Whoa. John Edwards just got a big boost

He must be a smart guy: he just picked Amanda Marcotte to run the John Edwards blog. And since Amanda will be slightly distracted, she's brought in five (it takes five people to take Amanda's place?) new people to keep Pandagon humming…and one of them is Chris Clarke. Everything's shuffling around! I'm getting confused! I think I'm willing to vote for Edwards so far, as long as Amanda keeps him in line and makes sure he doesn't start pumping up the war talk or professing for creationism.

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And he got Shake's Sis. Quite a coup, as far as getting feminist bloggers on your side goes.

By Schwaumlaut (not verified) on 31 Jan 2007 #permalink

I have been liking Edwards more and more.
He is making good moves here.
Oh, and I don't care how big his house is. I know he
has money, so what? Don't they all?
Joe Klein saying he is "too nice" or something is a plus too as Joke Line is a moron of the largest order.

By afterthought (not verified) on 31 Jan 2007 #permalink

Hello! i am a begginer and my english is bad.

I have a question. How can i suscribe to comments?, i know the metod for suscribe posts and new histories but i don't know how alert me when a new comment is publicated in this blog.

thanks and sorry for my bad english.

Edwards is my first choice too, but Hillary!™ has the money, the machine and the name recognition among those who watch the 5 O'Clock News.

But Edwards has been leading among the grassroots Dem organizers and those most likely to come to the caucuses/primaries in Iowa, Nevada and South Carolina for quite a while now - support that is difficult to lose (and he is rising in New Hampshire as well) and counts the most. By the time the 5 o'clock news people get to vote, it can be all over.

as long as Amanda keeps him in line and makes sure he doesn't start pumping up the war talk

Too late. For a few hours I was rooting for Obama as the one candidate who wasn't pro-war on Iran, until another commenter on Pandagon noted that Obama was in fact pro-war.

Yep, unfortunately Alon's right. You'll have to look hard to find a Dem candidate who isn't (literally) objectively pro-war.

coturnix- but that's what worries me about big states like California wanting to move their primaries up right behind NH and Iowa. That's the perfect set up for a big-money-and-name-recognition candidate like Hillary to deliver an early knockout punch.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink

Wasn't Edwards just in the news plumping for a war of choice against Iran?

He smells to me like a typical product of the DLC- gutless, triangulating, self-seeking, unprincipled aging yuppie scum. Another clone from the same rotten source- the Inside the Beltway Kewl Kidz Klub.

To Hell with him. And Hillary. And Obama. What we need is an actual human being, not more of these AudioAnimatronics dummies.

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink

Name a Democratic candidate who isn't going to pander to the "Israel" lobby (really the "Israeli rightwing lobby", since the range and vigor of public debate within Israel itself is ironically vastly greater than in the US). I can't. I wish I could.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink

Unfortunately, the Very Serious People in the Beltway get to choose who gets attention, and hence votes. They have decided that the mush-mouthed maggots are Very Serious Candidates and give their money and attention to them.

Anyone who can win the presidency should definitely not be allowed to have it. (paraphrased from someone cool, I think Sam Clemens.)

As a side note, war with Iran is possibly the stupidest idea ever.

Re Steve Labonne

Yessir, John Edwards and all the other candidates are just witting tools of the international Zionist conspiracy. Snark.

In other words, stogoe, we are SO fucked.

This country has remained totally insane since 9/11 with pitiful bedwetting hysteria- just look at the abject stupidity of the Boston police about those flashing signs that had already been up there and in 10 other cities for weeks, and worse yet the subsequent fascist exercise in ass-covering by the city and state governments.

Combine this craziness with the warmongering promoted by the Israel lobby and the neocons, and there's no end in sight to the dark path down which this country has started.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink

As I said, SLC,

the range and vigor of public debate within Israel itself is ironically vastly greater than in the US.

I invite you to have a look at Israeli media outlets available in English on the Web. Or, for example, at this:

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink

Anyone who can win the presidency should definitely not be allowed to have it. (paraphrased from someone cool, I think Sam Clemens.)

Paraphrased from Douglas Adams in the second radio series of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, turned into book form in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. But I'm not familiar with Sam Clemens, so if he said it in the 1970s or before, maybe Adams paraphrased it from him.

I'm not familiar with Sam Clemens, so if he said it in the 1970s or before, maybe Adams paraphrased it from him.

If Sam Clemens said it in the 1970s, where the hell is Asimov's book on the afterlife? Huh?

Cyrus, you probably are familiar with Sam Clemens, just not under that name. Ask Google...

By the way, I should say that I'm by no means giving Edwards a free pass just because so much of the Democratic Party is no better. On the contrary, my previous enthusiasm for him waned quite a lot after I read about his bellicose remarks on Iran. I'm back to thinking that even the most provisional trust should be placed only in those who opposed the Iraq war right from the beginning. Unfortunately the pickings are pretty slim in that department. At least Obama wasn't there at the time to vote All Power To Dear Leader. Clark is often claimed to fall into this category but his record doesn't really stand up to close inspection (and he wasn't on the spot in Congress either so who knows how he'd actually have voted). Hey, maybe I'll have to vote for Dennis after all...

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink

Yeah, I'm not committing to any candidate just yet, either, and I'm willing to be swayed.

I was even impressed by Obama's apparent boycott of Fox News. That's hitting the shills where it hurts.


What's the evidence that Obama was/is pro-war?

SLC thinks he has made some kind of point by showing that Israel nas a right as well as a left? Duh. The point is that BOTH are vigorously expressed there, whereas the views of somebody like David Grossman are taboo IN THE US. Why are all conservatives so godamn stupid? Takes all the fun out of arguing with them.

By Steve LaBonne (not verified) on 01 Feb 2007 #permalink