Submit your questions for an interview with the Discovery Channel's Senior Science Editor Paul Gasek

There is a lot of debate in the shark biology community about the ever popular Discovery Channel yearly event "Shark Week."

On the one hand, it's an intense, interesting week of programming which draws a lot of viewers and attention to the animals that shark biologists hold near and dear to their hearts, the impressive Elasmobranchs themselves.

But many biologists argue that the portrayal of sharks by the Discovery Channel is wrong - that they jazz up the death, blood and gore to produce what is nicknamed "Shark Porn" : Creative activity (writing or pictures or films) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate an intense fear of all species of sharks. Many even call for the public to boycott Shark Week altogether.

In light of the debate, the ever talented shark biologist and fantastic science blogger WhySharksMatter from Southern Fried Sciene has managed to wrangle the Discovery Channel's Senior Science Editor Paul Gasek to discuss Shark Week and this issue in general. But, there's one problem - he needs questions. He's asking for your help and suggestions on what he should talk to Paul Gasek about. So go put in your two cents!

It's a huge opportunity for someone so high up in the food chain at Discovery to agree to such an interview - so go help my fellow blogger out, and be sure to stay tuned to Southern Fried Science for the actual interview!

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