Gleanings from the past week


from The Everett Collection, via Vanity Fair

Notables I didn't get to. Blog posts, MSM stories, and tweets living together.

Fron the genomics front

NOVA | Ghost in Your Genes | PBS streams some of the Skip Gates program I mentioned in my post last week on the Genomes, Environments, and Traits conference.

What can you learn from a whole genome sequence? : Genetic Future ponders just the Lancet/Quake genome

Heritable, yes, which gene...another issue Razib drills down. He argues elsewhere that The origins of morality do not matter |

AP IMPACT: Testing curbs some genetic diseases - An interesting story showing that testing (and subsequent avoidance or termination of pregnancies) is actually lowering rates of some (serious) genetic defects or diseases.

That's just one way in which Personal Genomics Could Change Health Care.

Hard Problems in Social Science § Division of Social Science, as in, how to explain genetics of behavior (among others). Left-handers flourish in violent society takes another angle at the (very roughly) same turf.

The Social Brain and the Human Condition « Promega Connections

SNPwatch: Genetic Variant May Impact Rate of Cognitive Decline in the Elderly

BoraZ: The Improbability Pump excellent review by Coyne of two recent evolution books

phylogenomics: The Search for Genes Leads to Unexpected Places - featuring Ed Marcotte

The odd and the awful

US Army PTSD treatment: heaven and hell. How can their treatments be both? Because both they and the VA have little standardization and almost no effectiveness monitoriing.

Fertility docs using their own sperm to impregnate unsuspecting women - Mary Meets Dolly

Bad news: Wellcome's Centre for the History of Medicine to Close. Distressing.

Hot Mantle May Prop Up the Seafloor - ScienceNOW The mystery at the center of my Reef Madness -- how did those coral reefs form, anyway? -- is still being answered.

Epigenome: mapping in motion: "Thanks to the Human Genome Project, researchers worldwide can search a database to see what a gene 'says'. In just a few years, researchers may also be able to look up when a gene is 'read'. Or, rather, they will be able to pull up the epigenome, the set of chemical modifications to DNA and DNA-spooling proteins that coordinate how cells use genes."

EHJ editors rebuffed GSK efforts to suppress Nissen editorial on rosiglitazone NB

The beautiful and sublime
One of my favorites regards another: Michael Herr on Stanley Kubrick.Werner Herzog Reads Where's Waldo (via RyanIverson) I swear.


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