Links for you. Science:
Texas Climate Scientist Katharine Hayhoe Responds To Rick Perry
What Will You Earn With a Ph.D.?
Pig-Size South American Rodent Spotted in Central California
Can Math Beat Financial Markets?
Paul, its time to update your textbook (wonky, but must-read)
Rick Perry for President? My Experience with "The Texas Unmiracle" (Krugman)
Back to school in the USA: 4 charts
John Singer Sargent murals
Rick Perry Is Now Sorry He Banned Parental Honor Killings
End This Fed
Summer jobs reduce crime and we can prove it
What Michele Bachmann's submission theology really means
In defense of the low road
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Why Your Mentor Sucks (and how to fix it)
God has called me to defend Michele Bachmann (another must-read by Lance Mannion)
Links for you. Science:
MRSA, Meat, and Motown
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N50 talk length at CSHL Biology of Genomes conference
If You Haven't Been On Food Stamps, Stop Trying to Influence Government Policy (must-read)
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