We just had one of these!
Well, just to flesh it out a little more with some random links, here are some photos. I was told the second one made someone think of me (warning: body modification!). And, jebus help me, for some reason I thought this photo was very sexy. Or appetizing. I don't know, something in the midbrain flickered.

Oh, and several of us sciencebloggers were interviewed for an article by Eva Amsen on "Who benefits from science blogging?" It doesn't mention the benefit of people sending you pictures that tickle the cingulate.
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Has ScienceBlogs been hacked? When I click on the logo in the upper right, I get redirected to google.com.
Same when I enter the url directly. Someone messed up the ScienceBlogs front page.
That body modification stuff grosses me out.
quork, that's really weird. But you can click "stop" right before the page redirects. I wonder what's wrong.
It seems my network connection is faster than yours.
No kidding. My Internet connection is quite slow. But that has its upshots sometimes.
I can download spam, popup ads and malware at amazing speeds!
The scienceblogs page is fixed now.
Appropiate post!
PZ and fellow commenters: if you have time , please check these cool meeresbilder (http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/erde/0,1518,437266,00.html) from the online edition of Der Spiegel. I highly recommend pic number 10, wink, wink.
Beautiful pictures! I can't help but think that Photoshop or something was used to adjust the colours, though; they're so vivid.
Some googled/wikipedia/altavista attempts at translation:
I may be politically incorrect but ever since Bill Dembski put up a picture of Denyse O'Leary on his blog I stopped going there. She's just too ugly to look at, and I don't like throwing up my lunch everytime my eye wanders over the page and catches that ugly mug! Ugh! Yuck! !
Now that's unkind. Why do you think my photo is tiny, blurry, and cropped?
I think we had a dish that looked like that at dinner last night.
I spoke to a fellow who spent three months in Korea on business. I asked him what was the weirdest food he ate while there. His answer -- live octopus. Apparently, you need to dip it in lots of sesame oil so that it dosn't grab onto your throat on the way down. Vigigorous chewing also helps.
A quick search of your site (for "Royal Society") suggests that, despite being mentioned a couple of times already in other places I frequent, this item has slid under your radar somehow:
Here is a useful site exploring the news that is considered not news by the major media. Some scientific subjects are included. Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006.
8, 10, 11, 22 are interesting on science or environment. 19 is just shocking.
15 is about conservative McCarthyism in the universities.
The "Go directly to Google" error on the Scienceblogs top page is back. Someone should be docked some serious nerd points for this.
since this is an open thread, I recommend everybody to go and look at this:
watch the video - it's truly astounding. The shark that walks on its fins in particular. It's just spooky watching it.
The whole thing reminds me of snorkeling in Maui a couple of months back. Damn, I wish I could go and do that again right now...
Holy shit (and I choose my words carefully). Right after watching that uplifting video at ABC I pointed to in my previous comment, I had to go and find this:
As above, watch the video. Really, watch it.
As I said at the beginning, holy shit. Interpret that how you will...
Village elders order trial by boiling oil
Bush says education is path to democracy
Ah, so that's why he is opposed to accurate science education.
First penis transplant reversed after two weeks