OK, I've decided: I'm going to be at Darwin's on Thursday morning, around 8ish. If you're in the area, stop on by — no obligation, though, if you're all busy I'll just check my mail and guzzle some coffee before heading off to the airport.
There were lots of good suggestions, but really … how could I resist a place called Darwin's?
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Meh... Let me/us know when you'll be out in the Pasadena, CA area. I'd love to hang out with you for a few minutes, atheist scientist celebrity whore that I (apparently) am. ;-)
Heh, theres this place in Australia called Darwin, though i haven't been there yet.
I have a golden retriever named Darwin - but we're in San Diego....
Darwin in Australia's named after Charles. But you can't buy a coffee there, only cane toad juice.
Darwin, NT is a great place, lots of fun, laid back ands close to some of the most beautiful nature areas in the world. Just don't go swimming, the Box Jellyfish and/or the Crocs will get ya.
Our Blue Cattle X dog is named Darwin, she is very smart with huge ears.
Very good choice. Darwin's is my choice for the best sandwiches in Boston, and maybe the country. Now that I live in Seattle, I miss it dearly.
By the way, you should specify which location---Mt Auburn is closer to the Charles Hotel.
Sounds like a good place for our meetings.
It's almost 8 and I just woke up. By the time I shower, grab the green line, switch to the red line, etc. You'll be headed back to the airport.
I hope you enjoyed your stay in the fair city of Cambridge.
I too am a good distance from Boston but I do hope you enjoyed your stay.
If you were in the _real_ Cambridge you could go to Darwin College bar which in my day was famous for its selection of single malts.
well, you could take in the Charles Darwin exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science (http://www.mos.org/). But, hurry up: the exhibit closes tomorrow....
(back to lurking)
Shoot, we'll be in the city too late. Alas.
Ack, Jeff, I hope PZ didn't take your directions too literally. He'll wind up wandering around in the Braintree Mall, looking Terminal A.
The Blue line goes to Logan. :-p
LoL @ "the real Cambridge" - touche, csrster!
Those were directions for me to get to Cambridge. PZ is, of course, welcome to come visit me in Mission Hill should he choose.
and now i have to follow those directions to go teach my last class of the semester up at Tufts.
Jeff, my reading comprehension skills are sorely lacking, especially before lunchtime! I never should have doubted you - never! I beg your forgiveness, and throw myself on the mercy of the court. :-)
Darwin's is the best sandwich shop in the entire world. The best. I make triply sure to eat there every time I am in Boston. Oh, man. Jealousy.
Your task is to find a way to access the blue line from the red line without using the green or orange lines :)
Alternatively, you must go to Redbones and make amends by eating until they have to roll you out the door.
Your task is to find a way to access the blue line from the red line without using the green or orange lines :)
And she never returned, no she never returned, and her fate is still unlearned.....
LOL @ Jeff and George!
Uh... Ok. Red to Blue.
I'd take the Red Line to Park, go upstairs, walk across the plaza, and pick up the Blue Line at Government Center. :-)
Hmmm. No walking? Ok. Then I'd take the Red Line to Porter, jump on the Commuter Rail to No. Station, then grab another train for the North Shore and jump off at Revere Beach. Or Wonderland. Yup, that would work.
Sure, sure, there are no Commuter Rail stations at Revere or Wonderland, but that's why I say "jump off."