Travelin' man

My life isn't easing up just yet as we wend our way to the imminent end of the term. I'm going to be flitting about over the next few days.

I'm chauffeuring #1 son to a job interview in Minneapolis today, and then returning him home to St Cloud again sometime this evening. I'm planning to be in St Cloud in time for a painful event: Kent Hovind is speaking there.

Date :April 28, 2006
Time :7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Title:Dr. Kent Hovind (Dr. Dino) -- Creation v. Evolu.
Description:Dr. Kent Hovind or the more popularly known Dr. Dino, is one of the most requested speakers on the Creation and Evolution topic in churches and Universities all over the world. Dr. Hovind served as an educator for many years teaching Biology, Anatomy, Physical Science, Mathematics, Earth Science, and many other sciences. Dr. Hovind has debated the Creation and Evolution controversy over 100 times all over the world, in many large Universities, and on thousands of radio talk shows. Come and hear what Dr. Dino says on all sorts of scientific topics as well as taking questions from the audience. Again Dr. Hovind will be at Ritsche Auditorium @ 7pm on Friday, April 28.

Truth be told, I'm hoping something keeps me pleasantly occupied in the Twin Cities so I miss it.

Saturday is a day of rest. Actually, it'll be a day of grading and lecture preparation, but at least I get to spend it at home.

On Sunday, 30 April, I'm traveling to the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point to give a talk in their Evolution Sunday lecture series. Look for me in Collins Classroom Center, Room 101, at 6:00 that evening.

Monday, I'll be driving back home. My students are very sad that I'll miss a day of lecture in my physiology course, but there's no way I can be back in time for an 8AM class. They'll get to sleep in, I'll be on the road, slugging back coffee.

Tuesday is Drinking Liberally at the 331 Club in Minneapolis. You don't want to miss this one: in addition to the usual suspects, like the Power Liberal and the Wege and many others, Jerome Armstrong and Markos Zúniga will be there, which is impressive enough…but also Bitch, Ph.D. will be dropping by. It's like an evening of blogging royalty.

Wednesday I'll be exhausted, but back to normal. I'll be wrapping up the last few classes of the semester and giving a couple of final exams the week after. Sometime shortly after that I'll be making another trip to Wisconsin, this time to Madison, to pick up #2 Son and his mountain of stuff and returning him to lovely Morris for his summer break.

I've got a few other summer travels planned, like a talk in Vegas and another in Minneapolis in July, but they're too exhausting to contemplate right now.

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Except for the sciency stuff, sounds like a regular Dad's week at the end of semester.
The blurb on "Dr. Dino" kinda says it all: he's spoken over 100 times! The more salient question is how many were debates and how many did he win. We won't mention his published peer reviewed papers...

See you in Point on Sunday, PZ!

By Pseudo-Buddhao… (not verified) on 28 Apr 2006 #permalink

For your trip to Stevens Point, I 94 is one lane at Menominee. I found US 10 a pretty good alternative last weekend, plus you can stop at Norske Nook in Osseo for some pie. But 61/10 is a mess southeast of St. Paul, so stay on 94 into Wisconsin.

Hearing Hovind AND reading Coulter? Are you sure your cerebrum (or your CV system) can handle that much stress?

And in the Obscure Midwestern Towns I've Actually Heard Of Dept: I was even in Stevens Point for all of about 12 hours last fall. If you like cheese, be sure to check out the factory outlet (Wisconsin Dairy?) between SP and Wisconsin Rapids -- lots of neat stuff like hot chili cheddar, really cheap.

So what question are you going to ask Dr. Dino?

By Andy Groves (not verified) on 28 Apr 2006 #permalink

"Dr. Hovind served as an educator for many years teaching Biology, Anatomy, Physical Science, Mathematics, Earth Science, and many other sciences..." I wasn't aware that mathematics was a science. So, what "other sciences?" Sciency sciences? Nonphysical science? ;-) Gaad. Maybe I'm glad they haven't finished that commuter rail to White Cloud yet.

How's the Yearly Kos science panel going to work? Are you going to just speak and take questions, or are you, Chris Mooney, and Wendy Northcutt going to appear simultaneously?