Links 8/1/10

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The problems with the latest reply from Disco. 'tute's David Klinghoffer begin in the title. He claims: "National Center for Science Education Defends Its Association with James Fetzer, Peddler of Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories." NCSE did not address Klinghoffer's specious and slanderous claims…
Martin Cothran's difficulties with basic reading comprehension continue. I'm putting most of this response below the fold, because sometimes someone on the internet is just wrong. All you need to know about Cothran's commitment to the truth is this reply to my claim that "I find [William F.]…
In a welcome contrast to the disappointing ozone rule the agency announced last week, EPA has issued tougher air-pollution standards for diesel locomotives and marine engines. When fully implemented in 2030, the new standards will reduce particulate matter pollution by 90% and nitrogen oxide…
Merry Monday. Links for you: Red pen, or track changes? Inside-out, or Outside-in, multi-level selection "vs." inclusive fitness debate The Long Goodbayh Monster Make Up Your Mind: He Can't Be All Four Without a clutch What stands in the way of "forcing" a filibuster? Another Dumb Right-Wing Idea…