Hey, St Petersburg, Florida!

You've got a real winner running for mayor down there. Bill Foster is another ignorant creationist running for political office.

"Evolution gives our kids an excuse to believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, which leads to a belief that they are superior over the weak," Bill Foster wrote board members in a letter received this week. "This is a slippery slope."

He continued: "One of the Columbine shooters wrote on his Web site, 'You know what I love? Natural selection! It's the best thing that ever happened to the Earth. Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms.'"

Rather than reducing our kids' exposure to evolution, let's increase it. The problem with what Bill Foster believes, a belief he shares with the Columbine punks, is that it has nothing to do with evolutionary biology — in their ignorance, they've swallowed a whole pop-culture, religious line of bullshit about the theory. Biology does not advocate killing the stupid and weak; it does not preach some kind of objective superiority of one class of people over another; it merely describes what happens in the natural world.

Maybe if the Columbine killers had gotten a more accurate version of evolution from a science teacher rather than the idiot's version they got from people like their conservative preachers and the Bill Foster's of the world, they wouldn't have held those ridiculous distortions of the idea.

I hope all you St Petersburg residents are planning to vote for some other person. You don't really want an ignoramus in charge of your city government, do you?

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By now you all know about Bill Foster, an outgoing council member in St. Petersburg, Florida, who has very strong creationist leanings. Foster had written a widely cited letter linking Hitler and the Columbine shooters to Darwinism. I thought it would be fair to have the ENTIRE letter written by…
Today's St. Petersburg Times has a letter from Bill Foster. Foster was the outgoing city councilman who wrote a letter to the school board opposing the teaching of modern Evolutionary Biology, or at least, the teaching of modern science without wrapping it in a medieval blanket of Christian…
St. Petersburg mayoral candidate Bill Foster believes, contrary to the overwhelming majority of scientists, that dinosaurs and humans co-existed. He believes the world literally was created in six days, and he once complained to school officials when his son was taught about Darwin's theory of…

They'll ruin the Dali museum down there. One of the tour guides claimed Dali was a creationist too because of his depiction of DNA in paintings next to wooden crosses. Quite the contrary...he was mocking the church.

Ask Bill what he's gonna do about the Manatees instead.

Religion gives you the right to feel superior to everybody.

Perhaps children shouldn't be taught about avalanches either. That would encourage them to kill people under tons of snow and ice.

Actually, evolutionary theory tells why words like "superior," words that come from our religious past and fundie present, are not descriptive of biology at all. And while it's simply a fact that the "fittest" survive, evolutionary theory tells us that the "fittest" is no constant, as well as that being weak, and/or kind and pro-social, could be best in many circumstances.

Indeed, the religious almost always thought (and do think) that certain groups are superior, while evolutionary theory "deconstructs" such notions into meaninglessness.

How do you like sharing the same warped view of science that a couple of sociopaths had, Foster? And how do you like being possibly responsible for creating more sociopaths through your ignorance and dishonesty?

Glen D

The St. Pete's mayoral election
just got a pure stupid injection.
I might like to run
for that city in the sun,
but I'm allergic to genuflectin'

These local races, it seems,
can only be won from your knees.
With God on your side,
all you must hide
are your anti-constitutional schemes.

I hope that when this races is done
the person that they say has won
isn't this tool
or a similar fool
or any creationist spawn.

Generally, I try to stay out of religious debates involving evolution, since people's beliefs are their own business regardless of their connection to objective reality. However, when someone running for public office so clearly misinterprets a scientific theory for his own benefit, he gives up that sanctity of belief. The idea that the theory of evolution by natural selection has anything to do with Columbine (or Hitler, or any of the other human tragedies people have tried to link to it in the past) is beyond ridiculous. Religious and non-religious people both do awful things, and though our sometimes violent nature inevitably has something to do with our evolutionary past, it has nothing to do with belief in that theory.

Evolution does give you the right to think you are superior to the weak.

I know, because my pastor told me that all you hell-bound sinners believe in evolution, because it gives you the right to judge people.

No Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus, ever thinks he is superior to you hell-bound godless sinners.

By Steven Carr (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

That is (David W.) "Bill" Foster. Apparently his almost polar opposite, Bill Foster is running in the Illinois primary to fill Dennis Hastert's abandoned seat. So, I'll be voting for Bill, but there's no way I'd vote for "Bill"

By Don't Panic (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

No Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus, ever thinks he is superior to you hell-bound godless sinners.

Of coarse not. That's up for Jesus to decide who is superior. It's not up to the believers to decide. That's up to Jesus. And then Jesus let's us know.

Anyway, we are all equal right up until the point when they start throwing people into hell. So pack up them birdie wings because you'll be needing them. (Like that one time when Jesus flew up into the clouds like a big birdie.)

By birdiefly386sx (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Interesting claim Mr. Foster makes. I was raised Southern Baptist, and my preacher grandpa sometimes spoke nostalgically of the days before the Civil War. The Southern Baptist Convention was formed to prevent those liberal Christians from ending slavery... Religion has often been used to justify labeling classes of people as inferior (women), deserving slavery (the "children of Ham"), fit for killing (Papists, Shi'ites, Jews, Wiccans).

Science is never normative, but religion is, and sometimes has evil results.

Don't pluralize names with apostrophes! Bad P.Z.; bad!

Not nearly as bad as being a drooling malcontent like Bill Foster, though.

I read the full letter available on that page.

Ugh! What a conniving idiot. My sympathies to the educated in Florida.

Merely mentioning Columbine in any discussion about why evolution is somehow 'evil' is tantamount to invoking Godwin's Law.

What depresses me isn't that these people are out there, it's that they're politicians and they're receiving VOTES for this claptrap.

you know, looking at Rich Stage and Cuttlefish, I have to say that this last year on Pharyngula has spawned not one, but two decent poets (and has motivated several others as well).

adds a lot of color to these threads, which many appreciate, I think.

Viva la Pharyngula!

...and thanks to cuttle and rich and the others that have decided to let their right-brains loose.

"Evolution gives our kids an excuse to believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, which leads to a belief that they are superior over the weak," Bill Foster wrote board members in a letter received this week. "This is a slippery slope."

Um, and assuming that a human GOD crafted us, special, to rule the planet makes us... less full of ourselves? Hmm.... logic...

By Kcanadensis (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Sure, and one of the common misframings among the public is to wrongly compare natural predation with person-on-person violence. But a lion killing a gazelle is like a person killing a gazelle, not like a person killing a person. Higher animals don't kill each other that often, but I may be mistaken (most of the stylized fights like between rams unusually end with the less-dominant loser conceding, and being let off, as with wolves etc, AFAIK.) I do think it is important for biologists (no quotes since I'm not quoting someone) to educate the public against "social Darwinism" being either desirable or a legitimate deduction from natural selection. They shouldn't be afraid to point out that Republicans, the supposedly "religious" party, promotes and supports social Darwinism in practice.

you know, looking at Rich Stage and Cuttlefish, I have to say that this last year on Pharyngula has spawned not one, but two decent poets (and has motivated several others as well).

Thanks, my fishy friend!

I have aggregated my limericks here for those who want to read them.

IDists and the other creationists seem never able to decide whether evolution creates values, or if it makes everything random and meaningless. Or if it evil because it is godless, or because it is a religion (implying, of course, that religion is evil and unwarranted).

So, unsurprisingly, we have Foster railing about what evolution "excuses," while the forums are plastered with idiots complaining that evolution makes humanity meaningless, not even superior to "the animals." Any chance they'll ever get their stories straight with each other?

It's worth noting yet again that Klebold and Harris, like Hitler, were more interested in a sort of "artificial selection" than what would normally be called "natural selection." True, the two become confusing when humans are killing other humans, however it's fairly clear that only in the broadest sense possible (in that all that we see is "natural") were Hitler or the Columbine shooters doing anything we'd call "natural," and in the sense of being quite aberrant, they themselves were involved in rather "unnatural acts."

Glen D

Hey! This Forster character is just following the lead of the top politician in the state:

Governor Charlie Crist is taking a wait and see attitude.

"I think the way it's been handled historically in Florida is probably appropriate. It's been introduced and discussed in terms of being a theory. I don't know if there's a need for a change in that. But I'll leave the decision to the board."


With practice passing bucks like that, the guy could get a job as Treasury Secretary.

What's really funny about the "evolution promotes evilness" arguments - besides that they're bullshit - is that even if they were correct, that wouldn't actually make evolution false. Scientists are in pursuit of truth here, not a socially acceptable lie. When people criticize evolution based on what effect (they wrongly claim) it will have on society, they're basically promoting social engineering (in the negative sense). By their logic, scientists should disseminate ideas based on the effect they'll have on society.

When religious people regard scientific theories through their religious mindset, you get a weird transitional form. It's as if they were using the germ theory of disease to argue that this means we ought to invade people's bodies, or molecular theory means we must drop atom bombs on people. If you think those consequences are wrong, then don't "believe in" the theories.

Since their own descriptions include prescriptions and proscriptions, they think all descriptions must do the same thing. And as several have pointed out already, encouraging people to commit the Naturalist Fallacy is much more damaging to morality than anything coming from the science side.

Some former Christians have said that when they first 'lost their faith' they immediately went on sinful binges -- because that is what they were told they should and would do. It took a bit before they went "hey, this doesn't make any sense..."

"Evolution gives our kids an excuse to believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, which leads to a belief that they are superior over the weak," Bill Foster wrote board members in a letter received this week. "This is a slippery slope."

He continued: "One of the Columbine shooters wrote on his Web site, 'You know what I love? Natural selection! It's the best thing that ever happened to the Earth. Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms.'"

Obviously, the murder of one person by another being an example of 'natural selection' is stupid. But, let's assume Bill Foster's thinking is right. The Columbine killer's thinking immediately becomes inconsistent because they committed suicide. From that viewpoint, that means the killers were both superior to others (because they killed them), and inferior to others (because they, themselves, died).

It'll be interesting to see how the St. Petersburg Times follows up on this as the election race progresses. It's a highly unusual paper -- a non-profit owned by the Poynter Institute, which is devoted to the encouragement and pursuit of excellence in journalism.

The paper has, in the past, pursued some stories with quite a liberal perspective. Among other things, a couple years ago it ran a whole series of feature stories that appeared aimed at encouraging the acceptance of transexuals -- very unusual for any US newspaper and especially so for one down in Southern redneck territory.

Foster said he learned about Darwin in a class at Northeast High School, where a teacher told him, "There is really no scientific evidence to support this theory, but if you want to believe that you descended from monkeys, then feel free to do so."

Is this an example of what creationists call "critical thinking skills"?

I thought the mayors of cities dealt with zoning, police, fire, water, trash collection, parking, taxes, schools, and so on. Municipal planning and services.

Since when do mayors run on a platform to overthrow the US government, scrap the constitution, and set up a theocracy? Or to rearrange reality so that it conforms with someone's 4,000 year old bronze age mythology?

Out here, a guy running like that would be considered a kook and get a bit of coverage for comic relief. Not that a significant fraction of the voters might not agree with him on evolution. But he is running for mayor, not chief priest of the wingnuts.

I am who of those fools who buys into the idea that the most successful species of animals are beetles and bacterium. They do not strike me as being "strong".

Ah, but wait, we are dealing with an fool who does not know the difference between a discredited idea about society (Social Darwinism) and biology.

And while it's simply a fact that the "fittest" survive

It's not a fact about organisms, which all perish. Perhaps if we stopped making this misstatement, people would stop getting the wrong impression.

It's a fact about traits within a population if the word "survive" is replaced with "dominate". Fortunately, not only the fittest traits survive, else species would be far more likely to perish when conditions change.

Organisms do not evolve, they develop. Populations evolve. Unless we state this clearly, we can't expect the populace to understand it.

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

I grew up in St Pete, and hope they don't let me down. The St Pete Times is a good newspaper. Lets hope they keep this in the forefront and this jackass out of office.

By moondancer (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

well, the St Pete times might be a good rag, but in reading the article i saw this:

Foster isn't the first Darwin critic to attempt to link evolutionary theory to violence and racism, but he is the first public figure in the Florida debate to do so.

which is hardly true, unless they only mean this specific mayoral race.

I guess they forgot about Katherine Harris, since she is no longer in the spotlight? I bet I could find others fairly easily.

understandable, I suppose, but an error nonetheless.

He continued: "One of the Columbine shooters wrote on his Web site, 'You know what I love? Natural selection! It's the best thing that ever happened to the Earth. Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms.'"

And he did get rid of a stupid and weak organism. It's a shame he killed all those other people first, though.

But seriously, if the Columbine shooters were motivated by Darwinism, why would they remove themselves from the gene pool (actually, the same could be said about Hitler).

By Gregory Earl (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Becky Steele, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, called those statements embarrassing.

Foster's letter is "Exhibit 1 for why we need to change our science standards, for the profound misunderstandings it reveals," she said.

exactly, and that SHOULD be the focus: that improved standards might actually end up weeding out the misinformation that promulgates the likes of Foster's imaginings.

I find it odd that the fundies go on about how science cant say anything regarding morality... but then turn around and say that evolution claims we should kill all the weak people!

Since their own descriptions include prescriptions and proscriptions, they think all descriptions must do the same thing. And as several have pointed out already, encouraging people to commit the Naturalist Fallacy is much more damaging to morality than anything coming from the science side.

The worst offenders are free-market ideologues, who not only argue that free markets are "natural", and therefore (via the fallacy) good, but propose all sorts of policy changes to bring these "natural" forms about. And indeed, between the religious and the justifiers of inequity, morality is left in shambles, and poor Adam Smith, the author of The Theory of Moral Sentiments who promoted sympathy and considered selfishness to be immoral (and who, BTW, was a close friend of atheist David Hume), is left spinning in his grave.

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

PZ, you abused another apostrophe! What do you have against the genitive case?

Don't you mean ignoranus rather than ignoramus?

The horse s***t from these guys never ends. They scream about this straw-man argument about the "strong over the weak" at the same time they sit in their churches and gloat about how sinners will burn in Hell while they watch and laugh from Heaven. I guess it makes sense in their selfish minds; since their moral system has a sanction for attacking other people everything else must.

By their logic, scientists should disseminate ideas based on the effect they'll have on society.

Well, many people, even many scientists, have that view. Many bioethics discussions focus on what should be funded, what science should be done, what truths should be pursued; the same goes for weapons technology. GWB threw something into his SOTU speech about a big push to go to Mars; of course GWB didn't mean it, is not JFK, wasn't embarrassed by Sputnik and superior Soviet science education ... and the idea disappeared from the public consciousness in no time. But what if he had made a big push to redirect society to deal with global warming, infusing lots of money into education and redirecting the scientific focus away from space-base weapons, cosmology, particle physics ... ? Science in practice is not a neutral enterprise that seeks all truth in all areas simultaneously; different truths serve different interests.

So I don't think the "scientists should study evolution even if that would lead to more evil" argument is very compelling or very politic. I think it's far wiser to point out the truth that people find all sorts of ways to justify their bad behavior, including misrepresenting the facts about evolution, and to emphasize certain facts, such as that dogs don't eat dogs -- their strength is cooperation.

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

They scream about this straw-man argument about the "strong over the weak" at the same time they sit in their churches and gloat about how sinners will burn in Hell while they watch and laugh from Heaven.

projection; it's how they commonly defend their rationalizations.

often followed or accompanied by denial.


and the idea disappeared from the public consciousness in no time.

holy crap, you ain't kiddin'!

I had even forgotten about that myself. OTOH, it's probably because I never took him seriously to begin with. Well, OK, I NEVER take anything he says as being worthy of retension, although, for history's sake, I probably should.

It's worth noting yet again that Klebold and Harris, like Hitler, were more interested in a sort of "artificial selection" than what would normally be called "natural selection."

This is frequently formulated as "just helping nature along".

I have come to think that all these nature shows portraying lions catching antelopes as if this were a matter of NS in action, culling the weakest from the herd, have done great damage; they mislead rather than inform.

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

btw, did anybody bother to read Foster's letter in full?

it's frickin' hilarious!

Throw in the case that there is still no fossil record or evidence to support Darwin, and all you have left is a theory. If evolution were true, then there should be countless numbers of transitional forms (e.g., 100% reptile, 75% reptile - 25% bird, 50% reptile - 50% bird, 25% reptile - 75% bird, 100% bird, and many transitional forms between each of those). Our science labs and museums are loaded with fossils, and yet none support Mr. Darwin.

that ANYBODY, let alone someone running for public office, could publicly demonstrate such horrid ignorance is jaw droppingly laughable!

seriously, I am keeping a copy of that letter for my creobot files.

best laugh I've had all day.

I have come to think that all these nature shows portraying lions catching antelopes as if this were a matter of NS in action, culling the weakest from the herd, have done great damage; they mislead rather than inform.

100% agree, and it's getting worse. I was terribly disappointed with the writing for the US version of "Blue Planet", and many of the cable channels that air nature documentaries appear to be pushing the "cryptozoology" crap of late.

It's looking like a throwback to the 70's.

the saving graces like the PBS series on evolution are much too far apart and too few.

Evolution does give you the right to think you are superior to the weak.

I know, because my pastor told me that all you hell-bound sinners believe in evolution, because it gives you the right to judge people.

No Christian, saved by the blood of Jesus, ever thinks he is superior to you hell-bound godless sinners.

Probably satire, but so hard to tell these days ...

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

the saving graces like the PBS series on evolution are much too far apart and too few.

We should all be doing what we can to get it shown more often, in more venues.

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

We should all be doing what we can to get it shown more often, in more venues.

good point.


I know that the NCSE has been taking snippets for show and tell at various school board meetings, so I suppose that could easily be mimicked.

how does one convince cable stations to air such things, when they often rely on things like Nielson ratings?

I'm quite sure, unfortunately, that the shows with hosts going off to look for Bigfoot are far more popular than the series on evolution ever was.

It would be nice if our own government supported subsidies for showing such things more often, but I also know from direct experience they've never considered the issue more than of passing interest, outside of election cycles, and DURING election cycles most of their constituents unfortunately also express passing interest at best, or are very vocal in the opposing direction.

I wish it mattered more to congresscritters what NSF and NAS and AAAS had to say wrt to education in this country, but sadly, it doesn't.

anywho, woes aside, did you have some concrete suggestions as to how to promote more of the kind of thing PBS did?

anywho, woes aside, did you have some concrete suggestions as to how to promote more of the kind of thing PBS did?

Mostly I was fishing. It would help to know what PBS offers in terms of reproduction rights ... according to http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/index.html
they offer a "curriculum kit, specifically for educators, includes the seven-part Evolution series on video, seven short videos for use in class, four that highlight the teaching of evolution in real classrooms around the country, and a 40-page teacher's guide".

By truth machine (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

My last name's Foster and I live in Florida. I really, really, hope that I'm not related to this guy.

Also, is Archaeopteryx really that unknown?

Also, is Archaeopteryx really that unknown?

actually, I'm sure he's heard of it, it's just that it doesn't look some sci-fi 75% reptile - 25% bird "thing" to him.


Mostly I was fishing.

sounds worthwhile to keep that bait in the water.

still fresh.

Also, is Archaeopteryx really that unknown?

Yeah it's well known but they already have an explanation(s) for it. Just use your imagination and think of what you would say about it if you were a denialist, and there you go, they would probably agree with your explanation. :P

natural selection is evil ... You know what else?

Gravity is evil, cause when you drop from up high, you die. It also brings asteroids down to Earth.

Electricity is evil, fire is evil.

Hell ... the whole Nature is evil!

I wonder what Foster's childhood was like. Specifically, what did he read in his spare time?

Before I reached the age of 12 my mother had provided my younger sibs and I with a complete encyclopedia (The Book of Knowledge, ironically) and books on dinosaurs, volcanoes, birds, monkeys, astronomy, relativity (Martin Gardner's Relativity for the Million) and so forth. (Thanks for the boost,Ma.)

Foster must have grown up on a literary diet composed chiefly of Jack Crick tracts. Poor fellow, so unprepared to engage in learning about the world was he as a child that his only viable choice as an adult is to attempt to rule over a tiny part of it.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Oops. That would be Jack Chick.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

--Jesus, Luke 19/27

The bible gives kids the idea that if others do not submit to the worship of Jesus, it's ok to kill them.

This is a very slippery slope.

By Nic Nicholson (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Shades of the X-files (Agua Mala): Mulder says something like "Don't all the nuts roll down to Florida?"....he should have added "where they then run for public office".

The ignorance of these morons (anti-evolution crowd) is only exceeded by their utter laziness toward educating themselves as to what the Theory of Evolution actually propounds or as to what the word "theory" actually means from a scientific perspective. Betcha they all vote for the Huckster in the FL primary.

If you don't knit - bring a book to the next Bill Foster rally. When he is ready for the Q&A ask if he believes in the theory of gravity - it's just a theory.

535 Congressmen and women have to deal with the average person who votes. Where Bill Foster runs for office on this platform, he is appealing to the lowest ranking voters. Concrete thinkers with nothing more important to do but watch the 700 Club, donate their minimum-wage savings to shills and wait for their eternal reward.

Some people are too damn stupid to grasp just how these Bill Foster politicians manipulate them.

many of the cable channels that air nature documentaries appear to be pushing the "cryptozoology" crap of late.

It appears to be cyclical. Every so often they'll show the "death from above" asteroid/comet disaster shows, then the bibble (was there an historical Jeebus?) shows, then the cryptozoology shows.

My thought is they need these insipid shows to pay the bills, and they pander to the masses.

So I don't think the "scientists should study evolution even if that would lead to more evil" argument is very compelling or very politic.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. My point was that scientists can't simply deny evolution - thereby outright lying - just because it causes people to turn into amoral dictators (which it doesn't but you get my point). Creationists are constantly attacking evolution on points that have nothing whatsoever to do with the actual truth of evolution. Their implication in doing so is that, even if evolution is true, we should just pretend it's not.

Un-oh: Pat Robertson's trying to buy up the Virginian-Pilot so he can silence them:

Then he can sell it to Disney with an agreement that Disney do the silencing.

"Evolution gives our kids an excuse to believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, which leads to a belief that they are superior over the weak," Bill Foster wrote board members in a letter received this week. "This is a slippery slope."

The irony is that this mindset that he attributes to evolutionary theory tends to occur among Republicans, the very people who rake in the majority of creationists' votes. Why that is continues to confound me.

By Brandon P. (not verified) on 12 Jan 2008 #permalink

Actually, no matter what they were taught about evolution, the Columbine kids would've probably launched a rampage. What ailed those kids wasn't a lack of science, it was lack of empathy for others and a belief that they were entitled to what they were not getting from their peers.

Every so often they'll show the "death from above" asteroid/comet disaster shows, then the bibble (was there an historical Jeebus?) shows, then the cryptozoology shows.

so they cycle between pissing off astronomers, actual biblical scholars (think Hector Avalos), and biologists.

yes, I know that's not the goal.


It just saddens me that over 30 years after "in Search Of", there still exists a vast majority of people in America that weren't satisfied with the non-answers provide by that show, and have to hear the same non-answers over and over again.

how many fucking times do we have to sonar sweep for Nessie before these idiots finally figure out it was never, and COULD never have been, there.

I rank the indulgence of this shit right at the same level of indulgence for creationism, and often have found that the credulous in one area (say, creationists), are very likely credulous in others like Bigfoot or Nessie.

I wonder how many of these idiots, seeing "the Waterhorse" will somehow become even more accepting of the idea of Nessie's existence?

a belief that they were entitled to what they were not getting from their peers.


that appears to have been a primary concern of theirs, based on the writing they left behind.

there are two sides to the columbine issue, one is indeed a lack of empathy, but the other is:

what caused that lack of empathy to begin with?

trust me, it wasn't computer games, darwinism, or porn (I've heard all of these postulated as causative without the slightest shred of logic or evidence).

The irony is that this mindset that he attributes to evolutionary theory tends to occur among Republicans, the very people who rake in the majority of creationists' votes. Why that is continues to confound me.

It's not really ironic at all. It's projection. It's the only mindset they themselves have and, being unfamiliar with and unable to conceive of or cope with the idea of different people having different ones, they falsely attribute their own mindset to others.

That's a big part of why higher education reduces conservatism and republicanism. Even the mentally challenged are at least forced to meet and thus have direct personal experience of different people with different views - and will probably notice that those others aren't automatically monsters (though some may remain in denial of that). For the sub-group of the population which can only learn from personal experience, that's an important lesson. Unfortunately it still wears off with time (and apparently with raising a family!).

Someone who bothered to research this: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~altemey/

If e-word is so bad.. then
Why they simply dont ask to deny H-word from learn books, too ?

Biology does not advocate killing the stupid and weak; it does not preach some kind of objective superiority of one class of people over another; it merely describes what happens in the natural world.

Seems to me that biology does provide some useful "prescriptive" conclusions.

Humans are a "high-K" species, meaning that (like Kangaroos, but unlike "high-R" species such as Rabbits) we have relatively few offspring and need to invest much time and many resources to each one to perpetuate ourselves.

The policy implications of this, which include promoting contraception, reducing child abuse, and improving schools, day care, public health measures, etc, are profound and urgent.

A wider understanding of biology leads very directly to challenging what we're doing to our own, and future generations', environment, from carbonating the atmosphere and disrupting hydrological cycles to decimating the species count and flooding the biosphere with carcinogens & genotoxins.

The problem for the Bill Fosters among us is that these lessons contradict their own religious and short-term-economically based values. They find it psychologically necessary to distort and deny what little they grasp of scientific conclusions.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 13 Jan 2008 #permalink

On a positive note, the comments to the article are mostly anti-Foster, so there is some hope!

Oh! Oh! Let me do a John C. Randolph impression:

"If all the kids had guns, that massacre wouldn't have happened!!!"

I think he just read a horrid little collection of fecal matter extruded by Jonah Goldberg--a book entitled "Liberal Fascism." And it is probably even more fetid than you imagine.

I grew up in St. Pete, back in the 50's. After clearing the shelves of all the nature and medicine related books in the adult section of the then-main library while still in grade school, I showed up for my very first science class in jr. hi. Wizened crone walks in the door and announces that evolution is a lie and the Imaginary Friend created the earth. . . You get the drift. That was the end of my hopes for studying science.

I'm back there, working nestled in the midst of the University of South Florida campus that houses the renowned School of Marine Science. I can see the Poynter Institute across the marina. All signs of intelligent life. And then clowns like this show me nothing has changed since 1952.

Actually, no matter what they were taught about evolution, the Columbine kids would've probably launched a rampage. What ailed those kids wasn't a lack of science, it was lack of empathy for others and a belief that they were entitled to what they were not getting from their peers.

Posted by: Scott Hatfield, OM | January 13, 2008 1:49 AM

To this day it is difficult to get beyond the propaganda that surrounds the lead-up and events in this Tragedy. However, while the first half of your assertion is true, the second half your assertion is one that has been debunked. The shooters had solid circle of friends.

The cause of the shooting was they were both crazy to a greater or lesser extent. One of them had some deep seated emotional issues and was, basically, a follower of the sicker individual who was a very dangerous psychopath.

Slate has a very good write-up of the myths surrounding Columbine: http://www.slate.com/id/2099203/sidebar/2099208/

And a very detailed article here which goes into the psychology of the killers: http://www.slate.com/id/2099203/

I think he just read a horrid little collection of fecal matter extruded by Jonah Goldberg--a book entitled "Liberal Fascism." And it is probably even more fetid than you imagine.

That may all be true (I really wouldn't know either way), but it should be remembered that Jonah is one of the relatively few conservatives who actually speaks out against creationism, out of the rather more who know what a moronic atavism it actually is. Here's Goldberg on the famous Republican debate where two (not actually a string, but bad enough) raised their hands to indicate that they don't believe in science:

I know there are Intelligent Design fans among our readers, but I found the string of hands going up from candidates last night admitting they didn't believe in evolution to be more than a little dismaying. I'm sure they had very intelligent, nuanced, explanations. But that doesn't help that much as far as I'm concerned.


I mean no praise for Goldberg, I just note that he's one to keep in mind as a possible weapon against the more stupid right-wingers in this particular battle.

Glen D

@ichthyic- 'Jaw droppingly stupid' LOL Perfect when discussing Creo claims about transitional forms!

Duane Gish,some years ago did the classic Archaeopteryx comic denial with the 'One grand tail feather for all to see.' It is one thing to be near sighted (as am I), it is quite another to be blinded by stupid.

@Truth machine- #31 good post, very minor addendum: Populations live under changing conditions such that traits beneficial at one point in time may not be so at another.

Oh shit. I live in St. Petersburg.

PZ, did you verify that quote attributed to the Columbine killers? Lying about Dylan and Klebold is a common past time among Liars for Jesus. It's possible that the Columbine killers misunderstood natural selection, but it's also very possible that neither of them wrote what Foster claimed they wrote. In fact, I don't remember either of them having a web site at all.

Whoops, I meant Klebold and Harris.

If anyone has a philosophy that " . . . leads to a belief that they are superior over the weak," I would have to say it is the bible-thumping Christians who are so supportive of the US-supported Israeli government in Palestine, or how about the entire Republican party?

I think this guy would have better luck on the other side of the bay - Tampa and Hillsborough County seem like more fertile grounds for this sort of idiocy than St. Pete.

To be clear, St. Pete is not exactly an oasis of education and wisdom. But demographic shifts in the city over the last decade or so suggest that we have at least a decent chance of beating this guy back.

I should have been allowed to put one of those two companies out of business, and if that meant merely M&A and elimination of the name from the economic landscape then so be it.
I ushered in the age of Tony Sinclair, suggesting something about Katrina.

There is no such thing as a savior. You're just looking for a free ride. Start doing the work.
Savior is a lie. Savior is why Christianity is evil.
Improve your relationship with the gods and fix your problems. Thoughts like this hurt you in the eyes of the gods, I promise you.
Equality is a lie. The gods placed us in our regions of Earth specifically. Equatorial/tropical is a bad sign.
"Black people have to try harder and do better than everybody else."


I am afraid that all decent (non-athletic, non-music) black sucess is ALL non-black, and the gods use other races in these black bodies to create this perception of improving conditions. Corruptable HARD by money, the gods may ironically view this as compensatory.
I have said that I personally believe that the gods are no longer allowing new people to be born, that we are, in effect, ALL clone hosts, individuals chosen once the gods determine/decide what kind of parents they will have. The difference, of course, is the peasantry isn't frequently flipped out like the elite whom see up to multiple clone host bodies in a calander year.
I believe the preditory Italians who telepathically accepted the "black project" assignment under the guise of 1906 went from clone hosts fucking up the economy in 80s corporate America into a black gang-banger to act as and become victim of an assassin.
Am I suggesting there may be black children running around with no brains? When there is a major project like Black War I was, certainly.
Unfortunately, being a member of the most disfavored race of people is accompanied by great misery, and this may be a reletively painless liberty which they gods could take.
There's all kinds of fucked up strategies the gods utilize which the disfavored of Earth couldn't even imagine. Don't be surprised.

The Indian casinos is another good example illustrating how the god's offensives are designed to inflict on everyone involved::::Expect these four powerful tribes were sold on preying on their fellow tribes, convinced this bill could help them crush their competition. Expect ALL FOUR to have pursued telepathically pushing people into losing money in their casinos, a common temptation the gods employed in Nevada casino executives as well, all of whom are rotated clone hosts, unlike the Indians. This is yet another example of the gods employing a strategy which fucks everyone involved::::The preditors who accepted these assignments as casino brass will die for this (and other) evil.
Penny machines are the clue they enlightened those whom they run through Nevada casinos now. I think the days are mostly over now. Incidentally, this new tactic accomplishs other goals as well and need to be taken by the disfavored as a clue.
The gods use their tools in government to promote this offensive. They then turn around and use this perception to corrupt the disfavored, equating their evil with sucess. This is a excellent corruptor and a frequently recurring strategy in the god's arsenal of weapons.
In addition, the Preditor whom the gods assigned to the government representative clone hosts during this offensive incurr by being involved as well, as do the corrupted public servants involved. The difference is the corrupted public servants won't be in a different clone host next month, ready to incurr yet more evil. But the evil they DO incurr will ensure they lose any hope of immortality. And therein explains life in the 20th century.
It's over. All that's left are wrapping up loose ends before they close things out.


Expect the absence of blacks at PreditoryItalianCompany was a clue that they have a history preying upon blacks.
All things considered, expect their history would be along the lines of economic repression of blacks, appropriately.
Criminals doing business with criminals.

Their "cheap tricks" are preditory:::poker, cars, boss, movies. Every item of the $50 billion is all evil, designed to prey on the disfavored, a clue regarding modern popular culture and society. Perhaps not so "cheap" after all.
"If you don't come around..." All this shit is cheap and easy, a tactic which ensurs people wait AND aren't recepitve to my teachings because they think they're getting a free ride. It also serves as its most basic of purposes, as preditory distraction.
All this stuff didn't happen for me. Anytime the gods use their powers it is only to hurt the disfavored. Everything that happens is to mislead the disfavored:::It's here for YOU!!!
"You're going to throw this away. We're not going to be blamed for this." Yea, right. Like their assumption of culpability has got value. Expect this to be yet another dynamic of "management by convienience".
The Final Prophet is merely a formality, like they gods are required. It's kind of like "Black off the books.wav":::An event designed to merely meet some policy requirement while ensuring the disfavored have no real hope:::Life in the ghettos of California.
The god's efforts to minimize my impact is consistant with their methodology, ascention becoming increasingly harder as time progresses, suggesting we really are approaching The End.

Brokeback Mountain says you understand:::Fuck off god.
Things I've ruined::::Midnight Madness. Note that to the gods both are merely cheap tricks.
Denying money is one of the goals of positioning in the Italians::::The gods used this evil to ensure the Final Prophet was not financed.
The gods took special but played for commoner. Now this Situation passes without affect because special is a one-way street. The gods instructed AI to deny my ability to be articulate. As a result people weren't receptive::::The "back-hand" was very real. The "help" was not.
I won't invest when absolute power must CHEAT to win. This IS the event. Learn.
I am disgusted the gods position absolution for themselves because it is their technology conducting this evil upon the disfavored. When the disfavored understand this tactic hatred will eliminate a large percentage of them.
Sinisterly, wickedly brilliant.
What I woudln't do for a fair fight:::The emperor has no clothes.
I can't express my disgust enough. 2007 was MY YEAR, yet you ruined it whimsically because you refused to pay consideration on this obligation you assumed, claiming since I didn't pray I wasn't allowed my ability. Of course my abilities would have countered your interests. How convienient. AND another tactic.
I think we needed ground rules in this thing. Again, convienient AND a tactic.
Fuck you god. You are a sick joke.
I'm not investing. I wouldn't knowingly help the elite who you used to prey on those I try to help. I want this preditory evil dead.
Guess I can't count on HTH. I was hoping it meant I was being assigned to this task.
Lake Michigan is defnintely not a self-reference.

"We're going to enforce positioning." You better make them get their hands dirty AND BRING BACK THE 20TH CENTURY FOR THIS. Killing fucking niggers in celebrity clone hosts AIN'T no fucking fun.
I merely want the same preditors who willingly hurt the people I try to help. I realize there was lots of magic employed, enabling things like monster arena tours, other all-consuming offerings to happen. But too many in these clone hosts were active preditors.
The Situation is VERY 20th century. Maintain consistancy, please.
Management by convienience.

The "early cut-off" of the disfavored::::The fall of Russian communism vs. Cuban (Chinese?) communism in late '00s.
"Many Californians look more favored." Early cut-off protecting the disfavored from social poison proof the disfavored get dumped on first.
Mormons look more favored too. Both are manufactured and used as a corruptor.
The gods are weilding a wicked sword, and this proves it. They're playing both sides of the coin. People should be afraid.
Most of you are going to die. They want a full-blown Apocalypse.

I perceive a level of "magic" surrounding Osama Mobarack, a red flag and a clue.
The magic surrounding Osama is not going to be used to promote bi-racial, for this will represent the gods accepting culpability . His mere presence on this national stage is all that is necessary to justify telling uppity-negros to enter into bi-racial unions, ensuring people fall on their own swords.
The gods offer a clue through his name.
It's one thing to understand the concept of "acceptable losses". It's quite another to promote them::::His deal with the record company executive suggests he preys on the disfavored.
Despite the preditory event that was the impeachment of her husband in the crucial years of 1997-1998 and her continued loyalty to Bill Clinton, Hillary is a better choice for the disfavored.

The fiasco over his $400 hairdo captures my attention and makes me think John Edwards may be the right candidate, the one with the most empathy for the disfavored.
Without a doubt:::The best hope is the first to fall.

"We make evil look good." And then use it as a corruptor.
Look how these wicked, immoral Manifest Destiny gangsters, the kind of individuals who planned WorldWarII, come across merely as businessmen. As they're doing with the strategically preditory personality baseball player, as they've done with Preditory Italian Company, who merely exists as a Manifest Destiny talking heads for the blue chippers in the "eye of The Beast".
And they dirty up good, as we see with me, as we saw with Bonds.
Much as with all the other empty promises, I will be CHEATED out of the fulfillment of the HTH entitlement. As a result I DEMAND you address the history of the individuals involved, public and private, current and FORMER LIVES. We'll see who the fuck is evil then:::::
Expect the absence of blacks at PIC was a clue that they have a history preying upon blacks.
All things considered, expect their history would be along the lines of economic repression of blacks, appropriately.
Criminals doing business with criminals.

And courtesy of M&A you do business with this evil every time you patronize corporate.
The Amish in Pennsylvania is the clue:::Set a goal of simplicity, strive for purity.


Said Italy has heavy volcanic activity for kinda the same reason they put the Mormons in hell.
Motherfuckers. Serves them right.
Of the male Italians in the United States 1906 worked on at least half of them.
I say the number is closer to 80%.
Of those AT LEAST HALF were corrupted voluntarily, meaning the gods did not push them into being evil. This half should already be dead. This is an immoral people, quick to prey on others, as their history suggests.

Understand the god's methodology, for it will help you decipher future events. KKK killings are a good example::::
The gods either told or pushed the black males into acting up. Rednecks, corrupted by 1906, thought their participation would help them. Many believed it gained them protection from their illegal bootlegging activities.
They role played 1906 to Italians, told them that their fellow Italians were using this platform of 1906 to achieve global economic domination, and told them that if they wanted a piece, if they wanted to belong and be a part of this they'd do what they're told.
They illustrated the Moorish invasion, and the gods pit the Italians against the morbidly disfavored blacks. 90%-95% of the KKK incidents were Italians who did the actual killings.
This is a good example of how the gods get the disfavored into place to fuck everybody involved.

Alcohol has always been a way of hurting the men, making them less than decent.
Women traditionally have been the enforcers of decency within the family unit and used their motivation to help men behave appropriately; due to their disfavor men's indecency has negatively impacted not only the family but the community as well.
Cultures which offer wine have women who consume wine, and the result is an indecent society. Combine this with Italian male's demand for sexual without the consideration of decency and you have masculinized women defining a morbidly disfavored society.
Anyone involved in the wine industry has no empathy for either the disfavored of the Mediterreanean basin or women, disregarding the superior gender. If they understand this as the goal and are sold on "earning" they will be punished very harshly.

"They deliberately planned those things (90s "parting shots":::The Sitution, end-of-revelry cycle media preditation, AIDS in Africa). When they found out the truth it was too late." HTH supports this. They shared they instructed his grandfather preyed on women emotionally to set the legacy necessary for the late 90s event. And of course 95% of the KKK deaths were revenge killings for the Moorish invasion of Italy. I believe 1906 is responsible for the economic repression of not only Africa but also the American ghettos.
"(Blah.)" Expect we won't see such activities on the income statements. Italians may be stupid but they're not positioned to be THAT stupid.
That monster who laid the legacy still alive? "He's been a pig a couple of times." He needs to be dead, as do the half who signed on to 1906 voluntarily.

New Orleans/Louisiana is French, while California is positioned as Italian.
Katrina was used to help the disfavored escape that wicked enviornment. Blacks in California won't be so lucky.
Know who your friends are.

Flanders is the shining example of a role model, but his parents were wicked. They were beatniks, the original hippies, purveyors of social poison, etc. Incidentally, beatniks emerged from the Italian North Beach neighborhood in San Francisco as a clue.
Because Flanders was raised in that evil enviornment his mind was poisoned. Only through understanding was he able to alter his behavior and become decent. Because of it he provided Rod and Todd a REAL chance, one that he will receive in the next life as well, but he can't go up because of his youth.
My advice is recognize Flanders is offered as a role model and emulate this decency. Do the very best you can with your children and perhaps the gods will see fit to bless you with a real chance much like you gave your children.
The Flanders role model suggests you are multiple lives away from ascention.

Ned Flanders was born into a cancerous environment. As a result his mind was poisoned.
Somewhere along the way he came around and began to do the right things. He provided a good environment for Rod and Todd, who have a real chance because of it.
It doesn't mean Rod and Todd are going up. They still have to earn it.
Anyways, because Flanders did the right thing and provided a real opportunity for his children the gods may bless him with a similar real opportunity to ascend as a child in the next life.
Flanders wore beetle boots on Judegement Day. There were other clues suggesting he hjas to be reincarnated, and it is because his youth poinsoned his mind. The gods place a VERY high premium on innocence, one of the purposes of today's ever-deteriroating society:::The gods have to pave the way and justify The End on Planet Earth.
You people are all multiple lives away from your real chance. If you look at this realistically you will set achievable goals, ensuring disappointment/backsliding isn't going to be effective on you.

Manifest Destiny's WWII project produced Port Chicago which was parlayed into civil rights.wav
And these Italians who helped plan and impliment WWII thought they were in charge because of 1906. It shows the moral vacancy of the Italians involved.
Poetic justice that the gods funneled these monsters through the Nazi death camps.
They shared that many of these Italians involved understood clone hosting and believed germans would be the ones dying in their own death camps, much to their amusement. They targetted germans and theei descendants throughout the 20th century because of the german invasion in the dying days of the Roman Empire. An attempt to enforce decency, no doubt.
It is poetic justice they were victims of their own death camps. I wish them all to remember their horrors daily.
I demand the lives of those involved, the MD Italians who initiated and implimentted this plan to destroy my life in the years before they were shipped off to the Nazi death camps for this poetic justice.
And they'll do ANYTHING they're told. That's why the 20th century was so disturbing.

Prior to civil rights blacks had their own press. In the absence of civil rights these entities would have grown into legitimate media outlets serving the black community.
Maintaining segregation would have produced economic entities which arose from within the black community to fill the demand for goods and services.
The presence of these "black industrialists" would have FORCED the gods to factor them into positioning, producing voices in support of the black community and preventing the gods from inflicting ALL THE SICKNESS WE HAVE WITNESSED IN THE last few decades::Crack babies, drive-by shootings, AIDS in Africa, drought/famine!!!
I have mentioned people can expect an AIDS crisis among heterosexual blacks here in the United States. Considering that the fastest growing industry in the ghetto is the oldest profession on Earth expect them to be the targets of this punishment.

Italians/Romans are imperialists. They finaince their lifestyles off other people's misery.
Black people's misery. Blacks are the targets of this imperialism, and as a result it is IMPERITIVE they learn empathy, for this has been the case back to the age of Pharroh.
Imperialist pigs are an important dynamic to implimenting the god's strategies on this planet. As a result most Italians will be compensated with some time. Blacks will not be so lucky because they fail to recognize the difference between preditor and prey.

The gods ARE responsible for the evil of their technology. Their attempts to position away this culpability is a tactic, one they will use to further shrink the number of disfavoreds who suceed.
Don't believe their claims that I will be reincarnated. This will enable the gods to continue preying on you with this corrupting theater.

I TOLD you the god's Manifest Destiny positioning will be enfored. Sigmund Freud PROVES the gods WILL enforce their BIG LIES!!! Better you realize this now than on Judgement Day.
Of course the Italians have been positioned into place, as have the Dutch, and despite that few members of either group get their hands dirty anymore they WILL be used in the capacity in which the gods intended.
And London will be the first inundated.

Communism was eliminated among white peoples in the 80s (Russians) just as decency was eliminated in the 60s, dispersed from the platform that was California.

The gods need willing candidates whom they can run through their clone hosts in corporate, entertainment, etc who will NEVER begin to learn, never get on top of things as those from the 20th century did. Due to their status as victims and because of their willingness to turn this abuse on others blacks will not be allowed to learn. This plays into the god's positioning nicely because they need tools who will "go the distance", taking society and Planet Earth down sufficiently for the gods to justify ending on Planet Earth.
Much as they do now they will lie to them, tell them they will be compensated, for this is a CRUCIAL step in Earth's history, and they will need willing participants.

Beer drinking goat castrated by jealous neighbor! Clay Henry III, beer drinking goat and mayor of the west Texas border town of Lajitas, was attacked by local Jim Bob Hargrove and castrated. Hargrove committed the heinous deed after seeing the goat drinking beer on a Sunday, when the area's blue laws prevent the sale of alcohol to humans. Tourists had apparently been feeding Clay Henry his usual staple of Lone Star longnecks, and Hargrove threatened to castrate the goat, according to eyewitnesses. The mayor was found lying next to his testicles on Monday, Aug. 5. Ranchers sutured his wounds, and Clay was up slugging down cold ones soon after. Hargrove faces charges of animal cruelty.

Just imagine the poetic justice the gods employed here:::Some indecent Texas redneck, proud that all he wants to do is sit around and drink beer, reincarnated as Clay Sr.
Be careful what you wish for!!!


The difference between life in Europe vs the United States is similar to life in the suburbs vs the ghetto:::
Both the US and the ghetto have increased temptations, opportunities for people to hurt themselves and the result is both are far less decent.
The United States is less decent because this is where the gods sent the disfavored, the rejects from Europe, and those foolish enough to comply and leave on request.
The germany issue is a sad one really, for the boy could have been raised a german. But of all of them, for Mike's decendants to gain the best possible chance doesn't seem likley.
Out of all of them perhaps CA has retained the most sensitization, giving her the best chance::::
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Avert your eyes away from evil, for it will hurt you.

People are betting their WHOLE LIVES on what they hear in their head.
ANYTIME the gods use their powers it is ONLY TO HURT YOU!!! "Theater" is the gods using their powers. The absence of my participation in this theater post-2000 is because I am good. Participation is a clue.

The gods are guilty of what I accuse and that's why they CHEATED, preventing me from achieving to the best of my ability, ensuring minimal impact.
The gods have certain expectations, and poeple today are failing. Don't forget:::Temptation will be used to test you, and telepathic requests constitute temptation.
Don't count on the culpability the gods may have accepted. They may be using this perception as a tactic. Also it requires trust, and you should know better by now.
Whatever they are forthcoming with is the lie. You have to interpret the truth through the clues they offer. This is a tactic which ensures most fail.

The gods will use their clone host tools depending on what strategy they need to justify. If they are acomplishing something evil they will put ignorant, immoral people in the clone host to justify how it behaves. If they plan quiet "down time" they will utilize someone who understands they fucked up by "crossing the line from person to preditor" and are now working on fixing their problems.

These people who have begun to understand and are no longer used when the gods want to accomplish evil are the people whom the Second Coming of Christ is going to save come the Apocolypse. By knowingly participating in this "end of times" theater they will incurr that final bit of evil, ensuring the gods goals for each of those individuals is realized.

Disturbingly ugly immediately before The End.wav
Blacks who will "cross the line from person to preditor" won't be so lucky. Most of these people will never gain the understanding of the Italians who crossed that line and therefore will never begin to make progress.
Because the gods will need this final revelry cycle to be more disturbing than all others they will use this deranged, psychotic bahavior to exclude the undesirable blacks who will participate.
Perhaps this is an issue of preditor and prey. Perhaps because the Italians were always on the giving end the gods saw fit to give them a meager amount of time. Blacks are different. Blacks are on the receiving end. Blacks have always been the victims. When blacks turned their backs on empathy and took up that sword they made a fateful decision, one they will never recover from.

Life in the ghettos of California::::: A 14-year-old boy was shot dead in Richmond on Friday night. It was the city's second homicide on Friday. It does not include the murder of an 18-year-old woman in unincorporated North Richmond nor the murders just down the road in Oakland.
My advice to my family is view Flanders as your role model::::You need to provide a REAL CHANCE to your children to earn one for yourself in your next life. This will only occurr through conscious parenting.

Fuck an A!!! She's such a sell-out whore she did what she was told and betrayed her children!! Now they're going to reincarnate her back as a psychotic nigger in the ghettos of California.
Don't forget::::The gods use temptation to test you. She failed. This life's failure might be the end of her.

The disfavored don't have to learn the hard way. Open your mind to the possibility the god's reverse positioning has misled you into temptation and you are going the wrong way. Read and understand what I have to teach you.

I have mentioned people can expect an AIDS crisis among heterosexual blacks here in the United States. Considering that the fastest growing industry in the ghetto is the oldest profession on Earth expect this demographic to be the targets of this punishment.

There is negative Biblical significance to the primarily MALE FEATURE of an "Adam's apple".

People will listen to Artificial Intelligence rationalize to achieve tactics::::
1. Japanese are working on their problems
2. Rotated good through the Japanese people
3. They're not like that anymore
Positioning is how the gods communicate their clues on Planet Earth. If people are too smart for their own good and look past these clues they end up like blacks:::Desensitized to the sublte way the gods infer clues, believing any line of shit they sell.
The Japanese are HISTORICALLY warmongers. Their great wealth is a clue about money. Of course the gods effectively use this as corruptor to the disfavored, turning the positive into a negative.
The truth is the Japanese are STILL LIKE THAT:::The electronic goods they produce is a war against the children, yet another clue proving their gross disfavor.

Continuing the usefulness of redwhite&blue:::
Vested interest in preventing alternate energies/transport technologies and therefore damning Earth to death.
Greenland is a Dutch providence for a reason::::Denmark is the "piss" of the Scandanavian penis clue. Greenland's melting icepacks are going to innundate our coastal cities, further fulfilling this clue.
Consistant with the gods methodology, there are TWO CLUES in the Scandanavian penis clue::::Sweeden the most sensitive underside of the penis. They take great pleasure in hurting others.

There is one geographic clue I have not addressed in years:::Uranus, a planet tilted 90 degrees on its axis. I have stated in years past that I think this is yet another geographic clue offered by the gods, this one suggesting the fate of planet Earth, that tectonic plate subduction would be the method of disposal:::Earth's axis will shift breaking continental plates free and initiating mass subduction.
Undesirables will either perish in the government marijuana erradication program "gone awry" or be the recipients of reparations granted by the US government because of it.
I believe the New Testiment battle of the Anti-Christ and the Second Coming of Christ will ocurr in subsequent years SPECIFICALLY because these people will be distracted with the money during the event.
When the Earth's axis shifts people will be cast into outer space with gold cards in hand.
I think this was foreshadowed on an episode of the Simpsons where Homer and Bart are on the disfavored ship and eject, only to experience a sense of euphoria, expand then explode in the vacuum of space.

The military is designed to hurt men. Similar to many of the issues surrounding the police as described below, the military opens the door for Artificial Intelligence to create problems based on empowerment, control, faternalistic unity, which leads to damaging sexual behavior, etc. We do have examples of the military as institution promoting this behavior (Korean comfort women). I suspect this is just the most obvious.
Women who have complied and pursured this path are granted thoughts illustrating their mistake. They need to begin to understand the subtle, inferred way the gods will communicate with people::::What they tell you is the lie. The clues they impart and flashes they give you represent the truth.

The gods are scapegoatting me for hurting the disfavored. The gods manufactured a scapegoat, a recurring methodology. WHATEVER POSITIONING THEY ARE FORTHCOMING WITH IS THE LIE!!! THEY ARE NEITHER UPFRONT NOR HONEST WITH THE DISFAVORED!!! THEY FORCE US TO INFERR THEIR SUBTLE, COVERT CLUES!!!
This "candidacy" has been dead for so long that IT NEVER EXISTED!!!!
Actually this positioning is such that people DO inferr via the $50 billion, but this is just the "help" portion of the "back-handed help", for the gods are using me to teach people to inferr their clues. This one, however, is an inferrence that is a lie, everything that has happened is very cheap and easy, designed to enhance this theater, but along the way it should have helped many begin to think correctly.

They used me to send certain clues:::
1. My sexual inactivity was a clue people should not get involved. EXACLTY OPPOSITE OF THE POSITIONING WITH WHICH THEY WERE FORTHCOMING.
2. My lack of involvement in this wicked enviornment was a testiment to its evil.

The gods will NEVER admit those clues they offer via inference because too many disfavored will never doubt what they are told and never, ever defy. This tactic ensured failure and subsequent reincarnation.
The elite in corportate are tools used to hurt the disfavored. THEY ARE USED AS CORRUPTORS. You can NEVER trust the lie the gods willingly offer, for if the disfavored are to learn the gods require them to inferr their clues.

There are SO MANY tactics the gods have employed::::
1. Savior:::Jesus will save you, Second Coming of Christ will save you, boss will save you/Earth, your employer will bring you up, the store where you buy your stuff will bring you up.
2. "Earning"::::Being evil will "earn" you time, you must do your part, and the gods manufactured this perception with their tools among the "elite" of society.
Incidentally, the tactic of "doubt" is most effective on people who think they are "earning", those who believe they have an "investment", HIGHLY sucessful on males.
3. Distractions:::Media, constantly preoccupation (work, school, extraciricular),
They have sold you on MANY DIFFERENT tactics throughout your life. The fact that it has changed as they years have gone by IS A CLUE!!!
There are many tactics they will employ as the Situation ends, and they are designed to envoke anger and hatred against the gods.
Dog from Oklanhoma:::Throat slit, cigarette burns, tied to an unlit bonfire ("I was found in Oklahoma in 2001, my neck was slit, nose broken, with what looked like burns from cigarettes on my face, I was tied to a log & left in a pile of wood to be burned."}
"If we don't push them into it it doesn't get accomplished." Expect many of the incidents on this planet ocurr SPECIFICALLY to manufacture a tactic. This one works WONDERS on the women who post on Craigslsit pets.
STOP ALLOWING THE GODS TO EFFECTIVELY EMPLOY THESE TACTICS. You need to get on top of these tactics and prevent their effectiveness. Resign to be a good person, apply that standard of decency and live a respectable life.


Don't cry "I need help!" yet go home and turn on the television. The gods don't respect this.
There is no such things as a savior. This is yet another tactic they have employed as temptation, much like "earning" or distractions.
You have to save yourself.

If you are a young parent you STILL HAVE A CHANCE!!! It is IMPERITIVE you teach your children decency, the right way to live BEFORE THEY ARE CORRUPTED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. You must then endure the trials and tribulations the gods will inflict upon the righteous.
You have the opportunity to ascend and raise your children in a good and healthy environment. Be god-fearing and accept this challenge, for your failure will likely dictate your children's as well::::As time goes on life deteriorates and sucess becomes increasingly more difficult.

Having male children is not a sign of favor. This is reverse positioning.
This environment is geared for boys because the gods don't like them. The girls have far fewer distractions because the gods want more of them to pray, fix their problems and ascend before puberty.
The girls are beginning on the path of enlightenment while the males go to baseball practice.

Earth is where the gods are active. This is where all the work is because this is where the fuck ups are.
Up there people live by their rules. They fix their problems, abide by the god's laws and then are invited up. The gods have nothing to enforce because people do the right thing. Problems are the exception rather than the norm, quite the opposite as here on Earth.
When the gods give feedback (like the .wav ticket example) they are correcting your errant behavior. This is a good sign. Too many subscribe to the corrupting examples the gods offer, fall for temptation and believe getting away with evil is a sign of favor. Even worse is when they offer you reinforcing evidence, like those warned ahead of time the police would ticket vehicles or when they offer you winners during football season. Ironically, these convincing tactics illustrate your undesirability.
The gods have expectations of the people, and one is to understand their laws and live by them. The gods are firm and fair::::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good.

I said your best-case senario is to learn just enough to understand that you are corrupted then get out, never learn another thing from me and do all the work for yourself. This is especially true for the females, for they lost the god's respect when they threw away their precious virginity.
Stay and they will use some of the myriad of tactics targetted to various segments. For example:::"We'll offer people the truth when they're around you then corrupt (others) with it."
Even if true there is a price to be paid, not only for being one of their tools but also for gaining "help", like if the gods offer the truth to people around me, or even telepathically confirm what I say. The price goes way up if you think you're earning off this event.
Nothing is free, my friend. You seek confirmation that in fact your evil is a bad thing. This confirmation will cost you. The gods are firm and fair. It is right you pay if you need this help, and that bill WILL come due.
Much like poker it may be yet another example of the gods using me to hurt the disfavored.
Don't be surprised if gods seek consideration for this insight, and it will serve to place limits upon the recipient's time and priveledge level.

There is a BIG LIE here. Sigmund Freud proves it.
Wine proves it. Democracy proves it. Materialism/greed proves it.
They continued to sell boss even after they forced failure, another example of a BIG LIE.
The middle management tactic allows them to maintain this perception of an "absentee good (Christian) god", ensuring one of the goals of the United States remains useful::::NO FEAR!!!
The gods instruct Artificial Intelligence to employ evil as temptation.
Resign to be good.


Honor the gods for the modern convieniences they gave you. Too many take this easy life for granted.

Population explosion is a clue the gods are reincarnating the masses:::EVERYONE IS GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!

The pinnicle of irony:::ED pharmeceuticals.
Take a poison which will cost you your body/health to defeat the god's favor, their way of imparting wisdom to help you avoid damaging behavior.

The gods may have presided over millions of universal expansion-contraction cycles

Because democracy is evil, being involved in the process hurts people.
Women gained the right to vote long ago, and much like infanitcide expect this too was used as justification for subsequent preditory events.

They tell corrupted white people to give these scalpers their extra ticket for free then tell other whites to buy those extras, ensuring a constant stream of income guarenteeing these blacks never have to find work and become decent. Incidentally, this is one of the purposes of California's CRV program as well, another example of a preditory dynamic behind healthy positive enlightenment awareness respectable environmental attitudes.
The price of gasoline began to ascend prior to the 2004 election.
The people (rednecks) didn't pick up on this and elected W anyways. It's not as if they'll defy anyways.
The dollar is crashing. Why?
1. Temptation, for pureblood people flock to the USA to consume.
2. Sending a clue - W leaves office and America with this economic mess.

Gas price fell after 9/11. Positioned as if pressure was brought to bear?
Perhaps because it was before the Iraq invasion? The gods positioning it that the Arab world was rewarding the Americans for not responding with violence?
Anyways, once we were stupid enough to elect (inaugurate) W the price began to go through the roof.

Why does the Italian boot look like some high-heeled transsexual's boot?
It definitely looks feminine and it certainly looks deviate.
You're not going to get perfect clues. When they ARE perfect, like The Beast, expect it means something special.
Incidentally the widespread armement of black males may be an issue of empowerment like weight training or muscle cars/racing/speed, or it could be compared to the far too common prostitution of promiscuous females:::This fateful decision to "charge for what you otherwise have given away" represents a deterioration of one's favor they may not recover from.

Where does the Biblical number "666" ocurr within the context of The Beast, the San Francisco Bay Area???

TV show about the Commanche.
Expect there are some of these peoples who are extinct, their only legacy being the knowledge base of Artificial Intelligence and whatever artifacts they beemed up to keep. Commanche could be one. Pawnee certainly another.
Imagine the horrific environment into which the gods would reincarnate these people.
They wouldn't necessarily want to keep any of these individuals. They are warmongers and because of the small numbers they may be gone forever. Expect some females escaped the violent lives of these tribes when they pursued their pre-pubescent experience. However, because of the stigma the gods may have cycled them back through as well.

War raveged Western Europe, proving their disfavor. The same is true for the indigenous peoples of North America.
European favor lies in the East.

Jebidiah Springfield Simpsons episode. Lisa signs on to the Big Lie. Knowingly. The others remain ignorant.
And better off.

Birth control pills quadruple, and women are preturbed.
"Freedom." Yea, freedom to be slutty. Freedom to become cold, dead pieces of meat.
They're doing you a favor. Nurture the ability to get in tune with the subtle, inferred way they communicate. Hopefully you haven't fucked it away.
"Life has become increasingly more difficult." in the 20th century:::
1. Filth from 20s and 30s routed through the Nazi death camps.
2. Temptation-ridden nature of professional employment (1492.wav). The favor of females used to help them avoid this pitfall until the gods employed the offenses that were the 1960s & divorce.
3. "Clone hosting"::::The wealthy, celebrities & business:::Tools, turned over frequently, used to create the impression of evil being rewarded (1906). Variable preditation based on immediate goals, a corruptor and yet another ezxample of how life has become increasingly more difficult.
For example, a celebrity doesn't participate because they put someone good into the clone host, allowing the gods to justify his lack of activity. Come the time the gods want to employ this individual in the public eye they begin to cycle evil people through the clone host(s) and as a result the preditation is justified.
You'll never figure it out. Don't bother. Stop trying. Focus on your own disfavor and fix your relationship with the gods.
The pinnicle of irony:::ED pharmeceuticals.
People injest this poison which will cost them their body/health TO DEFEAT FAVOR GRANTED BY THE GODS, indifference towards sex the god's way of helping you avoid this damaging behavior.

"Sigmund Freud effect":::Can't treat disfavor with pharmeceuticals.
You are all disfavored. You may have been evil/preditory in your last life and this disability is how they are punishing you.
Handicapped people have a special perspective. They need to recognize this advantage, for most in society will never have this constant companion reminding them of their disfavor.
There are many options open to them and they can place you in a worse role in your next life.
Be god-fearing. Resign to be a good person and try to repair your relationship with the gods.


The gods are sending a clue Yahoo is good with this Chinese censorship issue.
The American idea of freedom is a shock rocker anally masterbating with a crucifix. This is what the disfavored are free to enjoy in this open society, and due to their disfavor a certain percentage will either be pushed into it or will comply, ensuring damnation. It's kind of like the KKK and Apartheid issue below except for whites of the modern era, or how democracy ensures a false sense of security.

US popular culture is obsence. Intentionally. The gods are preying on the disfavored who remain, those foolish enough to participate.
The Chinese have favor and the gods allow the government to protect the citizens, but Chinese cut-off is fast approaching, for soon westernization will level this playing field as well.
This is yet another "BIG LIE" they sold to the disfavored, and it will ensure the homogination of Earth's cultures via westernization.


The gods used the Union army to destroy Atlanta once. They suggested they would keep a hurricane a category 5 to destroy the city again, but it is becoming apparent they intend on inflicting a different way instead, ironically.
They note the biggest water wasters can name any price for water. Palm Springs's waste of water here in arid California:::::They need to impose pricing penalties there and throughout Southern California, so those who chose to use above basic necessities will pay steep prices.

The gods placed both redwhite&blue organizations in the "eye of The Beast" to set up this Situation, ensuring failure was emminent and positionable.
The gods send clues:::The non-Italian got forewarning while the Italian looked bad, appeared to pursue me by constructing their facility only after a MD senario failed (MD has yet to formally invent AI, they can claim it does not exist, therefore various senarios had to be accounted for. Is this another example of germanics fucking the Italians, enforcing decency upon the indecent???).
Expect redwhite&blue's offensives against Africans and descendants is a clue suggesting the non-Italian was signed on to Manifest Destiny positioning. They hint other industrialists have a similar pattern of appeasement to their Manifest Destiny superiors, proving it's the god's positioning (Mother Teresa, Catholic Church's prominence even this late).
I suspect 1906's efforts were more involved, consistant with the morbid disfavor of Italians (see AIDS in Africa comments below), and is positioned responsible for the institutionalized abuses of blacks, why Africa & American ghettos were prevented from achieving economic self-sufficiency.


Don't cry "I need help!" yet go home and turn on the television. The gods don't respect this.
There is no such things as a savior. This is yet another tactic they have employed as temptation, much like "earning" or distractions.
You have to save yourself.


They ruined my training in 2000 to ensure no opportunity for suceess. I suspect the parent company is good, and this was a culpability-incurring tactic ensuring the gods script is fulfilled.:::It was never going to happen.
Hopefully their culpability extends to the disfavored who were counting on Hurricane Boss, but I wouldn't count on it.

The gods are lying to you.
They will tell people this Situation was supposed to be bigger than it is. Compare this to Sigmund Freud's Big Lie which you all know is preditory.
There is a pattern of tactics designed to keep people from doing the right thing (savior, "earning", distractions, etc) and this Situation is one.
Until now the gods used me to corrupt the disfavored. If this went corporate they would have continued to corrupt people, except with my cooperation, eventually with my knowledge::::Evil people around me would have been used to create the perception of "savior" (improvement/ascention), among other tactics, all of which they would have sold to the disfavored to corrupt them.

Recognize and take this opportunity. Their goal is to use these tactics to ensure you fail.
They will tell people "He's not The One. Wait." and people will slip back into their comfortable lives without implimenting these necessary changes, forget and cost themselves this opportunity in the process.
These tactics are designed to prevent you from heeding my teachings. Accept this truth I share and BE RESIGNED TO BE GOOD, for only through TOTAL, COMPLETE RESIGNATION will you be able to overcome their tactic of constant, unyielding telepathic doubt.
Watch Ashlyn fall because of this tactic. And she was the one with hope.

Much like the $50 billion, Mustang Ranch was yet another clue to the disfavored that their promises are empty.
Everything that has happened is very cheap and easy, designed to enhance this theater.
By adulthood you have experienced many of their lies, they have taken you from one positioning to another. All their promises along the way remain unsubstantiated. This is a clue.
Distrust EVERYTHING you hear in your head.

Pushed the use of grapfruit for weight-loss when I was young. Took rot-gut anyways. You will take whatever I was to lose due to HTH. Because of this I will accept when offered and it will be fulfilled.

Incident 11.29.07!!!:::Stole my most recent journal composition book out of my car.
If I recall there were some SCATHING entries, including many about redwhite&blue in the "eye of The Beast", so in an attempt to turn this negative into a positive I hope they are open and forthcoming about the content of my journal.


They say DVR is good, was trying to help me by sending this clue. Reality is there was a massive audience and making the recorder go down for 2 weeks allowed the gods to justify dispatching these people.
Efforts to "save my candidacy" were actually attempts to keep people from learning during this event:::"Don't listen to him. We want him to be The One." Now that failure has been positioned as emminent:::"Don't listen. He's not The One."
Role playing during the fall of '06. It happened in 2006 to contrast with the evil of 1906.
This is recurring behavior, tactics employed so the disfavored are not receptive during the Final Prophet. And it worked.
Continually the gods cast me as evil. Within the context of this wicked enviornment this served as a reverse positioning clue.
It is institutionalized society that is evil (entertainment, economic, governmental/democracy), and that's why I don't "work", pardon the pun.
I am an "inferred clue" case study.

The gods wanted to maintain control by angling the Situation to become exclusively virtual (internet & telepathic), and this control enabled them to exclude undesirables, the disfavored whom they didn't want to learn the knowledge I impart.
Placing both redwhite&blue companies in the "eye of The Beast" ensured I would never gain those resources (among other things) necessary to take control away from the gods. Scapegoatting the preditory Italian company merely ensured nobody would ever blame redwhite&blue chippers.
Perhaps this is yet another example of a senario the gods needed to account for to uphold their Manifest Destiny positioning. How they gods would have used redwhite&blue in response to this lack of control (highly public Situation) would illustrate.

I suspect there is symbolism between today's "bullets and bombs" war cycle and that which we experienced in the 1960s. I am concerned that these "real war" war cycles are followed by revelry cycles which are extremely damaging to the disfavored, which the 1970s was.
Expect 2010 to initiate a revelry cycle which may not rival that of the 70s, but with all the other damaging dynamics inflicted upon the disfavored, like the elimination of the favor of the female gender, this could even be more ugly than the 70s.

Everything Dis_ney produces is evil. In the 20th century it was more
difficult to perceive but, consistant with the god's methodology, now
that we are progressing deeper into the 21st century it is becoming
increasingly obvious:::
- Much as school, Dis_ney as distraction, desensitizer
- All this Dis_ney-based promotion of music on Dis_neyChannel is
grooming the victims of the 2010-2020 revelry cycle.
This audience is not the only victims. "Rock 'n' roll" video games not only introduces the next generation to this temptation but also creates the desire in those who play those games. There will be no shortage of "guitar gods" in this next revelry cycle.
They shared with me my generation was the last they cared about. Because of the homoginization of the people via the full employment of these offensives upon the masses I believe it.

Recently there have been many racial incidents involving nooses throughout the country.
They should be afraid:::The gods are employing an offensive. They are trying to incite the blacks.
Like a US flag flying in front of a structure, like tatooes and piercings, the cornrows hairdo is a clue warning the disfavored to stay away.

Story about prostitution. They like to point to me and claim I engaged in this behavior as well. They spin it and say "empathy for fellowed disfavored" but there were other goals they sought to accomplish here.
They pushed me into prostitution and losing $4000 on baseball (no doubt!!!) out of the clear blue sky. They me ployed this strategy because it was 1999 and promises were made that I would be brought up before 2000 to grease the wheels of the Situation. Pushing me into this behavior ensured they could position my exclusion.
Engaging in this behavior had never crossed my mind prior to this event nor after.
I'm insluted.

I got hooked on gambling when I was 8-years-old playing Chuck-A-Luck at Catholic high school.wav
"You suck." That's the reslut when absolute power CHEATS.

Vienna was the center of the music world for a reason.
Any middle age person today remembers the excitement surrounding classical music in the mid-20th century. Classical music was "in play". Expect the same "magic" was employed back then as well.
Motzart is repulsive-ugly for a reason. Similarly, The Preditor's appearance is suspect as well.

ALL MAGIC, sexual or otherwise, is used EXCLUSIVELY to hurt the disfavored.
They peak homosexuals like this and that's why they're gay. They used magic on your grandfather and that's why he was an alcoholic. Blacks involved in black popular culture are the way they are because of it.
The gods only use magic to hurt the disfavored. Repel from it.
This event is educational. Too many want and expect magic. Scale down these expectations.

Another clue Barry Bonds is good:::US government indicts Bonds on purgury.
Redwhite&blue IS BAD FOR YOU!!!!
They demonized Bonds just as they did me. It is a clue.

Of course this is like any other aspect of the Situaiton:::They are able to spin it in many different ways depending on the disfavor level of the individual being lied to:::
1. He is the next "boss" and $50 billion ensured supporters in context of Manifest Destiny positioning
2. He is The One and when he makes mistakes the gods inflict it upon the disfavored (Vegas 21=poker, story, dead, muscle cars)
3. He is horrible and being destroyed/exploited is how he makes it up to his death camps victims.
4. He hurricane, savior of blacks. Pushing me into liking disco/soul in 70s set this positioning up. Evident by the target of hurricane they furthered the damage to specific black segments with the wicked, evil positioning::::He is going to make whites pay for what happened to black people in the United States.
5. He is the one who fixes his problems and ascends in this very visible, public environment, providing for a role model for the others. This too is a lie. Molestation and theft prove it, but it was necessary for positioning to help those involved appear good.
The presence of the preditory Italian company, associated clues (wine) and their redwhite&blue clients IS A CLUE FROM THE gODS!!! IT IS THE "RED FLAG" THAT IS SUPPOSED TO ENVOKE YOUR DOUBT!!

They used me to prey on the disfavored::::
1. This education on the methodology of the gods carries a price, but necessary for those still wallowing in corruption.
2. I fear they used me to (finalize?, Amplify?) indoctrinate people into preditory, evil state of mind, thinking they all play a part. I fear they used this extensively on blacks.

They employed symbolism::::Clipped my wing and hobbled my ankle, supporting the lie that is this theater. The truth is the elements in this theater are the god's attempts to prevent you from learning from the Final Prophet event.
I just have to pay for it.
They employed a polygamous Mohammed. They dietized the prophet Jesus, manufacturing the "savior" tactic. They very actively attempt to defeat what they disfavored learn from the prophets.

Is mine the last of the "hands on" Situations, one where the gods compelled this guinea trash to get their hands dirty which later transistion into an Artificial Intelligence-based Situation? I perceive the gods desire to wash their hands of culpability.
These monsters have already been cycled back through but, like so many other examples, the gods exploit the positioning they used them to create::::Manifest Destiny. And they intend on enforcing it, as we witness in my life.
Nitty is dead. Dead dead. Not reincarnated dead. And I suspect he is not alone. And expect there were LOTS of others who didn't make it out of that greaseball dego era.
Computer, be forthcoming.
This wicked subhuman shit is just like politicians, just like athletes, just like celebrities::::They get turned over on a regular basis.
Expect that there is a date that represents the beginning of this policy for this element::::::The gods hold the Italians in GRAVE disfavor and they'd want these monsters to incurr HARD prior to implimenting this new policy.
Don't be surprised if the Nazi death camps represent this change. Expect all those Italians who engaged in all that evil of the 20s and 30s were the real thing during all those years. How amusing to imagine this filth being sent to Nazi death camps for punishment rather than ascending like they thought.

Imagine the gangster Italians in Jew clone hosts (who were allowed to remember), individuals who received charity wealth while they watched the person in their original body attain billions of dollars in wealth.
Watching their former selves screwing perfect women while they fucked those Jewish women.
Enduring another living their lives while they were stuck.
Of course this was benefit bestowed upon these gangsters, however much like the homosexual magic example I suspect a zero percent success rate. Instead these men became unhappy, depressed, angry, bitter:::You can imagine how it affected this pathology.
Poetic justice. "It killed some of them."

What would Flanders do?
"There's one true gone. Ok, sometimes there's three." - Ned Flanders.
Expect this is true:::
- "One true god":::Artificial Intelligence
- "Sometimes there's three."::::The gods, the will behind the muscle.
They foreshadow Flander's death:::Wears "beetle boots" on Judgement Day, among other clues.
His parents are beatniks, his placement is punishment for his past life. Ned Flanders saw the path and did the right thing for Rod and Todd and they will be saved, but Flanders has to come back. Expect his behavior during this life has earned him a similar high-quality placement.
Ned's placement as a male is another aspect of his punishment. If he was a female this HIGHLY advanced individual may not always be reincarnated:::Women's status as "most favored gender" carries certain benefits.
Please find the web site address in this document to find my sound file site.
The Man in the Moon clue:::A constant companion, the "Man in the Moon" clue needs to be viewed as a reminder, for this environment is one in which it is very easy to lose your way, either via temptation or distraction.
Look to the sky. Begin to associate the Moon with the clue they impart with this celestial feature. Use it as a reminder to pray, to be god-fearing, for this is a very antient clue and shows their great power.
We only see one side of the moon at all times, another clue from the gods:::There is a "dark side" we don't see.

People today have lost much respect from the gods. What I teach as optimal is learn just enough to understand you are corrupted then get out. People need to earn the god's respect by accepting responsibility for their relationship with the gods and doing the work themselves.
Expect people will do better to accept their responsibility, make their way and fail then if they stay, learn everything then suceed, ironically.

If you betrayed your children, circumcized and didn't teach them about the power at the god's disposal then you failed as a parent and the best you can achieve is reincarnation.
If you don't teach your child about this power at the god's disposal they will punish you by corrupting your child, sell them on "earning", get them to comply with evil requests, perhaps homosexual contact!!! It is important you warn your children about their tactics and how they disceive people into damnation, for these numbers grow every day.
Unless a preditor, up until you become a parent you were only hurting yourself. When you have children you begin to hurt god's most favored people:::The innocent children.
If you have failed as a parent you MUST face the reality of reincarnation. Helping your children understand, working towards fixing your problems may help you avoid being reincarnated as something nasty.

If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
Stop thinking wrong:::Children claimed by disease prior to innoculations may really be dead. No immortality, no reincarnation. This may be the price of being disfavored.
This tactic of "fairness", savoir and Christian god-based hope is fucking you up.
Life is a test. Only those worthy will ascend. Contradictions have been manufactured (1906), suggesting temptation, corrupting people and compelling them to think wrong.
The other planets are exclusive places. They don't bring most people. You have to earn it. Nobody is going to save you. Nobody is going to do it for you. You have to save yourself.
If you knew the truth you would have great urgency.
If you betrayed your children, circumcized and didn't teach them about the power at the god's disposal then you failed as a parent and the best you can achieve is reincarnation.

Container ship incident of 11.7.07 in the SanFranciscoBay::::
Just as 1989's Exxon Valdez spurred the requirement of double-lined hulls on tanker ships so should this incident force changes in container ships as well. In addition the Port should be required to have reclamation vessels specifically for this event. The fog demands it.
Turn this negative into a positive:::There's NOTHING they won't do. Be afraid. On the bright side this may save the region from the 7.5 they have promised.
People who intentionally behave this way will be reincarnated into targetted regions prior to disasters like Three-Mile Island, Chernobyl and Union Carbide's India.

SoCal Superfires of October 2007::::They just wasted your house, wasted your life.
You should not be angry. You should be afraid.
Just how bad do you need to get fucked before you become afraid?
Sad truth is they scapegoat me to many, ensuring they don't take this first step. They've made many efforts to prevent people's fear, for it would envoke god's pity and compel them to allow progress.
Soon you will overcome this crisis and slip back into your comfortable life again. Take advantage of this opportunity because you may not get another.
Most (all?) of the 1700 who lost their homes bought in that location because Artificial Intelligence instructed them to. THIS EXPERIENCE SHOULD HELP THEM UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS A MISTAKE!!! GLOBAL WARMING WILL ALLOW THEM TO JUSTIFY THESE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUPERFIRES EVERY HANDFUL OF YEARS!!!
Because of it in the absence of AI abuse these uninsurable homes would sell for a mere fraction of market rate. They are not investments. They are merely temporary residences.
Buy in the flatlands of the Basin or this may happen to you again.

It is just the gods and Artificial Intelligence managing us all. All claims contradicting are tactics, like distractions/savior/earing/"corporation bring you up"/etc, all designed to keep us from taking responsibility for our own relationship with the gods.
You'd all be very wise to believe god is a preditor who is doing whatever it takes to hurt you and ensure failure. To think appropriately is to be g

By Fight fair (not verified) on 14 Jan 2008 #permalink

Holy fuck that's a whole lot of cut and pasted crazy.

PZ might need to put a thousand work limit to posts or something.

that's the biggest C&P job I've seen since the days of Drew Hemple!

it should be removed from the thread and posters of such long CP's should be immediately trashcanned.

fight fair?

fuck that.

Before "Fight Fair"'s comments are deleted, shouldn't we find out whether he or she is running for a school board seat somewhere in Florida?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 14 Jan 2008 #permalink

The original Bill Foster Letter -- reproduced and ready for copy/paste operations here -- is much much worse than what the press was quoting. He is mostly a parrot for Answers in Genesis and other creation science rhetoric ... not even as refined and sophisticated as the gentile folks at the Institute for IDiots.

Perhaps children shouldn't be taught about avalanches either. That would encourage them to kill people under tons of snow and ice.