More carnivals, including one that is new to me!
Accretionary Wedge #3 (a geology carnival!)
And we have a new Tangled Bank coming up at From Archaea to Zeaxanthol next Wednesday—send those links to your science articles to me or
By the way, we're going to run out of hosts in January, so if you're interested in hosting, drop me a line to volunteer.
Now say something, anything here in the comments.
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More like this
I'm in the Middle Ages, where we don't have computers, and it's a real pain to have to hire a wizard to send these messages to the internet. You'll have to talk amongst yourselves and peruse these fascinating carnivals without me.
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Carnivals! We're hawking Carnivals!
Carnival of Mathematics XI
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I and the Bird #52
The next Tangled Bank will be held on Wednesday, the 4th of July, at Aardvarchaeology. Send those patriotic, all-American links in to the Swedish guy, to me, or to
The next edition of the Tangled Bank will be at Fish Feet on Wednesday, 15 August. Send those links in to me or
Until Wednesday, you'll need to make do with these other carnivals, or engage in undirected and unspecified web-based social intercourse in the comment thread below…
It's Friday! I have no classes today, so this is the day where I desperately struggle to catch up with the backlog; it also happens to be the day we're hosting a party at our house (you're invited: 5:30, my place, across the street from the university; everyone who is anyone will be there). If you…
Filling out grad school applications suck.
Obama's science+technology policy. Ars Technica has the article:…
I like this tidbit:
"double federal funding for basic research"
Well, here's my hobbyhorse du jour:…
Less controversially, for this blog, here's another:…
Anything? Thanks! ;-)
Jesus loves you more than you can know.
CNN has a funny article on the FSM(I know PZ is not a fan). But it is worth reading--especially to the last line. Something called the American Academy of Religion will be discussing it.…
For Ross Nixon, he should look up Pat Condell's video on "Was Jesus Gay?"…
I've developed a new respect for Pink....