Have No Doubt, the Theopolitical Right Can Be a Buzzkill for Any Circumstance

This is the kind of story that makes me sick to my stomach--soldiers stateside were expected by their base commander to applaud for Pastor of Evil Rick Warren:

The following is an email from one decorated combat officer, a man with the courage to repeatedly put his life on the line on the battlefield, being wounded twice, but who could not muster the courage to resist the pressure of his "serious and committed born again Christian" commanding officer to applaud Rick Warren. The author of this email is typical of the majority of servicemen and servicewomen who contact MRFF for assistance. Like 96% of MRFF's clients, he is a Christian -- but not the "right" kind of Christian or Christian enough for today's military.

To Mikey Weinstein and MRFF:

My name is (name withheld) and I am a (officer rank withheld) in the U.S. Army currently stationed stateside at Fort (military installation name withheld). I, my spouse and my children are Methodists attending church regularly on both Wednesdays and Sundays. I will always remember today as the low-point of my long (number of years withheld) year career in the Army. I have only myself to blame. Today I firmly established myself as a shameful person. Mikey, I write about 3 things; Rick Warren, my cowardice and your bravery. Today, I watched President Obama's inauguration on the television set up in our Brigade staff conference room. I attended as a member of (unit level designation withheld) staff along with over 40 other senior officers, senior enlisted an few senior Army civilian staffers. There had been much talk here about Pres. Obama's selection of the evangelical pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at the ceremonies.

Our current Commander is a very intolerant and "serious and committed born again Christian" as he always describes himself to all his subordinates. At every military assignment I've ever been to it's always the same thing; if you are not a born again "serious" Christian you are branded as pretty much worthless. My current Commander is bad but not the worst I have seen. I have served 2 combat tours; one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I have seen those under my command killed and grievously wounded. I was wounded twice. I have been awarded many combat medals and decorations. I have also stood by silently while my combat superiors have openly and repeatedly proselytized me and my troops. I did nothing. I have stood by and watched them continuously proselytize the Iraqis and Afghans. I did nothing.

Today, after Pastor Warren ended his invocation by praying in the name of his personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our Commander jumped to his feet clapping and yelled "God Bless him for having the courage to pray for all of the lost souls in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ!" About a third of those attending also clapped. I did not. That was until our Commander turned around to survey everyone's reaction to his statement. When that happened, the officer next to me started to clap and the one to my left clapped too. I felt like I was in a spotlight as the Commander looked at me and the female officer in front of me who had also not clapped. Then she clapped. And then I clapped too. I tried not to but could not muster up the strength to be the only one in the room not clapping in support of our Commander and Warren. I know what I should have done but I just couldn't. Despite the many fierce combat situations I have been in, including hand-to-hand, I just couldn't. I hate myself for this failure. I hate myself for my cowardice. I hate myself.

I have heard and read about all of the death and other threats being made against you, your wife and children. I listened to the voice recording of the death threat that you released made against MRFF client Spc. Jeremy Hall. I heard about that church being burned down when you spoke in that town. All of you show bravery especially when the chips are down. I had my chance today and I showed fear and cowardice. I can't stand what I did today. I have been a client of MRFF for over three years now but no one knows it other than my spouse. We are both afraid of anyone finding out. I have heard other Army personnel talk of being MRFF clients but they usually try to keep it very quiet. Everything you are fighting for, Mikey, is the right fight. I'm not guessing and not assuming; I have lived it. I am living it. I will continue to live it. Trying to complain up the chain of command is as useless as filing an IG complaint or other administrative action. No, it's far worse than just useless. It can and will brand the complainer as a target for revenge.

I have seen it happen and fear it could happen to me if I stood up to it. I have a family and am not that far from being able to retire in peace and quiet. MRFF is the only outlet for military people like me. I hope this e-mail message can help other people (there are so many of us) be willing to contact MRFF and allow you to fight on our behalf against the multitudes of "serious and committed born again Christians" who control all of our careers and lives. Your lawsuit is important to us all. Please don't stop your fight and please don't hate me for not fighting. I hate myself enough for everyone.

This should never happen. I think there are a lot of commanding officers who are part of an evangelical network, and, while some are competent, others probably are not, and owe their ascent in large part to religious correctness. As I've discussed before, I don't care what you believe, but when it affects your ability to discharge your duty--and that includes motivating the men and women under your command--then you need to choose between your job and your beliefs.

Any moves Obama can make here would be a very good thing--do you want all the guns to belong to the wackaloons?

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My students in psychology all think the Asch and Milgram experiments don't apply to them. Modern people, they think, will not succumb to social pressure.

I think this example may help to set them right.

This officer was under no obligation to applaud during the ceremony, regardless of what his commander may have thought or said to him. However, I do understand the peer pressure that comes with being the only one not participating in prayer-a situation similiar to this officer's.

When I was in bootcamp I never bowed my head when we had evening prayer, and I was only one of a few to do that. I was never harrassed for this, and I've never seen anyone degraded or harrassed because of their religous views in the military.

Peer pressure? Peer pressure?? Nazar, you clearly don't undestand what being on a military base is about. The CO is *god*. This isn't about peer pressure - it's about a CO abusing his authority to force a religious observance on his subordinates.

"My students in psychology all think the Asch and Milgram experiments don't apply to them. Modern people, they think, will not succumb to social pressure."

One of the saddest days of my graduate career was when I made an analogy to the rejection of Milgram's work as not truly indicative of the power of social pressure to the number of people that don't accept Evolution as fact. Immediately, two graduate students, who have taken at least four college level biology courses, demanded that 'You can't say evolution is a fact' because it conflicted with their religious beliefs. It deeply disturbed me (though sadly didn't surprise me) that two people pursuing a doctorate in science were so controlled by the social pressures of their religion that they rejected scientific evidence out of hand.

The far-right-wing theocratic Bush regime made it very clear that it tolerated this kind of unconsitutional and morally bankrupt activity. I hope that Obama makes it very clear through the chain of command that this kind of shit is completely unacceptable, and that officers who abuse their power to violate the constitution will be immediately stripped of their commands.