The Votes Are In

It's June 8th, and the votes are in for the first round of the 3 Quark's Daily Science Blogging Contest. The top 20 posts have been announced, and... drumroll please...

We're in! TWICE!

That's right, falling in at #17 is The End Of The Age Of Man? and barely squeaking in unnoticed at #20 is A Marine Biologist's Story. So a huge THANK YOU to all of you who voted!

Now, posts are being subjected to a harsh judging panel from 3QD, and a final 7 will be announced on June 11th. Those top tier will face Steven Pinker, who will ultimately decide the Top Quark!

Thanks again to all of you, and good luck to the other contestants. It's a battle royale of great science blogging - there are posts in there by great writers like David from Southern Fried Science and Darren of Tetrapod Zoology, two of my favorite blogs. Go check out some of the other semi-finalists - they're great reads!

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