Studying aging with synthetic biology

My labmate Bruno's newest paper, "A synthetic circuit for selectively arresting daughter cells to create aging populations" came out today in the journal Nucleic Acids Research (and it's open access!). Using a cleverly designed genetic circuit that activates cell growth arrest in newly divided cells only in the presence of a drug, Bruno was able to create a population of yeast made up of only old cells, called the "daughter arrester."

i-852a61e443e5216655d75a6c2a5cc493-gkq075f1-thumb-510x412-40885.jpegYou would think that yeast, being so single celled and bread-y, wouldn't be able to tell us much about human biology or anything as complex as aging, but many of the cellular processes that happen in our cells exist in yeast, and it's a lot easier to study yeast than it is to study humans (you certainly couldn't make a "daughter arrester" in humans). A lot about what we know about how cell growth is controlled (with huge implications for our understanding of cancer) comes from studies done in yeast, and more recently yeast has emerged as a useful model system for understanding mechanisms of cellular aging.

i-53e5f05c86936b101ad8755afdea7d76-saccharomyces.jpgSaccharomyces cerevisiae is known as budding yeast, meaning that when it multiplies it doesn't split in half like many other asexual organisms, but rather that a new cell "buds" off of the old one. The "mother" cell will keep budding off more "daughters", which will themselves become mothers when they get large enough. A mother cell can only bud off so many times, however, before it starts to slow down, age, and eventually die. The mechanisms controlling this aging process are not well understood. Why can't the cell divide indefinitely? Is the aging "programmed" in the DNA or is it something else, like oxidative stress from metabolism? Can it be reversed or slowed down? It's difficult to study only older cells in a mixed culture of yeast, with millions of cells swirling around and budding constantly. Synthetic biology devices like the daughter arrester can therefore be useful for basic science research of aging by quickly isolating a population of aged cells for further study and characterization. As an engineered device, the daughter arrester can also be incorporated as one component in a more complex synthetic system where control of cell growth and death are necessary.

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