Links 3/9/11

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I'll be in and out of internet contact for the next few days, so I may or may not respond to any new wingnuttery from Michael Egnor. But it's worth making a few broad points. First, nothing I've written should be taken to suggest that fetuses (especially in the third trimester) don't have moral…
The Chicago Tribune had an article this weekend by Judith Graham that indicates that the religious right is now broadening their focus on abortion to include opposition to contraception itself. Emboldened by the anti-abortion movement's success in restricting access to abortion, an increasingly…
Democratic (!!) representative Bart Stupak, apparently concerned that the Senate health care bill is insufficiently misogynistic, might be willing to try to kill health care reform unless the anti-abortion language is strengthened: Stupak's continued opposition to the Senate plan, despite those…
For a hot-button issue which is arguably the social lodestar for American culture-wars people make a lot of unfounded assertions and assumptions about abortion. For example, poking around the GSS data set it's pretty evident that there isn't a sex difference in regards to the legal status of…

A Brief Encounter With One Samuel J. WurzelbacherInteresting. Scott Walker is trying to impose a cap on property tax in Wisconsin? I didn't know that. Andrew Cuomo is doing the same thing in NY, and he's a Democrat.

By Bayesian Bouff… (not verified) on 09 Mar 2011 #permalink