Tangled Bank #112


The latest edition, Tangled Bank #112, is now available at Science Notes.

This issue was delayed because I neglected to ride herd on it while I was off in the Galápagos, but the next edition, at En Tequila Es Verdad, will be on schedule next week, on 3 September. So get inspired by the latest and send in links to your science writing pronto!

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If this is an open thread, I'd just like to share that Maya, my 8-year-old Great Pyrenees, passed away last night from heart failure. She was a loving, loyal, obedient animal who had a difficult life until we adopted her 3 years ago, and she will be missed. You're all welcome to join me (or not!) in completely secular non-prayer.

If this is not an open thread, oh well.

I'm so sorry, allonym. I know how hard it is to lose a pet.

Allonym, I'm really sorry to hear about your pet. My cat died this past weekend, so I can definitely sympathize. All the best to you.

I'm sorry LisaJ. My cat died about two weeks ago. This is a really depressing thread...