and did think she was making a mistake and that I'd eventually convert her (because the true religion will obviously prevail in the end). Later I tried to argue with her about it, but she was never confrontational, although she did ask good questions. But it was NEVER an issue. (Eventually I changed on my own.) And my atheist friends have dated Jews and Christians with no problem.

But what an asshole!

I'm going to fucking celebrate when this asshole dies.

By Lotharloo (not verified) on 06 May 2009 #permalink

Dang, why don't the women I go out with tell me beforehand that they'd just watched the latest crap from Pat?

By MadScientist (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

I once got a visit from the Secret Service because of Pat.

Surly, Rev. BDC, you must tell us this story! The Secret Service?

By Rick Schauer (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

Back in high school (31 years ago, ouch!), I started hanging out with an evangelical girl. She was bright, funny, and seemed genuinely interested in me. She invited me to a Sunday service to see her play in the church band, and she was really good. She played guitar, and the band was sort of a folk, acoustic kind of deal. But it really wasn't her religion and my lack of belief that doomed us.

It was her big ass.

By BobbyEarle (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

From #98:

If an atheist guy has been in a relationship with a Christian woman... he has already made many compromises and has probably bent over backwards to respect his girlfriend's views.

Which speaks to a deficiency of self-respect on the part of the atheist.

Which speaks to a deficiency of self-respect on the part of the atheist? How do you figure that?

"THAT'S SO TRUE..." Ugh. That woman must really like her job as lap dog.

Well, in a way Roberston DID get it right: "there is no fellowship between an atheist and a believer in God"..."there is no middle ground"..."there's no peace in that situation". Etc.

So, the next time any of us hears some scientist pull out the compatibility argument, the accomodationist one which says that there is no intrinsic discord between science and religion, we can offer them the wise words of a certain Mr. Patrick Roberston.

It makes me feel like I've got a tick crawling around unseen somewhere on my skin, that an ignoramus of Roberston's dimensions actually knows something that a majority of scientists evidently do not.

By astrounit (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

That is true.... That is SO true


ambulocetus #101, if you've had occasion to get "but he's an atheist" whispered in your woman's ear, there must have been a number of decent atheist men available, however rare they may be even in Redneckistan.

The trick is to tell the whisperer to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. OUT LOUD, so everybody - including your atheist man - can hear. And let 'em know you are an atheist too.

Clearing the air is good.

By astrounit (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

ambulocetus #101, if you've had occasion to get "but he's an atheist" whispered into your woman's ear, there must have been a number of decent atheist men available, however rare they may be even in Redneckistan.

The trick is to tell the whisperer to shove it where the sun doesn't shine. OUT LOUD, so everybody - including your atheist man - can hear. And let 'em know you are an atheist too.

Clearing the air is good.

By astrounit (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

Dang. Sorry for the double-post.

By astrounit (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

"Well, in a way Roberston DID get it right: "there is no fellowship between an atheist and a believer in God"..."there is no middle ground"..."there's no peace in that situation". Etc.

So, the next time any of us hears some scientist pull out the compatibility argument, the accomodationist one which says that there is no intrinsic discord between science and religion

Please don't make bad comparisons like that. Science vs. religion is in no way comparible a relationship between two people.

Unless you're talking about a fundamentalist, people's religion generally has very little to do in their everyday life. This view is skewed in America because there are so many fundamentalists. In other countries, while this is hearsay because it's only what I've heard, most people don't give a shit what you are.

There are plenty of theists who have no problems getting along with people of other faiths or no faith at all. In the scientific process, there is no middle ground because it's a direct set of rules, but when it comes to people it's a simple matter of understanding, acceptance, and knowing what the other person will or will not tolerate.

I can't stomach looking at that religious retars slime, let alone listen to him. So will pass on the video to save my monitor from a punch. Crap, what a moron.

What? Surly, Rev. BDC, you must tell us this story! The Secret Service?

Well he was running for president, I was in a boring ass boarding school and decided to write "Kill Pat Robertson" on the outside of a letter to a friend. Apparently, threatening the life of a presidential candidate is frowned upon.

The postmaster grabbed the letter, opened it and then sent the SS to my home when I was on spring break.

After finger printing, pysche eval, them reading all the letters to the editor I had written over the last year and about 4 hours of questioning (regarding punk rock, weapons, drugs, my friends, and political leanings) later the decided I wasn't really a threat.

Just some asshole kid with a mohawk and a big mouth.

They did however send an SS detail to make sure I stayed on campus when Pat came and spoke in the town I was at school.

mr. robertson isn't actually giving bad advice here, slanderous though it may be. interfaith relationships can be hard on both parties, there are certain expectations that will never be fulfilled, and certain things that can't be pushed past in many cases.

as per jeffery (#30) above:

"My situation is not so bad. I'm an agnostic, she's a crystal-wavin' wiccan-chantin' astrologly-lovin' dingbat. But I love her, so I put up with her woo."

the tensions present are going to exist whenever belief systems or ideological concerns are going to grind against each other, as they inevitably will in a relationship.

on the surface that's a pretty shitty way to describe someone you care about, but also probably a fairly common way to compartmentalize the person you care about emotionally, socially and sexually and the social, ideological and intellectual problems you have with their life.

I bet this guy carries on active conversations with dead people when he's all alone at home wringing his hands over the gays and the second coming.

Umm...those aren't his hands that he's wringing... *ducks incoming tomatoes*

I gotta agree with Pat on this one. I mean as an atheist and a waiter I often had to serve the Devil. Boy, what an asshole. He would show up already half wasted with his "posse" of Arch-Demons who would hit on every waitress in the joint and loved to flash their jewelry and wave their pistols in the air. We were always glad to see them leave.

By 12th Monkey (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

Someone named John Shore wrote one of those folksy advice pieces to a woman who was in love with a man who believed in God, while she didn't, and told her in the nicest way that she couldn't share his deepest values and convictions so their marriage would be DOOMED. I took that idea and ran with it: "Should you marry outside your faith?" with results that amused me, at least.

You know what they mean when they say a bull "services" a cow? Now you know what they mean when they say, "We're the telephone company, and we've been servicing you for years."

What? Surly, Rev. BDC, you must tell us this story! The Secret Service?

Well, we'll just add that to the other signs that make us snicker, like "Self Service" and "Full Service."

By Anonymous (not verified) on 07 May 2009 #permalink

Interesting. I though P.Z. wasn't allowing anonymous posts any more -- but then I forgot to put my identifying stuff in on #131 . . .

what's with religious nuts thinking that atheists serve satan?

Yeah!! stupid TV preachers mixing moralism and theism in ways that would make the whole father son and holy spirit thing seem like pure clarity.
Here you have a perfectly happy couple who, after four years together, are likely to share some moral convictions. And what does pastor Pat want? He wants to tear them apart because they don`t share views on a issues for which no evidence can exist to ever prove either of the two wrong.

Pretty soon Pat will take us Atheist to task for preparing to rise up as one the moment we get a phone call... from the easter bunny.

And with the divorce rate among atheist being so much lower (the lowest rate of any of the really big belief systems) than among evangelicals (who have the highest divorce rate) this guy sounds statistically serious. So clearly what pastor Pat deserves is a...

Oh wait, got to go, the tooth fairy is telling me to take out the the trash. You may think she kinda owns me and that I really shouldn`t worship her this much, but let me ask you this, have you ever seen the tooth fairy naked?

Coming honey!

Deamons are spiritual cockroaches and jesus is their exterminator? Well what do you know, maybe Tom DeLay is the second coming of christ!

You know the first thought is, "wtf, she's breaking up with me because Pat Robertson told her to? Because Christians and Atheists are incompatible?"

Well... think about it. You (the atheist that is) have a girlfriend who: IS a committed Christian. DID have doubts and/or insecurities such that she actually thought to write PAT ROBERTSON for advice on her most personal matters. DID follow through and, on Pat Robertson's 15-second advice, broke up with you.

YOU ARE A LUCKY MAN. Think if you had married this person, had co-mingled finances with this person, had children with this person, what a MESS it would have been.

My Mummy is a Biologist, and from a family of brewers, my Daddy comes from a Methodist family (my Grandpa is a Methodist Lay Preacher). Apart from jokes about Dad marrying a witch and how much the women on our side of the family drink, we all get along very nicely thank you very much. My sister and I sang in the choir, but also blew things up in the garden with mum. And we were allowed to make our own decisions about our beliefs, or in my case lack thereof.
At any rate, they are still very happily married 25 years on.
So there, Pat 'Fucktard' Robertson, it bloody well does work and very nicely too. Stupid man.

By Evolved Dolly (not verified) on 08 May 2009 #permalink