Venerable worm poop

No pictures yet, but isn't this exciting? Half-billion year-old worm feces have been found in Sweden. Alert the tourism industry!


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Ah, that's just some old sh*t.

Ah, that's just some old sh*t.

Yes, but it is *new* old shit.
Sorry, "sh*t".


Is that true? 25 years ago I lived in Alaska and knew a guy who in the mid-70s, before my time, attempted to duplicate the pet rock's success with moose droppings.

If memory's correct, he made/grossed a couple hundred thou marketeing the lower 48 over several winters. Various novelty items, like moosletoe. Had tons of unassembled pieces and moose sh*t in a warehouse, and a custom-order manufacturer on-call, down here. Got tired of the road eventually.

The forests up north are carpeted with the stuff.

By SkookumPlanet (not verified) on 13 Apr 2006 #permalink