What a strange phenomenon…

MAJeff started it all. Here I go and set up this blog just so I can lord it over a readership, and the readers starthaving a good time talking to each other, and they seem to have noticed that they are of like minds and find each other to be interesting — perhaps more interesting than the blog owner — and there is a growing awareness that they don't need me. So MAJeff is organizing a Boston Pharyngulite get-together, a group with no masters, not even me, but of similar free-thinking, scientifically-inclined minds.

Now I'm getting more requests in email to help people gather local pharyngulites for social meetings. This is rather cool, even if it means I'm going to have to kiss my cunning plans to become the Atheist Pope-Tyrant goodbye in the face of this rising democratization of freethought. Oh, well.

I can still be a central clearinghouse for information about these events (from overlord to bookkeeper…oh, I have fallen). Use this open thread to talk about organizing your own meetup, or joining someone else's. I suppose once you've got something arranged, if you send me the city, date, time, and location, with a link to an article on one of your blogs that is taking RSVPs or discussing plans, I can put it up on the sidebar somewhere.

And I insist that you at least send me a link to your after-event photos and discussion.

Oh, and one little suggestion…I've been at these kinds of events before, and one problem is that you are all internet nerds who have never met each other before, so people show up at the restaurant or bar and wander about, not knowing who among the milling horde are the actual fellow weirdos they're supposed to meet. I suggest that you have a recognizable symbol somewhere on the table or on the attendees — as early Christians used the fish, I recommend that you have something with a cephalopod on it.

By the way, I set up this Frappr Map several years ago, and have neglected it ever since. Would this be a useful tool for finding locals?

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I've been slacking off on Pharyngula lately — I've had a week to relax and get caught up on a few other things. Here, though, are a few links to ridiculous religiosity that have been piling up in the mailbox. Cockroaches are God's wrath. And did you know Jesus had a roach problem? Vera Ivie…

Right, maybe you could ordain your own "priests"?

I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland. Any other fallen ones out there?

You really need to watch out for Bay Staters (aka Massholes) - they always seem to be looking to revolt from tyrannical overlords.

Anybody in Barcelona, Spain ?

It's nice and sunny over here.

hey PZ, what about a Pharyngula world conference over here ?

Don't forget that Christopher Columbus first sponsors were from here...

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Pee Zed has delusions of grander and whines:

Here I go and set up this blog just so I can lord it over a readership ...

Uh, no, you were allowed to set up this blog so you can be routinely abused by your pseudo-minions and (eventually) turned into extra-large calamari rings (albeit probably not tractor tyre sized).

Any fellow squids in Tokyo? Hell, any fellow cephalopods in JAPAN?

How 'bout Southern Ontario?

Pharyngulites in or near Sheffield, UK?

Ithaca, NY anyone... anyone?

Brigit wrote: "Ithaca, NY anyone... anyone?"

Jeez, Brigit, with the weather in upstate NY this time of year, even if there are Pharyngulites there, they're probably in no mood to talk! :) (I spent about a year in Ithaca, and 10 in upstate NY.)

As for me, I'm a North Carolina person...

Ok, anyone in Tennessee? How 'bout in the whole bible belt? Anyone? Anyone?

Oooh, Edinburgh... that'd be a bit of a long trip coming from Germany, but I'm sorely tempted.
As to cephalopods for identifiers, I just remembered that there's a company here making bath colours that uses an octopus as their mascot; there's octopus-shaped bath toys, plushies, wash gloves, and so on. I suspect it will lead to a whole generation of German cephalopod-fanciers. Now I wonder if it's all a nefarious international plot by PZ...

blf: Let's hope not. I'm not fond of the taste of ammonia. ;)

I think the best strategy for organizing is to take a lead and organize. Say what city you're in, give a link to a blog entry where you're taking input, and maybe just say you're going to be at the bar on Main street at 7pm on the first Friday in March.

Get concrete! Name a place and suggest a time. And if no one else shows up, you'll at least get yourself a beer and a plate of calamari out of the deal.

I'm not a million miles from Barcelona (in southern France), but then again, Nobody Expects The -- er, is a million miles from The Spanish Inq-- wack! wack! down Monty, down I say!...

Montpellier, Marseille, or Aix-en-Provence areas?

Hmm... Anyone else in the Pittsburgh area?

After you get a number of comments here, we should make a map of Pharyngulites. =)

I find wearing a death metal shirt to be always a safe bet of antitheism. I'd consider meeting up somewhere in the Cities, and yes, I'd be wearing a death metal shirt (that's about all I have).

@Katie #7

I'm in Burlington, and my upcoming weekend is free too. Anyone else?

I'm not in Ireland now, but I will be in mid-March.

Seeing as the term 'Bright' hasn't really caught on, how
about adopting 'Pharyngulite'?

Nahhh, I guess not. It sounds too much like an ancient Abrahamic sect.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

As long as we don't have to have a physical mark, such as a tattoo or circumcision, I'm in.

I suggest we develop a tradition of hot tubs and single malt scotch. That way, even without having cephalopods as our symbol, we'll FEEL sort of squiddy after a long meeting.

As for the way to recognize each other, there's also this: http://www.squidblog.net/uploads/ssquidmodel1.jpg . (I'm sure they also come in blue.)

And I'm near Schenectady NY. Bring on the pharyngulites!

For those in the Ottawa (Canada) area: Our (somewhat delayed) celebration of Darwin day is coming up next Friday, 29 February, at the University of Ottawa: "Endless forms most beautiful" vs "From goo to you by way of the zoo" . This event features a game-show style debate where defenders of evolution can test their skills against creationist arguments. (Come and see Eamon Knight muster up his best creo persona.)

Details here

I think the best strategy for organizing is to take a lead and organize. Say what city you're in, give a link to a blog entry where you're taking input, and maybe just say you're going to be at the bar on Main street at 7pm on the first Friday in March.

That's basically what I did. I've got the original link up soliciting input. I had no idea it would end up as large as it's looking it might. Tomorrow, I'm gonna put up a post taking it all into consideration and say, "Let's have some fun!"

Then, I'm passing it on to whomever wants to organize the next one (if there's to be one).

Seeing as the term 'Bright' hasn't really caught on, how
about adopting 'Pharyngulite'?
Nahhh, I guess not. It sounds too much like an ancient Abrahamic sect.

Wasn't there a thing calling Catholics "fish-eaters" or something because of Fridays? We could be the "Squidders." It just sounds more fun.

Another Pittsburgher here.

I see what you are doing, here, PZ. You are trying to get your readers who don't yet blog to do so:

I think the best strategy for organizing is to take a lead and organize. Say what city you're in, give a link to a blog entry where you're taking input, and maybe just say you're going to be at the bar on Main street at 7pm on the first Friday in March.

So, apparently what happens is they setup their blogs and add links to Pharyngula. This drives up your Technorati rating yet further into the stratosphere.

Are you feeling Greg Laden breathing down your neck?

(hint to readers: Wordpress has a great free blogging service.)


Happy to start a pub crawl on Friday night, Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, UK....

Any takers?

Starting at Po Na Na's 19:30 - always looking for an excuse to hang out!

I'm right between Ithaca and Schenectady! Problem is there's nothing actually here.

Jonathan (Sheffield): Whitby. For the Yorkshire chapter of the phayngulites I could get a fossil ammonite from the beach or a box of frozen squid from fishing tackle shop.

OK, if there's anybody else in Ottawa (the one in Ontario, where we keep our federal politicians), I've got a posting up where we can synchronize a meeting. Click the "Posted by:" name below.

Didi and other assorted UK

Somewhere central maybe? I'm in Bristol - can't make it by 7.30, have a heart mate.
I can do Cambridge for a Saturday.

This is a fabulous idea to get Pharyngula readers together in various cities. Sounds like a lot of fun to be with similar-minded folks!!!!

PZ, just a suggestion: I know the folks at Scienceblogs are pushed to the limit with stuff to do, but can anyone there think of a cheap, easy way to facilitate the meeting of far-flung groups of Pharyngula Phans?

I like the way the Meetup organization works, but I wish it didn't cost money to organize a group. It's not a lot, but somebody has to spring for the $100 a year or whatever it is to be a group organizer. I belong to an atheist meetup group and we all chip in, but still.

I'm seeing this as another organizing thread to gather science-minded people together for fun and conversation.

Could be the best thing to do is set up initial groups in large cities, and then as demand grows, branch off groups in smaller and smaller urban locations (until the supply of Christian babies for sacrifice runs short, or whatever).

Houston... represent!

How about the Starbucks at Buffalo Speedway just south of 59?

By speedwell (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Anyone want to meet before (or after) the Dawkins talk in Madison, WI (March 11th)?

You can find me in Bangkok or Kathmandu, so there's double the probability for a get-together!

just a bit more evidence that we are, in our nature, a social species. (eep, a sociologist talking human nature; i'm gonna lose my membership card as a radical constructivist)

I've had my sunday morning wine, so to speak, and the cat is attacking a sharpie after her catnip fix. And the Simpsons are on the DVD player. And people are being people. All's good with the world. Until dissertating begins this afternoon.

I was in Ithaca, and would have probably had plenty of Pharyngulites to meet up with, but now I'm in Cyprus. Any squids here, or at least in the Eastern Mediterranean in general?

DrBadger, I'll consider that. I'm in the Twin Cities and am definitely going to the American Atheists conference here, but have also been scoping out the Madison talk. If I go, certainly!

Tynedale, anybody?

Re the need for a way of recognizing each other the first time:

When Kansas Citizens for Science held the first national citizens for science activists summit in 2000, we used "two opposable thumbs up" as our sign at the bar beforehand.

By Jack Krebs (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink


Here I go and set up this blog just so I can lord it over a readership...

I thought the idea was to use the flame wars to heat your house for free in the winter.

@#40, Steve, sounds good. Maybe I'll check here when it's a little closer to March 11 and we could plan something.

It seems that someone with a little more time and ambition than I could do something wonderful with the Google Maps API to facilitate these meetups.

@ Dan #18:

I'm from Burlington, too, but I spend most of my time either at school in Waterloo or wherever I happen to get a co-op job (currently Markham). If someone organizes a Toronto-area meetup, I'll do my best to be there :)

MAJeff (#24) The only problem with 'squidders' is that, in the American dialect, it is indistinguishable from 'squitters':
Perhaps not the image we're going for, though I'm sure we'll all be very excited to see one another...

FWIW, I'm in Eugene, Oregon, though I doubt that any other denizens are awake and posting this early on a Sunday.

Any other APS members going to be at the March Meeting? I don't know NOLA very well, but there must be a fair number of restaurants near the convention center.

I'm in Ithaca (NY)! Anyone who feels like organizing/whatever can email me (antimatter [dot] spork [at] gmail)

By antimatter spork (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Is there anyone in the Detroit/Pontiac, MI area? I can't point you to my blog because, (a) I'm far too busy to have a blog, or (b) I'm far too lazy to have a blog. I'd like to think the reason is (a), but I'm almost certain it's (b).

Brigit and antimatter spork, you're just up the road (well, about 50 miles up the road) from me here in Vestal. Only three of us in all central NY state?

Shadowin: Columbia is close enough for me, so if you put something together, I'll do my damnedest to be there!

Oh PZ, you'll always be our Atheist Pope-Tyrant.

By Physicalist (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

@ Katie #7, Dan #18 and Adrian #46

I'm in Toronto and would definitely be interested in meeting up. I know of another Pharyngulite on my campus; if he doesn't catch this soon I'll see that he's directed to it.

We could be the "Squidders." It just sounds more fun.

I consider myself a "Cephalopunk."

By Physicalist (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink


Hi ChemBob. I'm in Midland and would be willing to make the drive. Any thoughts on date and place?

Wow, I never knew how many Pharyngula comment(at)ers were over here in the UK. mmghosh: "Somewhere central maybe?" Dare I suggest London? Okay, okay, I know it's not so central in terms of distance but it certainly is in terms of train lines. To make up for this lazy cop-out, I can offer to arrange a behind the scenes tour to see the giant squid at the Natural History Museum.
*pauses for effect*
Cambridge would work for me too, though, as mmghosh suggested...

Hey Kimbits, Kate #7, Dan # 18, and Adrian 46.

I too am in Toronto. It seems we are gathering a critical mass.

Epikt, APS as in Association for Psychological Science? If that is the case, yes, I am a member. And which March meeting, the American Atheists conference?

oh come on, there have to be other pharyngulites here down south!

@ Katie #7, Dan #18, Adrian #46 and Kimbits #55

A Southern ON Pharyngulite, sounding off! I'd be more than happy to meet up in the TO-area sometime and my guess is a number of my colleagues (an unruly pack of philosophy grad students) would be interested as well.

Steve Ulven:

Epikt, APS as in Association for Psychological Science? If that is the case, yes, I am a member. And which March meeting, the American Atheists conference?

Sorry, Steve, my provincialism is showing again. The American Physical Society's March Meeting is in New Orleans March 10-14.

I'm just south of the lake in Erie, PA. Any other Pharyngulites around here. If not, if the burgh cell decides on a meeting, I might just run down I-79.

MAJeff (#24) The only problem with 'squidders' is that, in the American dialect, it is indistinguishable from 'squitters':

Point taken.

Columbia, SC; there are atheists here? Who knew?

Washington, DC? I can't be the only Pharyngulite here.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

DanioPhD (#47) I'll be in Portland, OR in a few hours...does that count??

I'm usually in Vancouver BC, except when I'm not.

By CanadianChick (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hi Pyrogirl! Midland is pretty far, perhaps we could meet somewhere in Flint or someplace near that. To be honest, I haven't given sufficient thought to an actual date and time. I saw this thread and thought, hey, that's a good idea.

One issue that I'll have is that I work in Detroit (New Center Area) and drive from Waterford (near Pontiac) to the D every weekday, about an hour, so it would be quite difficult to manage getting to Flint from there regularly and have any time left for a meeting on a weeknight. Perhaps we could do our meeting on an occasional weekend, say once every two months to start. Hopefully, someone else in this area will read this thread as well. I'll give you an email address so that we can take this off the list. It is rpowellATpowellassociates.com.

Rats, I shouldn't have included all those links. Well, I'll repost my comment without the links, you can probably find them by Google.

I'm another Ithacan, and would come to a meeting in town, though without a car I can't travel very far.

On a side note, I'm compiling a list of local science(-ish) blogs. So far I have:

The Contemplative Nuthatch
Cornell Mushroom Blog
The Evolution List
Natural History Artworks

I'm certain there must be more, especially non-biological ones. Who knows of them?

Anyone in Salt Lake City? Northern Utah?

I am in the Twin Cities and my e-mail is steveulven @ gmail.com. Don't copy and paste, I put spaces in to avoid spammers (even though Google is near flawless weeding those fuckers out). So feel free to e-mail with any meets. I may not show to most, but I am interested.

How lucky am I to be born in Minnesota? Here, where PZ breeds us in his laboratory, he has his minions and pharyngulites throughout the state. We bump into each other in the streets and give the secret handshake (it involves using all eight of our arms.) We gather at least monthly under the cover of the Minnesota Atheists. It's not hard to find us. PZ isn't always here, but when he can't make it, his thought control techniques travel across the miles.

And, since this is also an open thread, I would like to share this great rant from Dr. Sid Schwartz at Surgeon's Blog. God is a funny guy; keeps us in stitches.

John B., I'm in Utica.

Portland and/or Eugene OR should be good for a gathering. Unless, of course, people prefer meeting over here in Clark COunty WA, home of the fundie right

Blowing Green . . . Boring Green . . . Bowling Green, Kentucky.

By merkin j. pus-tart (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Anyone in the Southwest Missouri/Springfield area?

My North Carolina dot is so lonely...

By John Mark (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

I suggest that you have a recognizable symbol somewhere on the table or on the attendees -- as early Christians used the fish, I recommend that you have something with a cephalopod on it.

Or we can make reservations under "PZ" and just ask at the host stand. But if that's too logical, I can bring a stuffed Cthulhu (or several *cough*) to the Boston meetup. :P

I live in Portland,OR.

I think rp and I are the only Pharyngulites in Edmonton, but on any given evening there's a 1/3 chance that I'll be at the Next Act Pub, just north of Whyte on 104, across the street from Packrat Louie's. There's a photo of me on the cash register under a hand-written note that says, "Do not accept cheques from this man." Ask the staff. They'll point me out.


@mmgosh and nuntak: would be totally happy to meet in London....Natural History Museum...........sweet!!! Let's figure something out. When would be good for everybody?

Just a bit more evidence that we are, in our nature, a social species.

Speak for yourself.

(Just wanted to put a plug in for the introverted, antisocial types like me. We count, too!)

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

I'd come to any London event.

It would be interesting to use something like orkut.com and map where everyone is. Just to test it, I setup an account (think it's part of google.com) and clicked on the map. It gives you the option to invite people to the site and link together.

sexton 65807 @ gmail.com is the address I setup for it. (remove the spaces)

Just a bit more evidence that we are, in our nature, a social species.

Speak for yourself.

(Just wanted to put a plug in for the introverted, antisocial types like me. We count, too!)


That Frappr map is cool. Pharyngula Phans are all over the globe!

Carolyn, I'm stealing your table marker idea ;)

Looks like a GO train from here takes about an hour to get to Toronto, more than manageable. I'll throw out my email for anyone to grab for a meet-up mailing ring.

dan.corazza (at) gmail.com

I'll note that I'm not at all familiar with Toronto or it's environs, so a native guide would be appreciated :)

#89 - Sam. Is there already someting setup on frappr?

71,77,82: By way of a plug for a Eugene gathering, UO is where our tentacular pontiff did his PhD work, so it might be fun to drink to his health in a place of some personal, historical significance.

jason - I just clicked on the link that PZ put on this post. Can we still join if it is several years old as PZ mentioned?

There really should be some sort of get-together WITH PZ at the Amazing Meeting in Vegas this June. Dinner on Thursday evening perhaps? PZ (and others who will be attending) should make some plans as the date draws near.

DrBadger #37:
I'm not far from Madison, so will look into March 11th as a possibility. Good idea.

Sam #93. I couldn't get it to take an update. Maybe PZ has to open it for invites or something.

The Triangle can't be all that isolated. It's a decent number of highly educated people in one place, after all. Even if the only godless group around meets in Greensboro...

didi nuntak marc

London, next Saturday 1st March 7 pm?
Any Londoners here...where can we start a pub crawl?

Anyone else?

Yorkshire chapter grows again - I'm in Hebden Bridge.

Hailing from the Phoenix metro area. There were a few of us when PZ came to town early last year. Any of you guys still here? Perhaps Lynch could be the president of the local chapter. ;)

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Wow! I thought I was the only Pharyngulite in Spain but now I see that negentropyeater is from Barcelona. Maybe we should start "The New Spanish Order of the Pharyngula"...
Oh, I'm in Valencia btw

I signed up on the Frappr dealie, but it looks like I'm the only one in eastern Washington. We have a chapter of Drinking Liberally here in the Tri-Cities that meets on Tuesdays; I rarely go, but I'd love to meet some Pharyngulites there sometime.

Another upstate New Yorker here, in Binghamton. More nearby than I'd expected.

By MJKelleher (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Memyrald said...

Ok, anyone in Tennessee? How 'bout in the whole bible belt? Anyone? Anyone?

Memphis, TN and boy do I cause a stir at the annual revival.

By James Taylor (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Stockholm calling. Actually our shy retiring local, MartinR of Aardvarcheology, organizes a Scienceblog meet-up every few months (he actually brought THE Professor Steve Steve on one occasion - and we have the photos to prove it!). If anyone has missed it then this is a good opportunity to put the word out in case there are more local pharyngulites who want to join in.

I, for one, would be happy to make the pilgrimage. Does it mean I have to wear hyper yellow and green? That's kind of hard on a Beaver fan. Sorry, just kidding. I'll agree to whatever we all decide will best work out.

I'm in San Diego. I would love to meet other pharyngulites in SoCal.

sphex @180:

Two Pharyngulites here in San Diego. We're in Mission Valley.

Any San Francisco Bay Area Octopus people around?

By Trent1492 (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Anyone else having trouble with the frappr map pins? Mine seems to keep being hijacked.

I have started a new "topic" at The Skeptics Society
scroll down to the "NEXUS" and it is titled "Pharyngula" (I have no imagination). If your area has a posting, you can PM the person responsible. If not, you can post for yourself, and wait to be flooded by PMs.

Middle of nowhere Michigan anyone? (PMG, you're already in if you're reading this.)

Middle of nowhere everywhere Minnesota anyone?

Hmmm, I haven't seen any other Denver people here yet. But I propose that, if and when we do assemble, we call ourselves the Colorado Calamari.

@108, 109, I'm in Irvine, could make it to a san diego-ish meetup. Or an orange county group if more pharyngulites in the area surface.

I live in Andersonville! I'll be here till the beginning of April before I move to my second life in CO. So all you Chicago people give a holler and we'll go somewhere posh downtown? Or bar hop on the northside?

So Elin! I'll be in Creede for the '08 season at Creede repertory Theater starting in mid May, so that puts me about 5 hours out from Denver. I'm totally down with being one of the Colorado Calamari.

I'd throw a line to Trent seeing as from mid April to mid May I'll be around CA (Vacaville), but I can't organize that one, because I'll be pretty busy.

By Michael X (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Pharyngulites are always very welcome at the Vancouver Skeptics in the Pub in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Find our group on Facebook or look for the Vancouver Skeptics Meetup on Meetup.com.

Where are all the other Australians.? Peter Ashby? I'm sure you're out there somewhere. Come on guys, remember...there is NO event, be it a school fete or the opening of parliament, that cannot be enhanced with a sausage sizzle.

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Nunatak, you're not the only Pharyngulite at the NHM interested in meeting up then.

I'm likely to be anywhere involving decent beer of an evening. I can recommend the "Doric Arch" just outside Euston Station as a convenient meeting point.

@ Sigmund #104:

Thanks, I had missed that. Perhaps because I had to minimize my blog presence.

So, yeah, as Uppsala is but a hop, skip and a jump from Stockholm, I might join in. Förutsatt att man kan få öl utan bläckfiskar. (Assuming one can get beer without squids.)

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Karey @ Irvine (and any other SoCal-ers)

Weekends seem the most likely time for meetups out here, and for anyone in S. Orange County and SD County, I'll act as organizer. Just send emails to nermal071 @ hotmail.com

Anyone from SD to LA would probably be interested in an Atheists United event on 2-24, a showing of the movie "SAVED":

We'll see you Sunday, February 24 at:
11 a.m. (doors open at 10:30 a.m.)
Center For Inquiry-West
4773 Hollywood Bl. (2 blocks west of Vermont @ Berendo)
Hollywood, California

Drat, renumbering occurs as comments get out of queue. Well, approximately #104 then.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

yeah, i noticed that too. =]

2/14/2008 Tacoma News Tribune

Divers wanted to help count giant octopuses in Puget Sound

Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium and the Seattle Aquarium are enlisting local scuba divers this weekend in an effort to count giant Pacific octopuses in the Puget Sound.

The annual census will be used to establish baseline data on the number of octopuses in the region ...

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Ann Arbor primates here? I just posted on the Frappr Map if anyone enjoys beer.

Vasha, I'm also carless in ithaca.
Ooh, and Dan, I know you, we were in the same department! =)

A smoking platter of Architeuthys calimari should guide Pharygulides to their Daily Catch table.

This will avoid confusion with the adjacent gathering sci fi groupies scarfing crottled greeps . You don't want to know what the munching noises coming from beneath the napkins at the Cthulhu table signify.

By Polyester Math… (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Galveston County, Texas?

Hey, sphex, raatrani, and anyone else in SoCal,

I'm in Temecula/Murrieta! I'm game for anywhere in the Riverside/S.Berdoo/San Diego or even L.A. county areas.

By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Posted by: Bride of Shrek | February 24, 2008 4:52 PM

Some of us have only just got to work and logged on for the daily hit!!

Wilkins and I are at UQ in Brisbane.

Hey #107, James. I'm also in Memphis, Tennessee. I'll show up if something's on.

Anybody in Austin freakin' Texas?

By Lisa Robinson (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

People have mentioned Meetup, which costs money, but what about a Pharyngulite Wiki? Wiki software is free, editing wiki pages is easy, and hosting is cheap. It could be used for a lot more than organizing meetings, too. Post here if you like the idea, and please include the word "wiki" in your reply so that I can find it easily.

By Josh in California (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Joplin, Missouri?

Apart from photo's, some, well me anyway, would like a video of a group rendition(or destroyation) of what could possibly turn into an anthem.

Octopus's garden
you know, I'd like to be under the sea...

As a finale, Highway to Hell might be a bit tough, so we/I will settle for Yellow Submarine and those not there,can point and laugh.

Mark #1- I am in Falkirk, and know Edinburgh rather well. Unfortunately 2 people doesnt make much of a gathering.

Perhaps we should extend this to all the other sci-blogs, and we can wear badges showing our allegiance withing the scienceblogs borg?

Sigh, I won't be back in the Toronto area till the summer, till then I'm stuck in the Bible Belt of all places.

If near Joplin, email me at johnston-k002 AT mymail DOT mssu DOT edu.

To those that were interested in Columbia, email me. I have an account on gmail with the same nick (Shadowin).

We meet at Nonnah's in downtown on the third Tuesday, and at the Starbucks (near the fountain) in Sandhill on the first Wednesday, both at 7pm.

We typically discuss current events in politics and science, but we can do cephalopods too =). It's just a social gathering for those of us who do not subscribe to a theistic worldview.

Bho and McLir,

ChemBob and I were talking about a possible Michigan Pharyngulite meeting. I would be willing to meet in Detroit or Ann Arbor (I live in Midland and always want an excuse to travel :)

We were thinking about a weekend. How about you two? Any suggestions?


Mark UK -

We have an English, Welsh, Irish and Aussie poster at the ATBC blog site, a Panda's Thumb adjunct. We make fun of Bill Dembski's Uncommon Descent blog, and ID in general. What the hell - a Scotsman would fit right in.

You are a "True Scotsman", right?


It helps if you are smart and have a sense of humor. We have even had a cracking good game of Morningside Circle.

MAJeff - My oldest son was born when we lived in Beverly, MA, and I would love to see you all, but stuck in Chicago. Go to the Parker House and bill it to the Discoveryt Institute.

For laughs, is anyone here from Memphis TN? We are a rather backward place, but it would be nice if there were a few fellow Pharyngulites here.

MJKelleher, I'm in Vestal and go by bookeraptor in the BPSB forums.
Vasha and Brigit, we should be able to accomodate you by coming to Ithaca. Any excuse is a good one.
Carlie, you aren't far either...email me bookeraptor@gmail if anyone would like to look into meeting in Ithaca. The Mahogany Grill on Aurora St. has great burgers!

Speaking of Meetup.com, there is an atheist meetup in Denver that meets once a month. I haven't been yet, as I just moved here last week.

Michael X---I'm new to CO, too. Is the Creede Rep a seasonal theater (like a Shakespeare rep theater) or does it go year round?

Anyone know of a site that's good for groups and doesn't cost money?

We have even had a cracking good game of Morningside Circle.

When I saw this, I first thought of Morningside College in Sioux City, IA. That was the only other school I applied to other than Iowa State, and the only reason I applied was because as we were walking by their table at a college fair, the recruiter recognized my dad--they'd gone to college together. He waived the admission fee, and I ended up as a finalist for a free ride...which I never had any intention of accepting. I'm glad I ended up in Ames instead of Sioux City. NW Iowa would have been far too close to my relatives, and ....*shudder*

What's got me giggling about all this, is that I saw a couple of folks talking about it on a thread, said, "Hey, it would be fun to get together," and tossed up a post, a link, and an email to PZ. I've had over 1/9 of my blog's total visits in the past four days, and it's spawned all this other stuff.

Just 'cause I wanted to meet some new people, really.

I just hope folks here have a good time, and folks elsewhere do as well. Life should involve pleasant times.

Anyone know of a site that's good for groups and doesn't cost money?

Google groups any good?

I've also got a bunch of public sphere theory running through my head right now....this is fascinating me on so many levels.

Thanks for the great idea, MAJeff! This has sure created a lot of discussion. Now we just have to make some of the events happen!

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

#6 Kimpatsu


I'm lurking about in Sagamihara. Contact me at jonachan at yahoo dot com and we can spread the good cephalopod word throughout Kanto!

By JonathonC (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Anyone know of a site that's good for groups and doesn't cost money?

Google groups any good?

Good for discussion? Yeah, kinda. (Very limited compared to something like phpBB.) Not so good for organizing events.

That's why I suggested a wiki. It's easy to categorize pages and people. E.g., an individual user could be in multiple categories describing their location. E.g., I would be in these categories: "US Pharyngulites", "California Pharyngulites", "Fresno, CA Pharyngulites". Categories can be nested, so the "US Pharyngulites" category page could show all of its subcategories, and those subcategory pages can show their subcategories. And, of course, anything else that interests Pharyngulites could go into such a wiki.

It's not as good for discussion (where something like phpBB would trump it), but if someone can host a Wiki it's just as easy to install phpBB, too. I suppose that's my final suggestion. It would only require ponying up about $10 for a domain registration, and I know of a hosting service that charges exclusively for usage (no fixed monthly fees).

By Josh in California (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hey John B/bookeraptor, thanks for taking on the fight on Rossie's column last week! Time got tight, and I didn't get back there.

Ithaca is very do-able, I'm going to be up there next weekend for a kick-back movie-watching party with some of the family.

I've got a blog already set up and not doing anything, so I've put up a post about a possible meeting. It's at Behind the Spotlight. Anybody else around the Central NY/Finger Lakes/Southern Tier, c'mon by.

Announcing the First Annual Pharyngulium at Condor 15, a San Diego area relaxacon February 29 through March 2nd.

The Pharyngulium is a completely impromptu, informal, and unscheduled get together for Pharyngulites and anybody else who cares to join in. Topics of discussion consist entirely of whatever comes up in casual conversation. Pharyngulium, the anti-con within the con.

(Note that Condor knows nothing about this, because I just came up with the idea. I'll see about getting "Pharyngulium One" added to my name badge, but If I can't look for the large guy with the glasses and beard and the name badge reading "Mythusmage".)

The Pharyngulium and Condor XV sound like a lot of fun Alan! It makes me wish I lived near San Diego.


That sounds like fun! I think we might be able to make that...

(Come and see Eamon Knight muster up his best creo persona.)

The lobotomy is scheduled for tomorrow AM, and by Friday night the...um...medications should have me hallucinating fairly continuously. IOW, I'll be ready to play the part. Someone has promised to bring a video cam.

Lurker here , also in Toronto.

By baryogenesis (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Elin, due to the fact that the town is 8,900 feet, it's seasonal. The winters make the roads getting there next to impossible to use for any large number of people. So we get there in May and leave in October. Then we go elsewhere to hide from the snow. ;)

By Michael X (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Huh. I guess I'm alone in the desert. =/

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Huh. I guess I'm alone in the desert. =/

depends on which desert you mean.

I'm hanging out in Palm Springs.

nice weather. 70 degrees and sunny yesterday.

there's a few other familiar names that hang in the So. Cal. area;

Gary Hurd
... couple others.

FishyFred @ #72 -

DC Pharyngulite here.

By Strange Forces (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

A long shot here: Cape Town South Africa anyone? I do some work in the UK from time to time so may be able to make a London meetup depending on if I'm on the island at the time ;-)

Anyone else in Bulgaria? (I guess an even longer shot.)

Oh, well, I may be the only reader, or at least the only one de-lurking.

By hipparchia (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Anyone else in the Magic Kingdom? Anyone? Anyone? I'm so lonesome I could cry. :(

By sleepyinsaudi (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Plano, Texas? Didn't think so.

Way hey Scots . . . Glasgow here.

And you'd all be welcome whether you've had yer tea or no.


Okinawa, Japan.

But of course I can't get off base...


Be sure to check out the ConDor site for information on who's going to be at the official convention. Even if nothing else happens, it's worth it for the convention itself.

So why have the First Annual Pharyngulium at ConDor? Because it was spur of the moment, and I know I'll be there. If you want a real reason, you'll have to come up with one of your own.

@ 167:

I mean the real desert: Phoenix. =P

Kidding aside, there were others in town I thought. Either they have moved on in the last year, or they haven't seen this yet.

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

Way hey Scots . . . Glasgow here.

And you'd all be welcome whether you've had yer tea or no.

Hiya MacT and other Northern Pharyngulites

Another Scottish Pharyngulite here! By my reckoning that's 4 of us from Scotland and several others from Northern England who might find a Northern meet up easier to get to than the London one currently being organised.

What does everyone else think - is there much interest in a Northern England/Scotland meet up?

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

Memyrald, James Taylor, Chucko, BGT, and any other Memphians (or Mid-southerners):
I'm a Memphian too.
How about meeting at Dan McGuiness-Spottswood at 6PM CST on Friday, the 29th of February?
sachatur at hotmail dot com

Brigit and Vasha et al.,
Ah, it's ashame I'm not in Ithaca anymore. I appreciate though being still included on the Ithaca blogs list though!

Cool - how is life in the department these days?

"Ok, anyone in Tennessee? How 'bout in the whole bible belt? Anyone? Anyone?"
Posted by: Memyrald

Yep, Murfreesboro here. Looks like a few from Memphis as well.

"Ok, anyone in Tennessee? How 'bout in the whole bible belt? Anyone? Anyone?"
Posted by: Memyrald

Yep, Murfreesboro here. Looks like a few from Memphis as well.

Stupid double post gremlin.

Pittsburgh (well, okay, Altoona) here. I've seen a few other people state as such so maybe there's something happening here? Oh I do hope so~

For the Scottish/Northern England Pharyngulites:

Given where people are, how about meeting up in Glasgow, on a Saturday Afternoon/Evening so that all the Non-Glasgow Pharyngulites can get there and back easier without running into work issues?

Do any of the Glasgow Pharyngulites have any suggestions as to a good venue that travellers can get to easily from Queen's Street Station?

Also, does anyone mind being a contact (either via a blog or Facebook page) where we can arrange the meet up?

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

@ Dan:
Pretty interesting actually. They're getting a new department chair, so seminars have become very interesting AND there's better, more frequent free-food around.

Galapagos anyone interested ?

Maybe it's a stupid idea, but what about planning a Pharyngula trip to the Galapagos, early next year with the squid-master in person.
I know it's a lot of money, and it requires a lot of planning, but Darwin won't be 200 years every year...

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

"Galapagos anyone interested ?"

Sounds like fun. Too bad my Russia- Siberia- Mongolia- China trip already has me booked up for next year.

I'm in Austin, TX.

PZ- you should sell some pins from Cafe Press for your devotees to wear to their gatherings (perhaps the octopus icon at the bottom of each post would do). Then you could turn a profit as well. I'd proudly wear one :)

Lilly @185

"For the Scottish/Northern England Pharyngulites:

Given where people are, how about meeting up in Glasgow, on a Saturday Afternoon/Evening so that all the Non-Glasgow Pharyngulites can get there and back easier without running into work issues?

Do any of the Glasgow Pharyngulites have any suggestions as to a good venue that travellers can get to easily from Queen's Street Station?

Also, does anyone mind being a contact (either via a blog or Facebook page) where we can arrange the meet up?"

There's a spacious pub called Waxy O'Connor's just a couple doors west from the George Square entrance to Queen Street Station. It's easy to spot, with flaming torches and a green banner above the door.

"Bho and McLir,

ChemBob and I were talking about a possible Michigan Pharyngulite meeting. I would be willing to meet in Detroit or Ann Arbor (I live in Midland and always want an excuse to travel :)

We were thinking about a weekend. How about you two? Any suggestions?


I am in Bay City, MI

By Faithful Reader (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

There's a spacious pub called Waxy O'Connor's just a couple doors west from the George Square entrance to Queen Street Station. It's easy to spot, with flaming torches and a green banner above the door.

Sounds ideal to me so long as no one has any objections.

If it helps I've got a knitted FSM that I can bring and bung on a table so we can all identify the Pharyngulite table. Does this sound OK as an identifier, or a bit naff?

Does anyone have any ideas about dates (other than on a Saturday)?

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

"If it helps I've got a knitted FSM that I can bring and bung on a table so we can all identify the Pharyngulite table. Does this sound OK as an identifier, or a bit naff?"

A fuzzy FSM ought to be fine, provided it hasn't coincidentally been adopted by any of the local like-minded groupings (Gaelic Stammtisch/BDSM/swingers/goths/etc) that I am told add to the considerable color of Glasgow on a Saturday. At the risk of heresy, give it some PZ-esque eyebrows and we can't miss.

And Saturday is best for me.

Bho, pyrogirl, ChemBob, and Faithful Reader,
How about a meet-up for us and other Michiganders in Ann Arbor? The Arbor Brewing Company is a nice microbrewery with large tables and a pleasant vibe.
If you're interested in a meet-up, email me at
pathat 32 at hotmail dot com.

I'm a Colorado Calamari too! Colorado Springs in fact. I'd love to meet up

By Sacoglossan (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

>>Montpellier, Marseille, or Aix-en-Provence areas?<<

I'm not in any of those, but I'd like to be.

...Very heavy sigh...

Anyone out there from PZ's original neck of the woods?

I'm in Tacoma, WA, wondering if there's anyone else from the Sea-Tac area hiding out up here.

pyrogirl, ChemBob, Faithful Reader, and McLir:

PMG (he hasn't posted to this one, but works with me and is IN) and I are in Mount Pleasant (middle of nowhere).

We're in for a meetup at a brew pub for any reason, Pharyngula related or not (we're the poster children for 'Modern Drunkard' but that's another story). We've got a decent brew pub here in Mountain Town Station, I've heard good things about Lumber Barrons in Bay City too. Could always do something in the middle since it appears some of y'all are in the SE corner - Michigan Brewing Co. perhaps? With enough advanced notice, we could always be talked into a journey to A2 or there abouts on a weekend jaunt as well.

What say ye?

Another one in Vancouver BC - unfortunately life is too busy with CIHR grant applications for me to organise anything, but count me in for anything organised by anyone else!

Hey, my brother Jim lives out there in Tacoma. He can't go, though: he'd tell too many out-of-school tales about his dweeby sibling.

i'm in Murfreesboro as well! Memphis might be a bit of a stretch, though--depends on the date.


Very cool. More accurately, I WORK in Murfreesboro, but live in Cannon county. But don't tell anyone here there's an atheist among them. I enjoy my quiet country lifestyle. This isn't exactly the center of freethought.

I'm up for anything, but Memphis would be a bit of a drive.

sachatur said...

How about meeting at Dan McGuiness-Spottswood at 6PM CST on Friday, the 29th of February?

Considering that's about fifty feet from my office, I would just be stubborn to skip out. I'll shoot you an email, my email should be recognizable with a little imagination. I'll plan on heading over after closing down on Friday.

By James Taylor (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

Sorry thinking Brookhaven, but Spottswood just as convenient.

By James Taylor (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hey ChemBob, Faithful Reader, Bho, McLir, PMG, and any other Michigan Pharyngulites,

Ann Arbor sounds good to me. Much better shopping than what I have up here :). A weekend would be better for me. As far as dates go, I would need a little advance warning to round up a babysitter. The first three weekends in March are possible.


Please note that the First Annual Pharyngulium is not something that really occurs in any one place. Nor is it something that has or will started, or something that every will end. The First Annual Pharyngulium is going on right now wherever Pharyngulites come together and gab. The First Annual Pharyngulium is an ongoing, never ending, series of haphazard unscheduled not-events, the first unplanned, spontaneous not-convention, anti-symposium. The First Annual Pharyngulium is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of get togethers.

So remember, when you're talking with fellow Pharyngulites there is the First Annual Pharyngulium.

Scottish and Northern England Pharyngulites:

How is Saturday 8th March for everyone?

BTW Are any of you on Facebook - I'm just thinking we might want to leave a message there for other Northern Pharyngulites to let them know what's going on if they don't read this thread?

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 25 Feb 2008 #permalink

Another upstate/western New Yorker here. Savona actually. No youve never heard of it. I might be able ot make it to an Ithaca(about an hour away) meetup if Im not feeling too antisocial. Ill keep checking back.

jmd: I'm in Chicago- my wife works at U of C. Seems like there should be more than a few Pharyngulites in the Windy City, maybe they just haven't seen this post. Anyway, I like food and fermented beverages of which there is no shortage in my neighborhood(Wicker Park). Chicagoans: unite! Email me at timothyyaddow(at)hotmail.

Well, we just finished the first meeting of the Memphis area Pharyngulites and I have to admit that the meeting was cordial, fun and insightful. sachatur and I met for a couple of rounds of Guinness at a local pub and we were in pretty much agreement over each other's beliefs and current assessment of the world and state today. Even though this post has crawled off the front page, I thought it a good idea to follow-up here. We were in agreement that we should continue about once a month at least for the drinks if nothing else. Anyone interested in joining us next time when in Memphis is welcome to participate. Although we didn't firm anything up about our next meeting, I will post in a current thread a meeting time and place so others can join us. Thanks PZ, this was a good idea.

By James Taylor (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

@ Sigmund #104:

Thanks, I had missed that. Perhaps because I had to minimize my blog presence.

So, yeah, as Uppsala is but a hop, skip and a jump from Stockholm, I might join in. Förutsatt att man kan få öl utan bläckfiskar. (Assuming one can get beer without squids.)

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink

Drat, renumbering occurs as comments get out of queue. Well, approximately #104 then.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 24 Feb 2008 #permalink