Catching up with Molly

Now that it is October, it is time to finally announce the winner of the August Molly award: our first non-human primate wins by a landslide, the Rev. BigDumbChimp. There may have been a few irregularities in the voting, since his backers were able to raise twice as many thumb-like appendages in approval compared to the others, but we will accept it as a reasonable consequence of biological diversity.

Now let's move on to September. State who you think was the most interesting, insightful, amusing, thoughtful, or attention-seeking commenter for the past month in the comments below.

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YAY! The KoT has a Molly!

Congrats, Rev.!

P.S. And thanks, guest bloggers!

another *clenched-fist salute* for the Rev.
And I'll kick off the nominations with SC and Bill Dauphin. Just 'cause is all.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I would like to nominate Mrs Tilton.

Get your hands off the Molly, you damn dirty ape!

Kidding but I think you know that.

Congrats, Chimpy!

By Janine ID AKA … (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

SC and Patricia should already have Mollys. Lets get Sven DiMilo one while we're at it.

Congrats Rev.

By oaksterdam (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congrats to the Rev BDC, KOT, OM... What is the acronym for the prize for the most acronyms suffixed to your nym?

As for the equinoctial OM - Nick Gotts has continued to make the most sense of the commenters I've read here.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I second the vote for SC. His comments add a lot to the conversation and his library of links is always rocking. Plus he's always bringing up Pyotr Kropotkin.

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I second the vote for SC. His comments...

This stuff is always difficult on the quasi-anonymous intertoobz (expect for those of us who post under gender-specific names: women named "Bill" are, AFAIK, rarer than boys named "Sue"), but either you're mistaken about SC's gender or I am.

Thinking about it, my assumption is probably sexist: I base it on SC's positions on what are traditionally known as "women's issues"... and why should a male poster be able to "sound like a woman" on those issues?

[mumble, mumble, mumble...]

PS: Even though my own first choice was somebody else, no sane person could argue against SC, OM.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congrats Rev BDC KoT OM BBQ BFD.

Well deserved, have some congratulatory BBQ


By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink



...why should a male poster be able to "sound like a woman" on those issues?

Should (obviously!!) have been this...

...why shouldn't a male poster be able to "sound like a woman" on those issues?

Why is it I always notice these things during the moments after hitting "Post" but before the comment entry window actually disappears. It's like that moment just as the bowling ball leaves your fingertips when you know it's going in the gutter and there's not a d@mn thing you can do! [sigh]

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congrats to the Rev. And another vote for SC!

By Nick Gotts (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Ah, Bill, perhaps you are right. In which case, sorry SC! I'm a pro-feminist myself, so I don't have any trouble at all attributing the male sex to someone with those sort of positions, since I'm one myself. I'm honestly not sure why I thought SC to be a he, when I posted the comment I honestly didn't even think about it. Regardless of the reason, I should not have assumed one way or another.

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I'll also nominate Pierce R. Butler solely for use of the word "equinoctial."

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

The Molly nominations are amongst my favorites, as many link to comments long buried but well worth a read.

Speaking of which, I'm off to follow the negentropyeater link, am looking forward to many more, and will drop off a vote in the morn.

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I vote for Nick Gotts. Anyone who has the patience to deal with Scott from Oregon regularly deserves some sort of award.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink


I do that almost every single comment. I have to start training myself to go reflexively for the preview button, because as things are, my comments are often a big mess. Take for example,
I'm a pro-feminist myself, so I don't have any trouble at all attributing the male sex to someone with those sort of positions, since I'm one myself. The awkward bookending of the sentence with "myself" makes me look illiterate. Ugh.

I am filled with shame. :P

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

spgreenlaw (@16):

Hey, I confessed that my take was unconsciously sexist, didn't I? ;^)

FWIW, I in no way meant to suggest that men couldn't be feminists — in fact, I count myself as one. It's more of a tone of voice thing... and in any case, as I said, I'm probably talking out of my sphincter anyway.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Quiet Desperation,

Unfortunately I'm vegan, so those chocolate chips are off limits. You'll have to do better than that to buy my vote!

By spgreenlaw (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Dedicated to spgreenlaw @ #20,

"Allow myself to introduce.....myself"
-Austin Powers

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I don't mean to be hijacking the Molly thread, so I'll make this my last (and brief) note:

I have to start training myself to go reflexively for the preview button

I've become a bit gunshy about Preview, because (and maybe this is browser-specific) it tends to hash some of my embedded HTML (esp. em-dashes and angle brackets). I try to proofread in the entry window — and proofreading is part of what I do for a living! — but too often something escapes. Often, as with the error I corrected above, it's a word that's missing a syntactical "marker" (i.e., an ending indicating number, tense, or negation) but is otherwise correct, making it less obviously an error.

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Vote for me, and you all get cookies!

Dammit! I keep trying to, but for some reason, I can't. I don't know what's wrong...

Oh. Wait.

That's all it was. I had my browser set to reject cookies.

(At which point Captain Obvious ducks...)


I'm a woman. (I guess my shameless flirting is mostly confined to the evening hours.)

People almost always assume I'm a man from my writing for some reason, and I take no offense. I've tried to figure out why that is in the past, and I'm still not sure.

One thing that I appreciate about this blog is the number of sincere and vocal male feminists, such that it really is often hard to tell. When Grammar RWA mentioned that he was a man back in August, I confessed that I had long assumed that he was a woman because of his strong, informed defense of women's reproductive rights. It's a rare forum in which it's so difficult to assign gender based on comments. Another thing to love about Pharyngula.

(And thanks, guys.)

Congrats to the Chimp! Turning typo's into an art form deserves rewarding.
I nominate Nick Gotts for September. He's hooked more trolls than any of us. The battle with that dungfish Piltdown Man reads like an epic.
OwlMirror gets kudos for spouting more catholic dogma than Big Bad Bill even knows. *pffft*

This month's Molly should go to Patricia, for generally refreshing snarkiness if nothing else. Keep fighting the good fight, babe.

Oh, and two opposable thumbs up for the good Reverend.

By Hairy Doctor P… (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congratulations Rev BDC KoT OM BBQ BFD.
Are you now Rt. Rev.?

Re: the great apes; it is so sad that what we humans gained (?) in brain power, we lost in body strength and the cool use of four "hands".

By ThirtyFiveUp (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

A loud, strong vote for Patricia!

By bybelknap, FCD (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Re: the great apes; it is so sad that what we humans gained (?) in brain power, we lost in body strength and the cool use of four "hands".

The feet of the human ape can still be used for grasping things. I frequently use my bare feet and toes to pick up stuff I drop on the floor, to avoid bending over which isn't good for my old back.

Congratulations to Rev. BigDumbChimp who most certainly isn't dumb. By the way, isn't it correct to say people are a type of chimpanzee?

I think Patricia deserves the September Molly award.

Hearty congrats and a lifetime supply of bananas (the atheist's nightmare, don'tcha know) to the Rev.

Strong support for SC for the September nomination. Love. Her.

Hail to the chimp!

I'll also nominate Pierce R. Butler solely for use of the word "equinoctial."

I'll see your "equinoctial" and raise you at least 3 years' worth of well-thought-out and witty comments that I'm aware of, perhaps even more.

Pierce R. Butler for September's Molly!

Unfortunately I'm vegan, so those chocolate chips are off limits. You'll have to do better than that to buy my vote!

Nah. My campaign adviser, Karl Rove, told me to just write off the relatively insignificant Vegan voter base.

Supposedly the Betelgeusian voters are much more important.

By Quiet Desperation (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink


I'm a woman.

Whew! I'm glad my memory/intuition hadn't betrayed me on that score!


I'll see your "equinoctial" and raise you...

Say, isn't that an illegal string bet? I'm jus' sayin'... ;^)

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Say, isn't that an illegal string bet? I'm jus' sayin'... ;^)

Probably is, for all that I know about poker, Bill. Then again, knowing what you're talking about before getting it wrong on an international forum is so pre-Palin :)...


A neologism that will no doubt haunt my nightmares until (fingers crossed) we wake safe and sound up on 5 November!

By Bill Dauphin (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

My contratulations to the Rev. for his well deserved award. I'll raise a beer in your honor tonight.

So many deserving posters. SC, Patricia, Nick Gotts, Bill Dauphin, and AJ Milne come particulary to mind. And several more I can't remember at this moment. (I really need to start a list.)

For this month I will nominate Nick Gotts and Patricia for reasons already mentioned above.

By Nerd of Redhead (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congratulations to Rev. BigDumbChimp who most certainly isn't dumb. By the way, isn't it correct to say people are a type of chimpanzee?

For today, yes it is. Today we are all a chimpanzee. Everybody go drink some booze and stuff like that. For today. For tomorrow. For the world. God bless us all.

Congratulations to Rev. BigDumbChimp who most certainly isn't dumb. By the way, isn't it correct to say people are a type of chimpanzee?

Ich bin ein chimpanzee.

Mr. Rev. BigDumbChimp, tear down this wall!

Since it's long past seconding, I "umpteenth" SC.

It's time Nick Gotts* one and negentropyeater too.

* = with apologies for the very lame surname joke.

A million monkeys typing couldn't come up with a word of Shakespeare, but one Big Dumb Chimp can win a Molly!

By Longtime Lurker (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I nominate Crudely Wrott for a series of well-crafted comments, of which this is a particularly fine example!

Congrats to his Reverence!

True, Nick Gotts has really been at it lately, but I'm afraid I never had the patience to read those long long threads.

But this month I made notes!


Danio, I actually have another one from her.

Randy plus a followup.

For shame - I didn't save anything by SC. Ah well - next month, then.

Lots of great candidates but I'd like to see Chimpy up for a repeat. The only thing we need now is more stupid zealot posts for him to really hone his skills on!

By IceFarmer (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congrats to the Rev, a finer example of monkeydom I have never seen and it's abut time we started acknowledging the contributions of our non-human relatives on this blog. I raise a banana in toast to his Molly.

For September plese, please give it to Patricia and SC, both well deserving and well overdue.. Go on PZ, you KNOW you can give out two at once.

By Bride of Shrek OM (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

For September please, please give it to Patricia and SC, both well deserving and well overdue...

Thank you. Seconding this. Honestly, one of the reasons I really hate posting in these threads is I almost always hate having to choose. Sure, it's not supposed to be a big deal or anything, but y'know... Having to decide between those two really sucks. Mollies for both of them.

(... and thanks, N of R).

You know, this isn't the kind of formal vote where you only get one say in the matter. If someone nominates 3 people, I have always counted each vote.

This works because, of course, no one is abusing it -- if everyone nominated 10 people it would be a mess to keep track of. But if you think a couple of people are equally deserving, go ahead and nominate them all. I don't mind.

It's about time the KoT got an OM after his name. Congratulations, Rev!

I'll add my voice to the chorus of nominations for SC for September's Molly.

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congrats, Rev. BDC., on a well-earned Molly.

SC and Nick Gotts for the next one(s).

I nominate Sarah Palin for the next Molly. She has provided most of the material for my recent posts.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Just noticed something that seems a little odd:

State who you think was the most interesting, insightful, amusing, thoughtful, or attention-seeking commenter for the past month in the comments below.

Shouldn't that be attention grabbing - surely attention seeking shouldn't be a behaviour worthy of reward?

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Being the blind follower of obvious trends that I am, I too lend my support to the lady SC. Why? Because her non-de-web was the first one to come up.

And congrats to ol' Fumble Typer for absconding with an OM before anyone could catch him. May your race be promoted to species status (Pan schwienfurthi that is) soon.

My vote is for SC. She is hilarious and she goes for the jugular.

By Pandora Neurospora (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

You know, this isn't the kind of formal vote where you only get one say in the matter...

Erm... Oh yeah. Never mind, then.

Kel and Nick Gotts. And around 20 others, as usual.

There may have been a few irregularities in the voting

But I don't think chimpeachment will be necessary.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Attention seeking? Wouldn't that be the trolls? Yuck, sorting them out would be a messy job.

I'm not such a fan, but I think that's because in always thought the name was Big Dump Chimp. I could never make it to the actual comment. I'd always be thinking something like, "Will someone please get that chimp a bran muffin!"

People almost always assume I'm a man from my writing for some reason, and I take no offense.

I think that's because you don't dot your "i"s with hearts, like most women do when they type.

There may have been a few irregularities in the voting

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - In a surprise outcome today George W. Bush won the Molly Award on the popular blog Pharyngula. The Molly is awarded monthly to the commenters who provide good arguments and insight in the threads.

"I'm surprised," explained Bush. " I never even posted a comment on Farynuglia [sic]."

Many commenters were very upset, demanding a recount. "Is their any aspect of my life this guy can't fuck up?" asked an anonymous commenter. Many past winners joined the chorus, vowing to return their award if in fact Bush is inducted into the Order.

The Supreme Court is expected to heart the case, but many expect them to rule in Bush's favour, again.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I think that's because you don't dot your "i"s with hearts, like most women do when they type.

But I give all my comments a little spritz of perfume! I thought that'd be a dead giveaway.

Bill Dauphin.

Congrats BDC!

To David M.: Thanks for "antworten" my request. Where did you find that Mastodon saurier´s skull? Just curious. I live near "Grube Messel".

Patricia for Molly!

..and SC! I think you´re somewhat like a tag team.

Feynmaniac, just for this.

But also SC, Patricia, and negentropyeater. SC because she's brilliant and rational; Patricia because offbeat snarkiness should be rewarded more than it is; and negentropyeater also for generalized logic and brilliance.

Nick Gotts and Patricia are overdue for the Molly !

I vote for SC! And "J." for troll of the month.

Nick Gotts for the molly. His tenacity and persistence in tackling fundamentalist lunacy is extremely admirable and a pleasure to read. Blunt, brutal, yet entertaining.

Congrats to the Rev., and votes to SC, Patricia and Nick Gotts (in no particular order).

Bill Dauphin for his intelligence, eloquence, and erudition; and for his good nature, which manifests in many ways - not the least of which is his ready willingness to say those rarely-heard three-word phrases such as "I don't know," and "I was wrong."

*waves to K in greeting and agreement*

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

I always have a difficult time with this, because it's hard to choose.

This month, Nick Gotts and SC.

Next month, I'll vote for the rest of you.

By Sastra, OM (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Nick Gotts, and SC.

Oh, and that pesky God fellow.

By Kenneth Oberlander (not verified) on 01 Oct 2008 #permalink

Oh, and my vote goes to Nick Gotts, of course, for decency, wit, clarity, and the many other wonderful qualities he brings to this blog daily.

I've also enjoyed negentropyeater's and Bill Dauphin's comments in recent weeks, as well as those of several previous - and new! - Molly winners. Owlmirror's contributions to the D'Souza thread, in particular, have been most impressive.

Haven't heard enough from Brownian, Damian, or Paul W. of late. What, you think having lives and responsibilities is some kind of excuse or something?

I think Mrs. Tilton deserves a Molly but maybe she has one already? If not, then please offer her one. Nick would be a good choice, otherwise.

My imaginary self would be a good third choice, when I read the smart comments and believe I could have said something similar if I hadn't been / am not so slow...
/ sits quietly inacorner...

I think Mrs. Tilton deserves a Molly but maybe she has one already?

Yes. So does Sastra, of course. The list of previous Molly winners is here:

You can click on "Commenters" at the top of the page to go there.

Always a difficult task. In the past, I have cast votes for Nick Gotts and SC, and I do so again. I also want to add negentropyeater to my growing list of deserving nominees.

By Grendels Dad (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Congratulations to the good Reverend on his Mollyfication.

I'd like to cast a vote for Owlmirror for his perseverance and command of Catholicese in the thread infected by Piltdown Man.

If you ever start handing out multiple Molly's to the same person, I think Sastra should get the first two.

PS: Check out pastor's pledges for the state of MA.

By Stagyar zil Doggo (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Your damn right I'm bitter. Not one person has ever nominated me for a Molly award :P But shouldn't you stay above the frey and let your friends defend you like a good Molly award winner?

However, I will give your last "what the fuck" posting seven stars though. For real.

Good to see you have a sense of humor Randy.

But shouldn't you stay above the frey and let your friends defend you like a good Molly award winner?

nah I like to dig in.

And yes, that video is insane. I'm sure there are some of my not so distant relatives that would be right at home there.

Congrats RBDC! I nominate Patricia for this round. She's always fantastic.

*waves back at Sven*

There are always several outstanding nominees each month. Even nominating three leaves out a dozen.

I'm tossing in another vote for Patricia. She's always a consummate wiseass, and it's high time she gets some credit for it.

It's late, so I'll throw my vote away on Kel, for his tireless engagement of that one Catholic nutcase on that one old thread...or maybe both of them.