More PIGDID is on the way!

We have a more complete demolition of the odious Mr Wells wretched book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, on the way at the Panda's Thumb. Different chapters were farmed out to different contributors (as you can see, I got the chapter on idiotic embryology), and others will be appearing periodically in the near future.

Reed Cartwright has put up an introduction to the whole enterprise, and once the whole collection has been placed on the web, he'll tie it all together and organize them in an orderly fashion.

It really is a ghastly, badly done book, and unfortunately, while it only takes one dishonest fool to spin a lie, it takes a whole team to undo it.

If other bloggers want to help out, one really easy way to do it is a googlebomb: always associate the title of the book with a link back to the Panda's Thumb, like this: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design.

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Jonathan Wells is at it again. Erstwhile "developmental biologist," he has taken time off  "working on a book criticizing the over-emphasis on genes in biology and medicine" to present a Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, one that is approved of by Ann Coulter, who…
It's been a busy week over at Panda's Thumb. Three additional reviews of Jon Wells' Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design are up: First, PT's resident lawyer Timothy Sandefur writes about Wells' misleading characterizations of legal cases involving intelligent design.…

If I may, this is an excellent, very small-d democratic and scientific way of streamlining the debunking of right-wing trash. The blogosphere should make use of this sort of organization more.

Granted there is A LOT of right-wing trash out there (Pat Buchanan's new book about Mexico invading America springs to mind), but these collective activities are an intriguing way of organizing and getting the word out.

By BlueIndependent (not verified) on 25 Aug 2006 #permalink

PZ are you still going to be on the infidel guy show tonight?

By icewind dale (not verified) on 25 Aug 2006 #permalink

'PIGDIG' conjures to mind the picture of a children's story-book pig, with a shovel, digging a latrine trench.

Yes, I love Google bombing!

Err... shouldn't it be PIGDID?

By Graham Douglas (not verified) on 26 Aug 2006 #permalink