John A. Davison is such a tattle-tale

He told on me! That wicked rat-fink has
reported me to the provost of my university, and now I'm a-tremblin' in my pajamas. Here's the text of the letter he claims to have sent in, revealing my perfidy to the administration.

Dear Tom Sullivan, Provost, University of Minnesota,

My name is John A. Davison. I am a retired Professor Emeritus of Biology from the University of Vermont. I earned my Ph.D. in Zoology at the University of Minnesota in 1954. While I am retired, I am still writing papers and engaging in internet discussions concerning the mechanism of organic evolution, a phenomenon I feel is no longer in progress

I have summarized my views in several papers especially in my 2005 paper "A Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis," which present a viable alternative to the Darwinian mechanism. Naturally, a non Darwinian hypothesis is bound to create controversy and, as expected, my views have not been found to be acceptable to many members of the academic community.

It is in that regard that I want to call your attention to the manner in which I have been treated by a member of your faculty, Professor P.Z. Meyers, Associate Professor of Biology at the Morris campus. In my opinion his forum, 'Pharyngula," reflects poorly on his role as a university teacher and scholar. While I have been banned from participation in his forum he has introduced comments, some of them obscene, using my name as the source of said comments. I regard this as the bottom of the intellectual barrel and it is for that reason that I feel compelled to call the matter to your attention It is also a very serious breech of academic protocol and civil discourse. It is my conviction that Meyers should be, at the very least ,severely disciplined if not summarily dismissed based on his continued abuse of those with whom he disagrees. I am by no means the only one that he treats in such a manner His chronic, arrogant behavior reflects very poorly on what I have always regarded as a great University which by coincidence also happens to be my alma mater.

I remain, Sincerely yours,

John A. Davison, Professor Emeritus , University of Vermont

Hmmm. Let's distill this down a bit.

First two paragraphs: "I am a famous internet crank and crackpot."

Third paragraph: "P.Z. Meyers is being mean to me. Please fire him."

Strangely enough, such a compelling and persuasive treatise has so far failed to elicit any thunderbolts from on high. I haven't received so much as a querulous memo asking, "who is this guy?", let alone revocation of tenure, summary dismissal, and immediate imprisonment in the Chateau d'If. I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps there is a Dr Meyers somewhere on one of our campuses who is currently baffled at all the administrative hellfire raining down on him; or perhaps I haven't heard about it because the hapless and totally innocent Dr Meyers was quietly and efficiently terminated, and his bones now lie moldering beneath a goal post at the football stadium.

I'll be sure to let you all know if I hear anything from anyone in the administration. On the other hand, if the blog suddenly goes silent, you know where to look: Chateau d'If, then the Gopher Stadium.

P.S. I haven't written any obscene comments about Davison, let alone posted them under his name. I think he has gotten … confused.

I know why I haven't heard from the administration! Davison forgot to include an important part of his letter:

It is not I who needs to hear from the Provost of the University of Minnesota. It is P.Z. Meyers, the most foul mouthed, base degenerate and miserable excuse for a human being that ever hosted a blog. That such a creature should be influencing our youth in or out of the University classroom or any place else should be unthinkable to any objective investigator of the greatest unsolved mystery in all of biological science. This creature is the bottom of the intellectual barrel and has no business representing any university in any capacity whatsoever. I am confident that The University of Minnesota will see to it that he receives his just rewards for his wholesale rejection of every aspect of what intellectual integrity demands. The man is a text book degenerate and a blight upon the face of academe. I am surprised he has been allowed to go as far as he already has. He has violated every aspect of the one thing that matters most of all, the unhindered search for the truth.

Wow. I think I may bug the poor man a little bit. I haven't seen a screed like that against me since I last read some of the other scienceblogs here.


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Clear off a space on the floor near you, because soon you'll be rolling around laughing on it. You may recall that John A. Davison, infamous advocate of Intelligent Design, started a blog of his own, titled Prescribed Evolution, back in November of 2005. It generated a lot of hilarity because it…
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I was interviewed on a website over a month ago, and unfortunately John A. Davison and his infected polyp, VMartin, took over the comments there and went on and on in their ridiculous way. They're still going at it. Even more absurdly, the droning duo are bragging on ISCID, in an awesome example of…

funny, I wrote to the University of Vermont to ask about Davison a few years back (as he was using University resources to publish his PEH), and after first not recognizing the name at all, they finally informed me that the man had been "voluntarily" retired from teaching in the mid 80's. John himself confirmed this, and mentioned he had tried to teach his PEH in his classes, and "those bastards" had quickly given him the proverbial boot from teaching responsibilities.

It was pretty clear, though not explicity stated, that the poor guy had pretty much lost his mind after some family tragedy in the mid 80's, and apparently has never recovered.

you could do the same thing; write UVM and publish the response you receive. That should be good for a few laughs.

personally, I simply hope that exposing John to his insanity over and over will eventually result in him entering a treatment program.

The man did, at one time, have some legitimate contributions to biology, before he completly lost it.

It's both sad and annoying to see him continually flaunt his insanity all over the blogging world.

Do he and VMartin misspell your name on purpose, or are they just illiterate?

btw, I always get a kick out of pointing out that John's PEH is listed as CRANKIEST in the evolution category on

I suggest that Mr. Davison is finding retirement onerous and, perhaps, a bit lonely.
I suspect that his non-Darwinian thesis has been reviewed by kindly persons wishing to spare him of indignities to his age.
Perhaps a non judgmental summary of his thesis here might be in order. I shall limit my comment to "That is amazing!"

Well, you are a little "arrogant" and "overbearing" sometimes. But then, aren't we all? Plus, he's probably taking offense at all the militant atheists who gather at the comments ready to chew up and spit out the gnawed bones of any who have fundamental disagreement. This is not a reflection of these individuals in particular-all blogs get them- it may lead to trouble for you when people associate the comments with what ever is being commented on.

oh well. just thoughts.

He seems incapable of correcting his erroneous spelling of your surname. When I was participating in that thread, I just thought it was supposed to be some childish insult. However, the fact that he repeats it in this letter (if in fact he did send it) seems to indicate that he really is batshit insane. but there are plenty if other clues to that conclusion anyway...

he really is batshit insane.

there is no doubt.


Woot had the best comment to Davison in that thread:

wÒÓ† Says:

Once again, when you've got nothing, you get petty and vindictive. It's a disturbing pattern, and it's becoming increasingly clear why UVM kicked you to the curb.

If you don't want to discuss the merits of your "hypothesis," perhaps you should look for a different line of work.

I understand Wal-Mart is always looking for enthusiastic persons to serve as greeters.


John A. Davidson, the same person who has posted 600+ comments in a thread of nothing but himself and his puppet, I mean echo, Vmarten, stroke his monolithic ego, expects your boss to take him seriously?
Uh, is it just me, or should someone check and see if Mr Davidson has been sniffing markers again?

Davison's cunning strategy is to insist on getting banned on all major sites. ("I love it so!") And a few years later, bitch about it.

Yeah, never seen that one before.

his PEH


"PEH Promotion of Environmental Health (WHO)" ( )?

Um, no.

"Profusely Erratic Harangue"?


By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

His letter has so many typos I lost count. He thinks his opinion on scientific matters is supposed to count for something when he can't even remember to end his sentences with a period?

It would not surprise me if your University superiors have already received a couple of complaints... and binned them. The University is surely aware of your blog; and if they have any sense they must be delighted.

It was pretty clear, though not explicity stated, that the poor guy had pretty much lost his mind after some family tragedy in the mid 80's, and apparently has never recovered.

I was going to make some snarky comment about how you hurt his feeeeelings, but after reading this I am more inclined towards the pity response. Sometimes it sucks to be human.

It sounds like Davison isn't taking too kindly to being in the Pharyngula dungeon. Maybe he doesn't get along with his fellow inmates any better than he did with the Pharynguloids in the threads.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

Oh man, this is totally my fault. I'd apologize if it wasn't both funny and not likely to result in any damage to PZ.

Here's what happened: Davison got past the troll filter and posted something back in the "It's still going on?" comments. Immediately after he did that, I sockpuppeted something that wasn't too nice. The real Davison comment was #45, the fake one was #46. PZ deleted the real comment, rendering mine less hilarious. Mine was bumped up to #45. Back in the iscid Malebolge, Davison started bawling his eyes out because he thought that PZ had defaced his post.

I tried to comment about this when it happened, but every time I link to the iscid forum scienceblogs eats my post (and it probably should).

It sounds like Davison isn't taking too kindly to being in the Pharyngula dungeon. Maybe he doesn't get along with his fellow inmates any better than he did with the Pharynguloids in the threads.

Nope. Even on the iscid forums he and VMartin have had their permissions to start new threads revoked, so he's got this one thread that's balooned up to 40 forum pages of him talking to himself. Again, I'd link to it, but scienceblogs won't let me.

It's probably me that won't let you. I had to add a whole lot of custom filter phrases to the blacklist to keep Davison and his suppurating polyp VMartin from masturbating all over every thread on Pharyngula.

Trust me, you appreciate what I've done there. It was hideous.

Re: John Wilkins' comment #8 "Did you not send Davison the memo that your name is spelled "Mangrove Stoat Warbler"?"

PZ did.

As a result, JAD has now assumed the identity "Raymond Luxury-Yacht" and sent a 2nd letter to the provost claiming PZ has also committed identity theft.

Or is that "identitIES theft"...?

By Steve Murphy (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

Re: #20 Well, we certainly don't want any masturbation on the threads! :)

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

Oh my, I followed the link above to the PEH paper, and from there decided to take a quick look at his home page there. He is (or was) running for Governor of Vermont? This should be good.

He is (or was) running for Governor of Vermont? This should be good.

long time ago.

I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps there is a Dr Meyers somewhere on one of our campuses who is currently baffled at all the administrative hellfire raining down on him; or perhaps I haven't heard about it because the hapless and totally innocent Dr Meyers was quietly and efficiently terminated, and his bones now lie moldering beneath a goal post at the football stadium.

What? SHIT! Dr. Meyers is dead because of my harmless little prank! This is like a bad episode of "Adventures in Odyssey", but there's no self-righteous asshole soda jerk to spout banalities at me! What am I going to do?

Now this is telling.

Davison says on his geocities website:
"It seems that William Dembski, unwilling to accept me as a potential ally, has found it necessary to expunge my commments (sic) from his personal forum."

It must be very lonely out there for Davison.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

There is no longer any need for these exhausting discussions, as I have figured out the Golden Truth of Betaphysics!

You don't have to thank me. Just don't make me take that greeter job at Wal-Mart.


o/~ Daaaaavison is in the house! Oh, Daaaaavison o/~

Oh, sorry. I was just playing that part of Viewtiful Joe. Somehow, I doubt this Davison is a green rhino-ogre thing.

The time will come when PZ Mayers is exposed as the fraud he is for not allowing me to publish my manifesto on eating cake. Fortunately, the whole world knows that PZ is the lackey of Martha Stewart. Both are too scared to give a detailed point by point evaluation of my manifesto. Fortunately, I am publishing my screed in Czech. It is too good for the American academics. They had their chance.

I like cake!

"I am but a man, though history shall know me as a giant. I'm not so smart, though others may think me a genius" (Christian Burnham 2007)

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

It must be very lonely out there for Davison.

I think it might be. Davison posted the following on iscid after being rebuked by one of the posters:

I have one tangible ally [--] Martin. This is one of the very few venues where we still are allowed to speak.

Now I'm getting a case of the scruples. I hate it when that happens. I get these feelings that well up inside my chest and make me feel bad for the guy. I even took some Tums to rule out the possibility that I just have heartburn. Nope, it's pity.

Well, two can play at this game ...

Dear God, "Creator", Universe,

My name is Daniel W. Harlow. I am a honorably discharged veteran of the United States Navy and served at Pearl Harbor working on attack submarines and as a firefighter. While I am no longer in the service, I am actively engaged in internet discussions concerning the mechanism of atheism, a phenomenon I became aware of due to my service and is something I feel is valid and of interest to you.

I have summarized my views on my blog titled 'Gimme Back My God!'. Naturally, a Darwinian hypothesis is bound to create controversy and, as expected, my views have not been found to be acceptable to many members of the religious community.

It is in that regard that I want to call your attention to the manner in which I have been treated by a member of your flock, Professor "Emeritus" John A. Davidson. In my opinion his forum comments reflect poorly on your role as a universal creator and author. I have been shunned and smote by John A. Davidson's comments, some of them ignorant (such as questioning if Dan Harlow really is my name). I regard this as the bottom of the intellectual barrel and it is for that reason that I feel compelled to call the matter to your attention. It is also a very serious breech of theistic protocol and civil discourse. It is my conviction that Davidson should be, at the very least, severely disciplined if not summarily excommunicated based on his continued abuse of those with whom he disagrees. I am by no means the only one that he treats in such a manner. His chronic, arrogant behavior reflects very poorly on what I have always regarded as a great Universe which, by coincidence, also happens to be my alma mater.

PS: I know you don't exist, but I felt like writing this letter anyway.

Sincerely (not)yours,
Daniel W. Harlow, veteran, US Navy and atheist

"It seems that William Dembski, unwilling to accept me as a potential ally, has found it necessary to expunge my commments (sic) from his personal forum."

Man, how moronic do you have to be to have the ID crowd reject you?

By Chuck Morrison (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

There's ID nutters in Vermont?!?!??!? I thought I was safe!

This is from the same loon who has a 600+ comment tag game going on (with himself) at a blog that PZ gave an interview to a while back?

He really needs to seek help from a mental health professional.

Please, can someone explain to me the main premise of his anti-Darwinian stance? I tried to read over his site and found it so dull that I started to fall asleep. A simple basic description of his proposed mechanism would be nice..



Tain't his brains that get him banned from creationist forums, it's the fact he still accepts evolution as a fact. What gets him banned from pro-evolution forums is the fact his ideas regarding evolution are plain wrong. Thus he shows how one can piss off both sides of the debate.

I guess he has never heard of freedom of speech. Does he really think that the university is going to bann or give you a mean look just because you have a blog. We are entitled to block and write whatever we want on our blogs. Well, pretty much, right Shelly Batts?

A sad man he is, accusing you of cyber bullying.

By Adrian Clement (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

"Textbook degenerate"?

Considering the source, it actually makes you sound rather attractive.

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

Dembski won't have him as an ally? Has he tried to team up with George Hammond?

By Ferrous Patella (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

Hey, PZ! Off-topic, but I'm surprised you haven't mentioned the NYT article on the Kentucky creationist museum. The dino about to eat the giant golfball is hilarious. They spent $27 million on this?!? I know a group of model railroaders who could do a better job and all you'd have to give 'em is a case of beer and a long weekend.

Oh, and they make even the housekeepers who work there sign off on this little ditty. (By the way, they still need a geologist. Preferably one with no morals or professional pride whatsoever.)

I know this is against the rules, and I am sorry, You can lash me with a wet noodle later but I asked this above:

"Please, can someone explain to me the main premise of his anti-Darwinian stance? I tried to read over his site and found it so dull that I started to fall asleep. A simple basic description of his proposed mechanism would be nice..

Now please, PLEASE do not force me to have to read that the guys site to figure out his mechanism, as I think it will drive me nuts.


it's a complete waste of time to discuss it here. there is NO way you will get anybody here to start going into John's insanity in depth.

his materials are not only readily available, he repeats the gist of his insanity in every other post he makes, AND i linked directly to it above!

you wanna learn? read his damn idiotic manifesto, or just read his posts on the thread linked to by PZ above.

seriously, are you THAT lazy?

...and yes, I feel it necessary to lash you with a wet noodle NOW.

Now please, PLEASE do not force me to have to read that the guys site to figure out his mechanism, as I think it will drive me nuts.

Whatever his mechanism is, it predicts the following:

John A. Davison:
It is well within the possibilities inherent in the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis that Homo sapiens was separately and independently produced more than once and not even necessarily from the same common ancestor.

So, do you really need to know what it is?

After reading all this, I only have a single comment:

I love it so!


Whoa, that's quite a load of bitterness pouring out. If the guy is so bugged about P-Zizzy, I would expect him to be quite content about getting shut out from pharyngula. Jealousy, anyone? I suspect mr. Davison got into biology for the groupies. Bad career choice.

Oh, and by the way... am I the only one who think that the unified efforts of mr. Davison & VMartin bear an uncanny resemblance to the relationship between mr. Burns & Smithers? Or mr. Lahey and Randy, for those of you who watch Trailer Park Boys.

PZ, having read Dr. Davidson's litany of insults, I must tell you I have also written the Provost to protest the lack of any consequence for your description, however accurate, of Dr. Davidson.

Therefore, I'm putting you on notice: you and the rest of your house will soon be on double secret probation!

By Vernon Wormer, OM (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

If the provost should be interested in JAD, which I doubt, I recommend to have a look at


A retired Professor Emeritus? Does that mean he got his tenure back?

I do not care what people say. I have tried to read the guys posts, and NO he does not say what his proposed mechanism is. All he does is go on in creationist fashion attacking Darwinian evolution using semantics, quote mining, and basic falsehoods, as well as claiming PZ "Meyers" is the spawn of Satan...

I know it is probably at his site somewhere, but I really do not see a mechanism, just bold claims that he sees as meaning things that do not make sense to me.

People responding to me have posted more sentences than it would require to explain Darwin's mechanism, yet no one has given me a single detail of this guys proposed mechanism. I am starting to think they do not know what it is either..

Now please, I can explain Darwin's mechanism in a few short sentences, can ANYONE here explain what this guys mechanism is supposed to be?

Davidson has apparently published his dubious theories in the rather obscure (to this researcher) Italian journal Rivista di biologia. While PubMed doesn't have the full text, it has the abstracts:……

... which are enough for me. He's claiming, among other things, that all evolutionarily useful information was developed before the invention of sex; all subsequent speciation has been the unfolding of this preformed hidden diversity.

Clear enough in abstract -- clearly nutters.

Mangrove Stoat Warbler

E for effort, guys, but it's Throatwobbler Mangrove.

By the way of Python, this thread evokes in me memories of Graham Chapman's "plea for sanity by the Reverend Arthur Belling". I recommend it highly.

"It is also a very serious breech of academic protocol and civil discourse."

It is? A breech? This guy is panting to get you, PZ. So to speak.


By Chris Thompson (not verified) on 27 May 2007 #permalink

Maybe he meant to say that he has his serious breeches on.

I host the server, which means the computer services group and the university administration gets letters like this on a regular basis. The letter writers assume that I'm responsible for everything bad that happens on the newsgroup. They assume that the university administration will shut down whenever they receive a complaint.

IP staff and university administrators have very boring jobs and they look forward to the letters for a bit of comic relief. I assume the Provost at Morris has exactly the same response. Davison made his day a lot happier.

What I don't understand is why don't Davison and Martin go to Blogspot and build their own little forum where they can stroke each other to their hearts content?

By Todd Adamson (not verified) on 27 May 2007 #permalink

He's claiming, among other things, that all evolutionarily useful information was developed before the invention of sex;


Not again! What is it with these people and information?

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 27 May 2007 #permalink

to keep Davison and his suppurating polyp VMartin from masturbating all over every thread on Pharyngula

This image is...disturbing. So disturbing. Yet so brilliant.

PZ, have you ever considered writing fiction as a sideline? Your prose is certainly inventive enough. Thanks for giving me a good laugh just before bedtime. :-)

By Justin Moretti (not verified) on 27 May 2007 #permalink

Interestingly, I beleive that Davison is not even a Professor Emeritus, rather he is just a retired old coot.

Emeritus status has to be conferred upon one, and I sincerely doubt that Davison was given that honor, considering his 'achievements' the last decade or so he was at UVM.

Persuing the UVM dept. of biology page:

we do not see Davison listed anywhere, yet there are 3 professors emeritus listed.

Not again! What is it with these people and information?

It's almost like they can't afford to read Shannon's thesis, which is out there on the internet, for FREE.

Did you not send Davison the memo that your name is spelled "Mangrove Stoat Warbler"?

I thought Mr Myers name was really "Slartibartfast".

Oh my Odin! I tried reading the theories of Davison (here) and, though I am versed in molecular and cellular biology, I cannot follow a thing he's saying! Something about reversed evolution not taking place, the chromosome is the unit of evolution (yep, and the chromosome itself contains information then?), and it's all guided by a lawmaker.

It seems he was actually doing semi-research before the hiatus between 76 and 84, after which he published two papers in Journal of Theoretical Biology and 3 in Rivista di Biologia.

And now he's running for governor too? I thought Vermont was a state packed with intelligent, rational people but I guess we need to ship it off to the South, too. Sorry Vermonters!

"Cut the guy some slack. Based on the date of his Ph.D., he has to be at least 80. He's just a cranky old man."

Ok. Brain tumor then.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 27 May 2007 #permalink

Rienk, I have been trying to get anyone to be able to explain to me this guy's mechanism for evolutionary change, and a few people sorta claimed they knew, but didn't feel like explaining it. I am still waiting for anyone, including the author himself to explain to me what the *%& his mechanism is. And yes, like you I tried to read the site you posted before I made a single comment, and it sound like gobbly-gook, and had no idea what he was trying to get at, despite being at least moderately training in developmental biology myself...

What I don't understand is why don't Davison and Martin go to Blogspot and build their own little forum where they can stroke each other to their hearts content?

Because as whacked as they are, they probably know that nobody would read their blog except for a good laugh.

I have tried to read the guys posts, and NO he does not say what his proposed mechanism is.

the jokes on you, lago.

there IS no proposed mechanism. I thought you might have been able to grasp that by now.

to confirm you can read his manifesto, if you wish.

live and learn.

BTW, as a tangent, for anybody concerned, John will claim he published his PEH in a peer reviewed journal.

well, that "journal" is Rivista Di Biologia.

to say it's "peer reviewed" is like saying the news items on Fox News are "peer reviewed".

And, like I said, even if there were a proposed mechanism, it must be completely wrong because it would be a proposed mechanism for a teleological evolution where it is ordained that things move up an evolutionary ladder. There is no ladder, Davison must be wrong. It is a proposed mechanism for his "observation" that:

In other words convergent evolution is a fiction, nothing but the invention of an overactive human imagination.

And that's one of the most utterly stupid things I've ever heard. It doesn't matter what his mechanism for his hypothesis is, because his hypothesis is wrong.
Blech. I'm sounding like a pragmatist.

Ichthyic, I am guess you finally read through the guys garbage and realized what I was saying, and now you are trying to pull a Pee Wee Herman and claim, "I meant to do that?"

Not buying your BS...

Not buying your BS...

not that I give a shit what you think, but I read all of Davison's stuff years ago, when he first started pushing it on PT.

like i said, he doesn't propose a mechanism, only that evolution stopped eons ago.

that's it.


he never proposes a mechanism that stopped evolution; he simply says it's obvious it has.

as i said, if you don't believe me, read his manifesto yourself.

if you can't figure it out, join the vast bulk of those who read it.

guess what? It was written by an insane person, so not being able to figure it out should be looked at as a POSITIVE thing.

trust me when i tell you that your apparent fascination with John's manifesto will only lead you to a lot of wasted time.

but, if you insist, why don't you go ask him about it yourself?

you might get as far as the hundreds of others that have tried to get him to say something lucid about it.

good luck.

Of course he is attempting to propose a mechanism, however, he seems not to get what one requires to do so. What he actually does is propose a phenomenon based on a claimed inherent property that he himself alone seems to be able to see.

For his claim to have any validity, the phenomenon would need to be verifiable, and then he must describe a mechanism in which a hypothesis, or series of hypotheses can be used to verify.

And no one claimed he wasn't nuts (outside of himself and his seeming alter-ego). Even a nut bag can claim a mechanism, which he has, but then that person must explain that mechanism, which he hasn't as far as I can see...

Of course he is attempting to propose a mechanism,

then you need to go back and learn what "mechanism" means in the context of a scientific hypothesis.

'cause there aint one there.

He DOESN'T claim a mechanism, dolt. I thought for sure your perusal of that thread would uncover at least a few times someone asked him the very same question you did.

go and look and see if he provides a response.

hint: he doesn't because he never has. ever. not in his paper, not in response to direct questioning.


got it now?

gees, some people.

now go flog yourself with a wet noodle or something, would ya?

Ichthyic, it isn't worth gettting pissed over. Step back and realize that you're wasting valuable energy arguing with a guy who is not John A. Davison about John A. Davison.

Anyway, Lago isn't listening. I say let it go.

Don't be effin' idiots. I know what a mechanism is in this context. It does not matter if the guy does not present a proper mechanism, it is merely the claim that there is one, which he certainly does claim, that I asked about.

You know and I know you had no idea what the guys ideas were, and pretended you were all above them just because it was the position of the thread. Only when numerous people said the same thing I did, as in after reading the site that no real mechanism was there to be found, did you go and read it youself and find you couldn't make head nor tails out of the guys gibberish either. After that you came back and acted like you knew he had not really described a mechanism, which you didn't...

You basically attacked me just because I wanted someone to explain to me this guys supposed mechanism, just so I could know what it was supposed to be. How stupid is that?

Anyway, Lago isn't listening. I say let it go.


Lago, icthyic, dustin. The three of you stop. This isn't the place, and you'r acting childish. Just stop.

My theory, he's got a man-crush on PZ and feeling spurned, lashes out.

By tourettist (not verified) on 28 May 2007 #permalink

What I don't understand is why don't Davison and Martin go to Blogspot and build their own little forum where they can stroke each other to their hearts content?

You obviously missed out on the various renditions of Davison's blog. It consisted of one post that Davison added comments to. No additional posts. Zero. One post with hundreds of responses from JAD. When it was apparent that no one was paying him any attention, he would start another blog. Not another post. A whole new blog.

I love it so!

Maybe he meant to say that he has his serious breeches on.

You mean his...smarty pants?

the Prescribed Evolution Hypothesis (PEH).

[Sorry for comment delay.] Ah, thank you!

Guess I didn't listen to him. :-o

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 30 May 2007 #permalink

Davison's cunning strategy is to insist on getting banned on all major sites. ("I love it so!") And a few years later, bitch about it.

Yeah, never seen that one before.

his PEH


"PEH Promotion of Environmental Health (WHO)" ( )?

Um, no.

"Profusely Erratic Harangue"?


By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 26 May 2007 #permalink

the Prescribed Evolution Hypothesis (PEH).

[Sorry for comment delay.] Ah, thank you!

Guess I didn't listen to him. :-o

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 30 May 2007 #permalink

It may be true that the unexamined life is not worth living--but neither is the unlived life worth examining.
~ Dan Millman Quotes

WARNING - The last "blog" of Davison takes FOREVER to load. I have gone there many times never a clinch, maybe you should upgrade your computer?