Coturnix of A Blog Around the Clock Says...

What is science's rightful place?

In our heads, of course. All of our heads.

But Seed is asking, so let me elaborate briefly.

As I said before, science is not just active participation in research. Science is a mindset.

We are all born scientists, exploring the world around us and experimenting with it. When we grow up, we continue being scientists in our day-to-day lives.

If you walk into a room and flip a switch and the light does not come on, what do you do? I doubt that you throw yourself on the floor in fear, speaking in tongues, praying, blaming the Aliens or asking the Government to help you. You calmly go about dissecting the problem into pieces: is there electricity in the house? If not, did you pay the bill? If yes, should the fuse be flipped or replaced? If not, perhaps the light bulb burned out: replace and see what happens. If that does not work, perhaps replacing the socket will work. If not, checking the wiring may help. You go through the problem systematically, testing each element, until you find the problem and fix it. You do the same if water is dripping in your kitchen sink, or your car is running funny.

But when it comes to bigger problems that affect the broader society, some adults forget their inherent scientific mindset and let indoctrination and ideology take over. As the problems become more complex, and the science behind it more difficult to understand, other social influences tend to take precedence. See: global warming denialists, HIV/AIDS denialists, anti-vaccination crowd, Creationists of all stripes, New Age proponents, medical quackery believers, animal rightists, and so on. Faced with complexity that goes against the dogma received by parents, teachers, priests and media, people shut off their natural scientific mindset and go with what "feels" right to them, instead of with reality.

"I'm not a fan of facts. You see, the facts can change, but my opinion will never change, no matter what the facts are." - Stephen Colbert

[Thanks to Tamara Lackey for the quote]

This, of course, translates into politics and policy. I may disagree with Obama on some things. I may not like some of the people he hired to work for him. But what I like, and what he said many times including in his inaugural address, is that he will use the scientific method in all policy decisions.

Identify the problem.

Gather all available empricial information about the way the world really works in respect to that problem.

Fund the additional research to come up with missing data if needed.

Come up with a rational plan to solve the problem.

Implement it, test it and monitor if it works as planned.

Modify if needed, until the problem is solved.

I hope that this approach spreads into the broader national psyche - making decisions from the head, not the gut. Basing policy on data, not emotions. I feel that Obama won primarily because of his pragmatism and rationality as he is so non-ideological (heck, I wish he was more ideological!). People are tired of policy based on wishful thinking and fairy tales.

If this happens, it will be much easier to defeat the anti-rationality movements and to teach the kids how to apply their natural scientific mindset to all aspects of their lives as they grow into adults.

It's not just research. It's not just specific science education. It is about making rational thinking the respectable norm, and emotion/ideology-based thinking a laughing-stock.

That's the science's rightful place.

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