Tangled Bank #114


The latest and greatest edition of the
Tangled Bank is at Science Made Cool. Cool!

More like this

It arrived a little early, but it's here now, the latest, greatest edition of Tangled Bank is now posted over at Fish Feet. Go now and get caught up on the best science blogging of the past fortnight.
The next edition of the Tangled Bank will be at Science Made Cool on Wednesday — it's time to send in those links!
Here is a list of current blog carnivals, for your enjoyment: The Giant's Shoulders #5 - The Magic (Blog) Circle! at BodBlack Cat Friday Ark #217 at The Modulator Cento: I and the Bird is at Aimophila Adventures Tangled Bank #118: Yes We Did Edition at STACWDIA Change of Shift: Volume 3, Number…
And it must also be time for the 106th edition of the Tangled Bank. Read it! Check back at Pharyngula later — I've just arrived at the IEDG 2008 conference on Integrating Evolution, Development, and Genomics, and I'll be filling you all in on the latest juicy cool evo-devo stuff.

I heartily affirm the inclusion of the off season recipe blog.

More science food blogging!

Hello - entirely OT, but half an hour's complete silliness (and the last of the series) from the BBC. Bleak Expectations is their radio take on Dickensian excess:
(Or go to bbc.co.uk radio 4 listen again bleak expectations)

While I usually love anything to do with food blogging, that post on eggs was drivel. :o(

Whoa. Brain freeze.

Reminder: small doses for me.

Here's my idea: have your confederate actually swallow the cracker, then immediately leave the church, where medical personnel will be waiting to sample the stomach contents. Neutralize the pH and whatever you have to do to stop the digestive enzymes, then see if you can recover human DNA not belonging to your friend. Think of the fun you could have sequencing it!

Even better, if there are any viable cells, you can hire the Raelians or somebody to do SCNT and you will have brought about the second coming. Is that a million dollar idea or what?