Sunday Links

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It's a grey, shitty Sunday. Here are some links that probably won't cheer you up. Science: Primary care antibiotic resistance for common infections The Arc of Evolution Is Long and Rarely Bends Towards Advantageous Alleles: Why Does Popular Science Ignore Neutral Theory? Two modest proposals Are…
Happy Friday. I didn't get too sozzled at this years's Christmas Party. How about you? Science: What Was Popular Mechanics Thinking? Trash or treasure? The price of junk mail Mild pandemic? Bite your tongue. Other: Why won't the Washington Post run a response to Sarah Palin? Why James Chartrand…
I knew when I posted about deficits I would catch some grief (you should see my email. Actually, you probably shouldn't. And why do I get many more emails than comments?). Before I get to addressing some of the comments, I want to bring up why I discuss this stuff (other than I find it…
Merry Sunday. Here are some links for you. Science: Health care workers and mandatory flu vaccines Richard Dawkins, accommodationist? Survey Finds Just 40% of Adults "Absolutely Certain" They Will Get H1N1 Vaccine Other: Fed Chest-Thumping for Beginners Madonna, Motherhood, and Choices Guest Post…