Franken is the man

The state canvassing board certified the results this afternoon; Al Franken is our senator, by 225 votes. Also, the Minnesota supreme court has denied Coleman's request to reconsider some rejected ballots, but of course he's going to sue.

Forget all that, though, and welcome our new senator. Not many can do this:


More like this

As many of you have already heard, the recount process in Minnesota to determine the outcome of the Senatorial race is over, and Al Franken has been certified as winner. There is now a review period of seven days during which any voter in the state of Minnesota. Including me, Al Franken,…
Most of the work related to the ongoing recount in the Minnesota Senate race ended week when the canvassing board went through almost all of the challenged ballots, assigning them to either Franken, Coleman, or "other." Many ballot challenges issued earlier by one campaign or the other were…
Something very interesting just happened in Minnesota. You know about the recount, and you know that today the canvassing board is deciding what to do about a number of possibly improperly rejected absentee ballots. At least 630, and possibly as many as 1,500, absentee ballots have been…
In his bid to Take The Senate No Matter What, Norm Coleman has been trying to get a very large number of previously rejected absentee ballots counted. Most of these ballots were not counted because they were truly borked. Folks, remember this: If you are going to vote absentee, keep in mind the…

I do find it amazing that a country like the US can announce the result of an electoral poll 2 months after the votes were cast! How difficult can it be to count some votes for a second time?

That said, yay for Franken!!!

BillO will have a heart attack, as will Rush and Anne Coulter. And that will all be wonderful.

By Insightful Ape (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

OT, but this makes me gag:

I don't think so, but I was disappointed to see Kentucky's notorious Creation Museum listed among the attractions in The New York Times' Arts & Leisure Weekend Promotion heralded in a special pullout section of my newspaper last Sunday

During the Jan. 8-11 event, The Times sponsors public debates and discussions of contemporary issues and touts two-for-one admission discounts at museums, movies and shows in New York and around the country.

It sounds like a great thing for the arts and sciences, so I was surprised to see the Creation Museum, a bastion of fundamentalist pseudo-science, enrolled as one of only two participating museums in Kentucky. (The other was the Muhammad Ali Center.)

I'd guess this is just a matter of one ignorant of science (and the evolution wars) writing a piece, and editors not catching it. Still, shame on them.

Glen D

Rock star impersonator as senator-elect? Pah! Australia's current Minister for the Environment, Peter Garrett, is former lead singer of Midnight Oil.

Not that he's a great advertisement for the transition from rock music to politics IMO.

Someone bitched at me on my blog for linking to a post I made about Franken in the last Franken post made here. I'm just linking out of spite now.

Anyway, good. The more liberal we become as a nation, the better our morals. We don't need conservatives dragging us down the shitter.

Not that he's a great advertisement for the transition from rock music to politics IMO.

Agreed, the Labor party has put his testicles in a jar. He did a far better job of political influence before he became a pollie.

I'd write something witty...but my heads still spinning.
That was something else.
I think I'll go watch BillO 's head explode!

#1 probably because even with the recount it is a statistical tie. Many articles if you are interested.

This is the second best news I've had today! Yeah smart funny people in government.

I'm not sure it's a "statistical tie" which I think refers to sampling error. This is a statistical win; you've just got to run the decimal place out far enough. Am I wrong?

By NVAttorney (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

#11 Tim Fuller

Keith Richards for Drug Czar.

Think of how incompetent he would be at such a useless position... I approve.

After 8 years of stultifying morbidity, it is nice to know that we now have a Senator in DC whose sense of the absurdity of life can only help all of us deal with the residue of the Bush years. Mr. Franken's existential approach to comedy should be very good training for his new job.

I never liked Al Franken on Saturday night live, but when he did things like this, I certainly did.

His book "Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" was superb and his liberal politics is right on the money for me.

Go Senator Al!!!

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Pretty fucking amazing. Al had Jagger's moves down. And Tom Davis can actually play the guitar... I wonder what happened to him?

It's a fitting end to that wax mannequin sleaze Coleman. He'll sue alright and the Senate Repubs will stamp and holler about it doing anything they can to fuck with Obama and the Dems. They are out of power in the White House, the Senate and the House. Now we have to try regain balance in the Supreme Court.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Re: #15.

If you liked Lying Liars, then you'll also like The Truth, with Jokes

I highly recommend the audio version, Frankin himself reads the book, and instead of reading transcripts, he often inserts actual TV/Radio voice-overs when he's quoting someone.

By Bob of QF (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | January 5, 2009 7:27 PM
Keith Richards for Drug Czar.
Keith's plan for solving the drug problem.
Do them all.

Can I be his personal tester? We wouldn't him poisoned by some god inspired wingnut.
I know it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

"... wouldn't WANT him poisoned..."

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

In Minnesota they have created a 'Franken-sen[ator]. FANTASTIC!!

Now if only Samuel Aleto would resign- criminally insane, Antonin Scalia would resign- criminally ignorant, and Clarence Thomas would resign because no one is inhabiting the upper room anyway.


A washed up comedian representing your state in the U.S. Senate......You must be very proud.

Will Larry The Cable Guy be your next Govenor?

Wouldn't [Name] the [Profession] be on GOP's list?

By Burning Umbrella (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

That was a great skit. Reading the comments on the Mnnpls Star Tribune earlier a righty was condeming MN for voting for a comic and a clown. With congress approval at less tha 20% maybe the clowns in power ought to make room for this one. He certainly is a great progressive promoter - no one currently in congress compares. I am one of the dozens that listened to him faithfully on Air America Radio and also always try to tune in Letterman when he is on the show. Yea he has a potty mouth, but he is smart as a whip and open to ideas. I am very happy for him and I hope the GOP does not take him out.

Buh bye, Coleman! Hello Franken, you hilarious, smart man you!!!

I cried when Obama was elected, and I teared up a little today when the Star Trib said that Coleman's offices were closing down... Of course, it still doesn't make me think there is any kind of higher power, mostly because Miss Urban Legend Bachman is still around. Maybe I'll stop being an atheist if we can oust her from her position as well, but I can't make any promises.

From the second article,

Coleman forces said they were mindful of the consequences of a prolonged election contest, but said that the results were "invalid and unreliable."

This, from the guy who...

...urged Franken to waive his right to a recount, saying that the prospect of changing the result was remote and that a recount would be costly to taxpayers (about $86,000).

via Star Tribune

What a maroon!

By Ryan F Stello (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Hot dog! Franken wins! And he looks like a hot dog doing his Stones impersonation. Goodbye Norm Coleman! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Posted by: Brute | January 5, 2009 8:04 PM
"A washed up comedian representing your state in the U.S. Senate......You must be very proud."

Not so washed up... he's a millionaire best selling author and a USO troops favorite.

And he definitely beats that C grade actor and chimp co-star Ronald Reagan. Also that whiny little guy from Love Boat, that superb statesman Sonny Bono, and who was that other wingnut who failed spectacularly in his run for president... oh yeah... Fred Thompson. But you still have Chuck Norris on deck... good luck with that one.

Wingnut trolls are hilarious. They are completely marginalized but in such deep denial they think their boring snark is clever instead of realizing they are just embarrassingly pathetic cries for attention.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

As if calling out trolls isn't equally attention-whorish?

"As if calling out trolls isn't equally attention-whorish?"

What about calling out people who call out trolls?

Oh, and LOOK AT ME!!!!!!

By Burning Umbrella (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Doogan | January 5, 2009 8:38 PM
"As if calling out trolls isn't equally attention-whorish?"

We like to bash trolls here. I was deliberately troll baiting...
and it looks like you took the bait.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Brute, you are your own namesake.

By Insightful Ape (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Normie has to sue. He has no day job. May I offer attendant at the Minneapolis Airport?

Uh, I don't get the joke, it's bad Karaoke.
Still, nice to see Franken win, here's wishing him luck.

"May I offer attendant at the Minneapolis Airport?"

Isn't that where all the fallen GOP senators go to relax and let it all hang out?

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Who knew he had such a cute ass. I love it. Go Al Franken, Senator from Minnesota. Yay!

By Jeanette Garcia (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

mayhempix, no you have it wrong. They only go there to practise their wide stance.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink


Will Larry The Cable Guy be your next Govenor?

Probably not, since the White House Current Occupant (for the next *few* weeks) has a big date with some brush that needs clearing down in that Bible Belt hanging chad.

Al Franken doing Freddie Mercury doing Mick Jagger. What a reality.

Though I shall hold my peace until Al shows conclusively he is the one man in the Senate who can really tap his toes.

electing open minded smart individuals
electing closed minded dolts
they represent their electorate
electorates can be educated and influenced
"I promise a new football stadium"
the new Circus Maximus

Although he wasn't my first choice, Al will serve well. I voted for him but my support was behind Jack Nelson Palmeyer. At least it won't be the norm in Washington.

By SteadyEddy (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Keith's plan for solving the drug problem.

Do them all.

There was a comedy song (by Pinkard and Bowden) with that idea, only with Elvis.

By John Marley (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

SteadyEddy #40 said: "Although he wasn't my first choice, Al will serve well. I voted for him but my support was behind Jack Nelson Palmeyer. At least it won't be the norm in Washington."

Yes, 65% of the Minnesota electorate did not vote for Coleman. That claim can be made about Franken, but Frabken did not have a 6 year senate record. Informed inexperience beat out a disagreeable experience quite handily in MN.

Norm is going to sue. As soon as that lawsuit is filed, I would like to see the state of Minnesota, which is billions in debt, sue Coleman for needlessly costing the state money- in light of Coleman's earlier comments urging Al to concede.

Eh, he's an AIPAC puppet, but still better than Coleman. Hard for me to get excited about him though.

Has Bill O'Reilly's head exploded yet?

@John Marley

My uncle was recording with Elvis in a Nashville studio when a real DEA uniform was deilvered from Nixon as thanks for Elvis' government anti-drug PR support. Elvis put it on and went back into the recording booth and continued recording. And then of course Elvis would later go on to die from a prescription drug overdose.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

He's going to be a great Senator and a big blast of fresh air.

Hopefully, he will carry on where Paul Wellstone left off.

Thank you, Minnesotans.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Still waters run deep, eh? First Jessie Ventura, now Al Franken.

Congratulations PZ, Garrison Keillor, and all other Minnesotans!

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

He is good enough; he is smart enough; and doggonnit-people like him.

Anyone have a link to the skit he did as a special correspondent for SNL News during the First Gulf War? That was some funny stuff!

Fantastic!!! This is indeed great news. I think Franken will make an excellent senator. Quite a pleasant contrast to Minnesota's conservative Congresswoman, Michele Bachmann.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Al Franken Stiffs Employees on Workers' Comp

Failed left-wing radio bloviator and Democrat candidate for Senate Al Franken is in trouble with New York State for blowing off workers' compensation insurance:

The New York Workers' Compensation Board levied the [$25,000] fine against Alan Franken Inc. in August 2006 for failure to carry the insurance from June 2002 to March 2005.
Brian Keegan, a board spokesman, said a number of notices were sent to the address the New York agency had listed for Franken, but the television personality and political commentator didn't become aware of the fine until Tuesday, said his campaign spokesman, Andy Barr.

Here I was thinking that socialists were obsessed with the concerns of the working man.

Ah Brute, having a bad day, and must be an asshole? Otherwise, time for bed. Things will look just as bad in the morning. Maybe a long walk off a short pier would help.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

You guys could do better......

I hear Hulk Hogan is looking for work.

Gee Brute, you are showing how we should have behaved if Coleman had won the election. Aren't you proud of yourself?

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

"Oh? Because he's Jewish?"

Yes, I'm a raging anti-semite, like all critics of Israeli policy. Or, maybe it's because he staunchly defended and went out of his way to justify Israel's 2006 incursion into Lebanon, including the bombing of civilian targets.

How difficult can it be to count some votes for a second time?

It's not the counting, it's the arguing.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

I have quite mixed feelings about this. Coleman voted for the bailout, so I'm glad to see him go of course, but if we're going to have comedians in the Senate (intentional comedians, that is), I can think of many I'd far rather see there. Bill Cosby and Cheech Marin spring to mind.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wingnut trolls are like dogs.
They love to roll in it.
Especially when they lose.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Keith Richards for Drug Czar.

I'd say that Nicholas II of Russia would make an excellent pick for Drug Czar. His main qualification being that he's dead.


By John C. Randolph (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

"Yes, I'm a raging anti-semite, like all critics of Israeli policy."

I too am a critic of the Israeli government's policies... and I'm not a Jew.
It is possible to be against Israel's policies and the war without perceiving it as a big AIPAC conspiracy. Fraken's alleged support of Israel's disasterous strike against Lebanon in no way proves he's doing it for AIPAC support and funds.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Thank you, P.Z.

"Fraken's alleged support of Israel's disasterous strike against Lebanon in no way proves he's doing it for AIPAC support and funds."

You got me. I have no proof that he altered his opinions of Israeli policy based on AIPAC funding, or that he's even accepted AIPAC funds. He just naturally agrees with them on punitive killings, apartheid like policies and ethnic cleansing. You're right. That's so much better.

December 2005
Al Franken... Gets Serious
David Paul Kuhn

"I'm not a big Sharon fan, but I think he showed a lot of courage" in leaving Gaza, Franken says. "He did the right thing."


"If you say that Israel is a Jewish state--which is one of the few exceptions to my usual objection to the idea of a theocracy--it's got to be a Jewish state. So if Jews cease to be a majority of the people in Israel, I don't know how you keep it a Jewish state. I think accommodation has to be made to have a Palestinian state and an Israeli state, not unlike what Barak and Clinton offered Arafat, with a little more access to water."

Franken is neither a hawk nor a dove. "I'm somewhere in the middle," he tells me. "As a Jew, I'm reflexively pro-Israel. But I do feel that Israel has caused a number of its own problems by the way in which it has treated Palestinians. I understand the argument that Israelis had to crack down on terrorism and that Arafat didn't do what he was supposed to do. I understand all those arguments. By the way, I think Arafat dying was, like, a great, great thing," Franken says, giving thumbs up, chuckling. "I think it has moved things forward in a way. I remember that little period after the Iraq election, when the Lebanese were kicking the Syrians out. There was some bogus election in Saudi Arabia, and Egypt announced something. And then when they [neoconservatives] point to Israel and Palestine, I was like, 'Arafat died!' It's like if Castro dies, and then we open trade to Cuba and Cuba gets democratized, and you're the president and you say, 'You see, I did that.' No, Castro died, you idiot!"…

He's going to do fine.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

Congratulations to Mr. Franken. Hopefully, this will help him keep his humor in check, though I'm not sure that anyone will be able to discern the difference.

I would have preferred more of a check on congressional democrats, though I'm not certain how much more damage they can find to do that W hasn't already ferreted (sp?) out. I suppose we'll find out if p*ssing away an additional trillion has any marginal impact on this country's inevitable slide into the 3rd world.

May I offer attendant at the Minneapolis Airport?

NO! I actually have to use that one regularly, and airports are enough of a pain in the ass already. no need to make it worse.

It'll be interesting to see the fallout over this, for sure, but I'm not sure what six years of Franken in the Senate will bring the state of Minnesota. As the Zen Master said, "We'll see."

Someone wrote this earlier:

Senate Repubs will stamp and holler about it doing anything they can to fuck with Obama and the Dems. They are out of power in the White House, the Senate and the House. Now we have to try regain balance in the Supreme Court.

As is to be expected, and I'm sure that Franken would have done the same had Coleman won. But I am always weary of any political party having an unchallenged hold on all branches of government, as big power tends to yield big mistakes, no matter what the politics are.

By MisterDomino (not verified) on 05 Jan 2009 #permalink

I would have preferred more of a check on congressional democrats...

Yeah, each party is supposed to keep the other party on its toes. But instead we get intractable squabbling.

I'm tired of this notion than humans come in two flavors: conservative or liberal, pro-tax or anti-tax, pro-freedom or anti-freedom, etc. Don't we all want the same things? No one loves a welfare cheat or a corporate kleptocrat. No one loves war. Everyone wants safe neighborhoods and good schools.

The two-party system plays to our in-group/out-group tribal instincts. These feelings run deep and are inseparable from what it means to be a human being. But unexamined, they can drive us to do stupid things.

Back on topic regarding Franken:
- I must agree that some of those SNL skits were dogs.
- I'm already sick of the "good enough smart enough" joke.
- Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them proves Franken is perfect for the US Sentate.

"But I am always weary of any political party having an unchallenged hold on all branches of government, as big power tends to yield big mistakes, no matter what the politics are."

This is one of those Conventional Wisdom myths that is always cited without any statistical proof of fact to back it up. With the exception of the recent Bush administration (one example does not a proof of concept make) please show conclusively that a distribution of power produces better policies and fewer mistakes than a more concentrated one. Both Hoover and FDR come to mind with wildly different results. An anecdotal case can be made just as easily that "balanced" power produces gridlock and weak ineffectual legislation.

By mayhempix (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

As Al is a liberal and a believer in evolution, and Ben is a conservative and a denier of evolution, I can't wait for the first Franken/Stein confrontation.

Don't worry, I didn't even take my coat off.

By Steve Page (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Don't we all want the same things? Dr. Benway

Well, no, we don't. You're certainly correct that we don't divide neatly into two, but do you really think conservatives, liberals, Nazis, Zionists, Leninists, anarchists, primitivists, transhumanists, "libertarians", social democrats, secularists, dominionists, etc. etc. "all want the same things"?

By KnockGoats (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Why do you knock goats?

Yes, I think humans are more similar than different. Elections cause us to magnify these differences.

Many political arguments are the result of inadequate information. When we're not sure, we reach for a rule of thumb --e.g., "the private sector will solve problems more efficiently than government." People have stronger or weaker attachments to various rules, based upon personal life experience.

The same thing happened in the Parliamentary constituency of Winchester, UK, where I live. Showed that the loser, in going to the courts, is a dangerous strategy.

What happened in 1997 was that the incumebent (Conservative) was almost level pegging with the serious challendger, Liberal Democrat. There were a number of spoiled papers and a confusing ballot paper. So it went to the courts and the judge ordered a new election.

The voters turned against the incumbent big tome because they saw hom both as a sore loser and on the overall losing side (the UK went left wing in 1997). The result was that the left wing challenger won the re-vote by a vast majority - indeed, the constiuency turned from a safe Conservative strong hold to about the biggest left wing majority in the whole of the UK. The Conservatives then went on to lose not just the next election but also the one after that - net result they have been out of power for 12 years.

Seems like the same is going on with Franken. I guess if there is a new election called, the voters will not turn out again to support a member of a political party that is seen as a loser.

There were a number of spoiled papers and a confusing ballot paper.

You mean this sort of stuff happens in other countries? I'm shocked: I have recently been quite emphatically assured that Americans are the only people who ever make errors in elections! [/snark]

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Yes, I think humans are more similar than different. - Dr. Benway

Answering a question that wasn't asked is not the way to a constructive discussion.

I knock goats because I like the hollow, yet crisp sounds produced.

By KnockGoats (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Washed-up comedian? Apparently not.

As for you poor-loser wingnuts, instead of saying "Washed-up comedian Al Franken," you might try saying "Harvard cum laude graduate Al Franken." There's a lot more relevant truth to it. (Not that relevant truth is generally of much use to wingnuts.)

Hey, does anyone remember the quick-draw election map routine Franken did on SNL during the run-up to the 1988 election? It was smart and funny.

As for his Jagger routine, he's got some of the moves, but he's singing an octave lower than Mick. Baritones shouldn't try to do Jagger. Though I bet Al could have done a great David Johansen back in the day.

Is Al Franken the first senator to have appeared in a movie where a gorilla buggers a man in a gorilla suit? (Trading Places)

By Janine, Bitter… (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Which David Johansen; New York Dolls, David Johansen or Buster Poindexter?

By Janine, Bitter… (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Janine. Hmmm. Franken was in that? I guess I was blinded (as usual) by Jamie Lee Curtis.

By Watchman, Bett… (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Janine, all of the above, but I think post-Dolls might be more up Al's alley. I dunno.

Is Al Franken the first senator to have appeared in a movie where a gorilla buggers a man in a gorilla suit? (Trading Places) - Janine, Bitter Friend

I take my hat off to that gorilla's trainer!

By KnockGoats (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

MisterDomino (@68):

I'm sure that Franken would have done the same [i.e., challenge in court] had Coleman won.

Evidence? It seems to me that the Franken team, though aggressive in pursuing its legitimate rights, has been extremely respectful of the process, and of the voters of Minnesota, while the Coleman team has been self-serving and cynical at every juncture.

My expectation is that if Franken found himself in the position of having no plausible scenario that allowed him to win, even if the courts upheld his arguments (which is the position Coleman now finds himself in), Franken would not screw the people of Minnesota by dragging their senate seat through a bitter and pointless court battle.

"I could be wrong now, but I don't think so."

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

A washed up comedian representing your state in the U.S. Senate......You must be very proud.

Better a has-been than a never-was like Coleman.

Will Larry The Cable Guy be your next Govenor?

Better Larry the Cable Guy than Joe the Plumber.

Ron Asheton is dead.

Sad news. Never got to see the Stooges live, but Joan Jett regularly performs NIWBYD in concert. The cliche "not a dry seat in the house" comes to mind...

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Ha! I already have that clip marked as one of my favorites.

By Janine, Bitter… (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

I will just add this to my awesome reasons to move to Minnesota. I am proud to be in Wisconsin, which is like your slightly dumber neighbor who forgets to bring the paper in.

First Governor Ventura's claim that religion is for the weak minded and now Al Franken who I hope will bring his caustic and insightful wit to Congress. God knows we need some people who don't take themselves too seriously. I'm moving to MN-the hotbed of iconclast's (to you PZ).

Was that mrs dr Huxtable?

I thought Franken was bigger than that ...

Congrats, Minnesota! GUTspeed.

If you've now got a Glitter Twin impersonator into your Senate perhaps we Brits should get the original Mick Jagger into our House of Lords. Oh, there's one small problem though; they're not elected but appointed. Maybe 'Senator' Roland Burris will be interested if the price is right...

By Jon Hartley (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Both that news and that video made my day!

By Montrealer (not verified) on 06 Jan 2009 #permalink

Yay! He seems like the kind of chap who would try to legalize marijuana. Minnesota, you say? Would that even be possible?

Hey Franken just voiced his support for Israel's bombing of Gaza. He doesn't seem to have a problem with them dropping white phosphorus and burning people alive.