I think I have a new favorite t-shirt supplier: Retropolis Transit Authority. Not only are the designs well done and stylish, but any designer who has both "mad geniuses" and "space pirates" as categories (not to mention "demented futuristic housewives," which I somehow find highly titillating) is a winner in my book.

Remember: Father's Day is coming up, and what dad wouldn't want an "I still want my flying car" t-shirt?
(via Schlock Mercenary)
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Your "hint" as to what dad wants for Father's Day has just been transmitted to about 60,000 people.
Not to mention he's apparently admitting he's a certifiable mad genius.
Hey, I think the Bride of Shrek needs an Ask Me About My Death Ray shirt, or maybe something along the lines of The Ladies World Domination Society.
All right, then. Gifts for myself and friends for the next couple of years: Check.
For my money, you still can't go past "Science: It works, bitches"
I've worn that one to a wide variety of venues. Everyone likes it, or at least everyone who comments on it does...
What, PZ, you're shilling for internet businesses now? ;)
Obviously, evangelical science doesn't pay as well as evangelical religion.
Heh, I just bought the "Ladies World Domination Society" shirt.
Don't make me come down there!
I'm not getting any cut from them, and they don't advertise here -- I just like the art.
As for "certifiable mad genius" ... two out of three is good enough, isn't it?
Now, now, PZ. We all know that's exactly what a shill would say.
The "Back off, I'm doing science" shirt is great. Better if it used a different four letter word though.
Overstroming: you mean "Stand back, I'm going to try SCIENCE!"?
or did this company shamelessly rip off Randall's idea?
Ok, bought the "certifiable mad genius" tee. I also suggest looking at http://www.sagashirts.com/ for neat/weird Celtic tees, dropped $70 there this morning. The Ctheltic Cthulhu Tees are perfect for our tentacled overlord, PZ.
Full disclosure, I do not get a discount or cut from this, wish I did, there are about 12 more I want.
I tend to spend a lot of money over at Offworld Designs.
"You're not just wrong. The rules also say you're a DICK!"
Nothing for the Mad Science Faire?
"Some are insane, some are angry, many are both."
At first glance, I would have sworn that these were BioShock T-shirts.
I'm as big a nerd as the come, but who would actually wear any of those shirts in public?
Thanks for the link, PZ! The "I still want my flying car" T-shirt is just the perfect thing for my nine-year-old daughter to give her Dad for Father's Day. Awesome!
Oh Man! Not enough time to get one before my very first Cafe Scientifique next week!
What, re your #17, I plan on wearing mine when I return to Afghanistan in late June, colour and whimsy are soooooo important during stress. Will also wear them at the beach, bought oversizes.
Ciao, y'all
hehe. "Gravity, Where would we be without it?" Pretty clever!
I MUST have one of these. And I will wear it in public -- to work even! AHAHAHAHAHA!
If you don't buy one of those "Back off, I'm doing SCIENCE!" shirts, PZ, I think we're all going to be very disappointed in you. Myself, I can't quite decide whether I want a Certifiable Mad Genius shirt or a Ladies' World Domination Society shirt. (My friend Rustin may be getting the Genius or Science ones as a present, however.)
I thought the line was "back off man, I'm a Scientist!"
But they're some nice shirts.
My favorite T-Shirt is: "If you see me running - try to keep up". Especially good around physics departments in universities.
Just shipped my dad the "Back off, I'm doing SCIENCE!" t-shirt for Father's Day. It'll arrive a bit early, but that's ok.
I ordered it in purple, too. School colors and all that, ya know. It's just the thing for an Organic Prof to wear to lab or something.
The "I still want my flying car" reminds me of the running theme in Warren Ellis' "Desperation Jones" comic book. The future is now, and the future sucks, and people spray paint things like "where's my $#$^ing jet pack" and "you owe me one flying car".
Gotta go back and read that again now. :D
Recently bought a "Abort Born Again Christians" T-shirt.