Tangled Bank #45

The Tangled Bank

The latest edition of the Tangled Bank is online at Greythumb.blog. We are looking for volunteers to host future editions later this spring—drop a note to me if you're interested in spreading the word about science blogging.

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The latest edition of the Tangled Bank is online at Greythumb, however, I am having trouble accessing that site. Can anyone else see it? If so, what is the magical OS-browser combination that you are using? I linked to the expanded link, and managed to see it just now, but PZ still can't see it and…
In one short week (on February 1, 2006), there will be a new edition of the Tangled Bank, hosted here at Adventures in Ethics and Science. Tangled Bank is a blog carnival of the best science writing (broadly construed) in the blogosphere. In previous editions, topics have ranged across many…
Let's keep moving down the alphabet. Let me know what is missing from this list... Galactic Interactions The Geek Counterpoint Gene Expression Genesalive - another science blog Genetics and Health The Geomblog German Joys Get Busy Livin', or Get Busy Bloggin' Getting Real (Over Coffee) Getting…
Encephalon 13 Carnival of Education #98 In other news, Atheism Online is back in version 2.0. All heathens should report for registration at once. I'll mention again that there's a new Tangled Bank at Salto Sobrious. Any volunteers for future hosting duties? We have slots open starting in…

I am still getting error messages when I try to access that site. Can anyone else see it? I am using OS 10.4.4 and I've checked with both firefox and safari.

I saw it fine just a few minutes ago (I posted the link to it ay 3:45am and beat you all to it! nya-nya-nya!). It may be overwelmed right now, after everyone here linked to it.

It doesn't load for me. I get a "page not found" report.

By Jeff Chamberlain (not verified) on 18 Jan 2006 #permalink

Yup, Pharyngulanche!

The site runs on a Linux virtual machine at a managed hosting service called unixshell.com. It's got a lot of bandwidth but is somewhat limited in the area of memory and CPU. I've had to do a number of tweaks throughout the day to keep things running.

If you have any problems loading it, just wait a minute or two and try it again.