A bosom boost when you need it most?

Occasionally, I come across interesting new technologies that are just too...well, too something, not to post about them.

Take, for example, Lisca lingerie's newest model: The Smart Memory Bra. The special memory foam bra reshapes under the influence of heat to give a woman more cleavage when she gets warmer. The theory is, since attraction can cause a woman to rise her temperature a bit, that the bra will enhance her best assets when the time is right.

Of course, I'm not so sure I buy that. There are any number of reasons why a woman's body temp might rise, the least of which is interest in a man. I doubt I need extra clevage, for example, when the AC breaks in my building, or I'm chasing after my loose cat. For that matter, even if the product works as advertised, I'm not so sure I want my boobs looking bigger every time I see a cute guy - I like to advertise my affections only when I choose to do so consciously, thankyouverymuch.

Although, to be fair, I guess it would even the playing field between men and women a little bit. After all, you guys can't always hide your "interest" so easily as we women can.

Anyhow, if you're a more adventurous gal (or perhaps a little slutty), the bra will be available this summer in the UK for around $40. Enjoy. I'll be curious to see the sales figures. And let me know how it goes if you get one...

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