Disturbing French Aids Poster


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Is is just me or is the tail on the scorpion articulated in the wrong direction. I guess that only cements my geek cred that I find incorrect arthropod articulation the most disturbing thing about that picture.

So. um ... AIDS is bad then? Right?

#2 ukko- or how about that fact that tarantulas are really quite docile. Some people keep them as pets.

Oh well, we get the point.

Oh well, we get the point.

What is the point?

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 05 Apr 2007 #permalink

Oh I get it, it's dangerous behaviour. Those spiked heels are very hazardous. That woman could have a spasm and puncture someone's exoskeletion.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 05 Apr 2007 #permalink

I don't see these as very informative or helpful. Perhaps the creators think that people just aren't scared of AIDS anymore... maybe they know something I don't.... like that those who have AIDS are black, seductive, insect-like villans... Nope, I don't see these ads as helpful at all.

Its a message to invertebrates to always use a condom. Always keep one handy, too--because chordates are a bunch of sluts.

Looks like a scene from Naked Lunch.

Haha, people with HIV are dirty insects. Or something. Lepers? Anyways, get the raid.

No wait, that's totally wrong.

Mustafa- You still miss the point. The poster simply implies if women didn't go around squishing every spider they see the spiders would grow up and make them queen.

So... only hot in-shape dudes and dudettes can get HIV? American obesity wins again!

Nice wood floors.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 07 Apr 2007 #permalink

Haha, people with HIV are dirty insects. Or something.

Where "something" is defined as arachnids.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 07 Apr 2007 #permalink

Looks like somebody attended the PETA school of marketing....

By David Harmon (not verified) on 11 Apr 2007 #permalink

Ha ha! Obviously If you find yourself in a situation with a giant spider going down on you, or you feel like fucking a giant scorpion, beware! You will catch aids! Oh, and i think the artist needs to stop injecting the bug powder!..

some people need 2 grow up u just dont get the poster and what it represents

Some people just need to grow up and start to use correct English and start to understand humor.

Descusting don't you think?

all it says is HIV can make you seriousily ill/can kill you. Insects aren't known for being clean and they can probably kill you (especially at that size). lol

By tuffstuff (not verified) on 20 Nov 2007 #permalink

This only proves that most people are not going to take this campaign seriously. So it is obviously a poor representation if they are trying to be serious. I wonder how the models felt after they were being fondled by big giant hairy insects. Hmmmmm.....now that's something to ponder on.


By moistvajaja (not verified) on 06 Dec 2007 #permalink

Or does it all simply mean that we are going to start anew with a different species! Personally I am not into spiders, but I am sure I can get a few tips from well aclaimed productions like Animal Farm - if it comes to it! hahaha

What people seem to be missing is that this is a FRENCH poster. You can't ignore that there are cultural differences, unless you are a closed-minded idiot, end of story. In France, publicity isn't thrown in your face the way it is in America. It's possible that this is because the French are smarter. They care more about education. But, there is an important detail of French culture that puts this into context: they have fewer words for the same thing than we have, and so the things they say rely on an expected understanding of what is actually behind what they are saying. They speak "implicitly." If you don't understand that word, find a dictionary. If you're not getting the poster, it's because you don't know a thing about France. Harmony, I agree: most Americans would not take it seriously, and that is why this wasn't an American ad. It's about the society we grow up in.

That being said, another thing about the French is they have senses of humor. So, yes, they understand the message the poster is giving, very much. And, nudity is used differently in French culture, so that the posters are not about the shock value of the nude, but about the shock value of the nude sleeping with larger versions of tiny creatures. This is a funny concept, but its point is not unnoticed.

If you're saying that making jokes about it makes the other posters bad people, you're wrong. Part of it is seeing this as someone not from France, from a different culture, and the rest is things that even the French would find funny. Those who are making jokes, as long as you know deep down that it's a serious issue, and that you're not picking fun at the issue, there's nothing wrong with pointing out the hilarity of bizarre foreign ad campaigns.

By Claudette (not verified) on 15 Dec 2007 #permalink

it kinda turns me on.esspically the guy.in a werid way.

You're all bigots - the French are oh so much more enlightened about interspecies love. ;-)

nice beds and nice insects and its really a vrey nice AID poster

i think it means that u never kno if ur gonna get aids from a partner just like u never kno if a spider u see is going to bite you or if a scorpion will sting u

or it could mean that scorpions are freaks cuz look how sweaty the guy is and hes naked the girl has all her close on (except PaNtIeS) and the spider eating her cuch slowly sooo... if ur gonna fuck a bug scorpions are ur best bet

remember ,they are french. they eat weird things too.

um... so neither of those are insects. they're both arachnids, because spiders and scorpions have 8 legs, not 6. that's the easy way to tell. and, no, arachnids are not a type of insect, or anything like that.

By pest-geek. (not verified) on 22 Jan 2008 #permalink

what the fuck!

what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy doesn't wash his feet. Is that supposed to be disturbing?

Oh, you only just saw these for the first time? They've been around for years.

By the way, the links to the larger pictures don't work any more.

By Maureen Lycaon (not verified) on 24 Jan 2008 #permalink

Maybe what it means is, "You should have sex with giant mutant arachnids instead of other humans. Arthropods can't give you AIDS."

And the fuzzy spider is sort of hot ....

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 24 Jan 2008 #permalink

I thought there was a very low transmission probability for what the spider and the woman are doing? (for the woman, I mean)

As for the spider, it looks like something out of a very bad SF/horror movie.

AIDES is well known in France for its in-your-face communication. They love striking pictures. But striking doesn't always mean effective.

By Christophe Thill (not verified) on 25 Jan 2008 #permalink

Now..now.. I find these quite disturbing. Seroiusly, these sort of campaigns against HIV/AIDS might work better, the message is very clear.

Maybe im wrong but arent most ads like these a symbolism? I thought this was symbolic for.. No matter who or what you're fucking you should wrap that shit.

Eh I guess it interprets whatever way.

wow. well when i got off the floor from laughing, i had to decide on putting this on my report about rance.

weird creativity?
sadly im french.
i am officially ashamed.

wow. well when i got off the floor from laughing, i had to decide on putting this on my report about rance.

weird creativity?
sadly im french.
i am officially ashamed.

I think this mmight make spiders and tarachulas have more sex appeal.

I think this is accutally a great idea. Most people have been told all they can hear about aids, which is why half the people on here are semi educated enough to make jokes. But it is all there for you to interpret however you feel. Wherther it is that you would not have sex with a scorpion or let a spider go down on you because that would be dangerous just as dangerous as having unprotected sex with someone with HIV. Also the French might be ok with nudity but I do not think they would want a big vagina or penis poster all over their cities..so they couldnt use little bugs. Just wrap it up, or eveytme you have unprotected sex THAT picture will be in your head.

Discusted on how you can show this, and how it can be on google, for children and my children to see! Just type in "french" on google, and you'll see it!

i think that picture is a discrace to the human race you all are wierd and i will be reporting this to the police sorry for any trouble


OMG, does anyone know who the male model is (name) i want to give him a modeling job at RIPPED magazine

Really though? it is an Aids Awareness poster think deeper, it not a surface thing.
Its called marketing strategies. The picture grabs your attention then makes you think harder.

Fact: Scorpions and Tarantulas are deadly/ very dangerous.
Message: Unprotected sex is equally as dangerous as "playing" with Deadly insects.