Rose Ragai over at MY LIFE IS MY CHOICEÂ has tagged me a game of tag!
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person or persons who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random and/or revealing things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know theyâve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your post entry is up on your site.
6 Random Things
1. In high school, I took AP Physics instead of AP Bio, and I went into my college career planning to double major in Marine Biology and Physics. Clearly, the second one didn't last too long. However, I did pass out of the physics requirements for my Bio major, so I guess it wasn't all for naught.
2. I would give just about anything to meet three people: Tom Brady*, John Mayer, and Dave Salmoni. And by "just about anything", I mean, like, a kidney. Especially if Dave Salmoni came with a handful of big cats, John Mayer played 'Comfortable' and 'Slow Dancing In A Burning Room', and Tom Brady brought along Wes Welker.
3. I am somewhat obsessed with the show Big Bang Theory. I think it is by far the best show on television. Sure, I love House and Lost, but come on. It's a show entirely about nerds in all their glorified nerdiness. There is simply nothing that can compare.
4. I'm really, frighteningly good at Hula Hooping on the Wii Fit. It's a sight to see.
5. I have a brother. He's 14 months older than me, and a programmer in California. He's the smartest guy I know. However, I graduated college 1 month before him. Of course, he makes at least three times as much as I do, so I don't think I won any prizes by beating him to the punch.
6. I have never broken a bone (knock on wood!!). And considering I used to wander around the woods in Vermont, loved climbing trees to ridiculous heights, and as a child generally treated my body like I could replace it easily, that's quite a feat.
Here Are My 6 Tag Links, pulled from my lovely batch of 'Followers' (see? There are reasons to follow me.)
3. Pleiotropy
So that's about it. You're not required to play along, but I always find it fun. Cheers!
*11-5 and no Playoffs? And the Chargers get in with 8-8?! That's such crap!!
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