Links 9/25/10

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A nice, sunny Saturday. If you're stuck inside, and you don't feel like calling up Anita Hill and harassing her for no good reason, here are some links for you. Science: Curious controversial case of colony collapse disorder afflicting bees in U.S. Royce Murray and Caveat Emptor 50 More Urban…
Two news stories today relating to students' intake of various substances, and the people who want to control them: First, an essay in the New York Times about misguided anti-obesity measures in the public schools. It's got the requisite list of dodgy medical statistics, and some shots at the BMI…
Beautiful weather here. If you're stuck inside, here are some links. Science: Casey's Case: What Psychology Says About Anthony's Acquittal. Sunday AI: Leaping Cockroaches The Clap Came Back: Multi-Drug Resistant Gonorrhea The Path Of Increased Resistance Other: Rep. Ryan Tastes The Grapes Of…
The year that just ended, 2009, was a year that saw huge changes in the world of media and the world of journalism. Science journalism has also been greatly affected, with many media outlets firing their science journalists first, then firing all the others afterwards. Much virtual ink has been…