Start driving!

Did you know that if you left Minneapolis right now, you could be in Morris in time for the last Café Scientifique Morris of the 2006-2007 academic year? Tracey Anderson will be telling us all about aquatic insects, as well as just about anything you might want to ask about arthropods. If you can't make it to this one, you'll have to wait until September for your next opportunity.


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Did you know that if you left Minneapolis right now, you could be in Morris in time for the last Café Scientifique Morris of the 2006-2007 academic year?

Did you know that if I left home right now, I could be in Minneapolis in 20 hours or so?

Does anyone know if there are these kinds of things around Boston? I would love to attend, but not so badly that Im going to Minnesota.

Damn! I just missed the last wormhole from Utah to Minneapolis.

Because 2/3 of the USA is within a day's drive of Morris....

If I'd start driving right now, I'd be in Paris in about 7 hours. From there on I might be on time for the September Café Scientifique...

What about St. Cloud?

Damn! I just missed the last wormhole from Utah to Minneapolis.

There's one leaving next Tuesday that will get you there in time.

Does anyone know if there are these kinds of things around Boston?

There may be one in Cambridge, MA, but the links I'm finding are either dead or old. I'm sure if you look around a bit and take names and numbers, you should be able to link up with someone who knows the current status.

Be careful about step 43, too -- Highway 28 is a notorious speed trap, and while you might be tempted to try and make up some of that time you lost at step 20, don't do it.


Are there any Café Scientifique events over the summer? I'm in Virginia during the academic year, but I'll be spending my summer working in Minneapolis--I'd love the chance to drop in on one.

Sorry, had to meet Al Franken at Plymouth Progressives.

Wow, the man can work a room.

Getting there from Paris isn't all that hard. Google Maps can tell you. Take a look at Step 20.

It's worth a try. I hope my car can swim... Otherwise I'll be stuck on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, but hey I guess I'll see some maritime life there. Taking some friends with me I could make up my own Café Scientifique! "Café Scientifique II: Return of the Squids")

Be careful about step 43, too -- Highway 28 is a notorious speed trap, and while you might be tempted to try and make up some of that time you lost at step 20, don't do it.

Highway speed limits?! What's the purpose of a fast car, when you are not allowed to drive accordingly (uhm, well I don't own a fast car, though.)? Gonna stick to the Autobahn, I guess.