When the Cato Institute and I Agree on McCain...

Squooze my fascist, baby!

...there's a good chance we're both onto something:

In fact, Senator McCain has indicated that not only would he like to unleash the U.S. military on substantial portions of the rest of the world, as president, he would work to militarize American society. In a 2001 article in the Washington Monthly, after lamenting that it was "not currently politically practical to revive the draft," McCain went on to praise and argue for the expansion of the National Civilian Community Corps, a federally-administered program where volunteers "wear uniforms, work in teams, learn public speaking skills, and gather together for daily calisthenics, often in highly public places such as in front of city hall."

McCain glowed at the fact that the participants "not only wear uniforms and work in teams...but actually live together in barracks on former military bases."

Then he gets snarky:

There is already a place where young people wear federal uniforms, live in military barracks, and gather for calisthenics in front of government buildings: It's called North Korea.

I know people bandy around the word fascist, but the subjugation of individual identity to government authority and symbolism is, erm.... kinda fascist. Not to mention really creepy.

Just like with Little Lord Pontchartrain, if McCain is president, many in the chattering class are going to wake up and proclaim that this John McCain isn't what they expected based on his campaign, even though it was all in plain sight once again. I loves me the power of self-projection:

But give Senator McCain credit: he isn't falsely marketing a "humble" foreign policy on the campaign trail. To the contrary, when voters go to the polls, there will be plenty of information available to indicate that a vote for McCain is a vote for perpetual war and occupation. Voters may even obtain that information--if the media could stop fawning over the deliciously "mavericky" Senator McCain and just reveal his platform for what it really is.

Probably not going to happen.

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This is really scary :(

Anger and fear are actually very big motivators in people. His campaign is one big ride on loaded words. It makes me think of how if you are talking to a dog, oftentimes it isn't the words you are saying that affects them as much as the tone and sound of your voice. You can be saying, "I love you," and the dog will cower if the sound is harsh. You can say, "you're such an ugly little mutt" and the dog will wag their tail and be ready to play if it sounds peppy, open and loving. In the case of McCain (and other politicians) people are listening to what it sounds like is going on and not really listening to the actual words - they're happy because it sounds good.

By Sophie Hirschfeld (not verified) on 08 Feb 2008 #permalink

Maybe McCain could consult photos of Hitler Youth and Reichs Arbeits Dienst for uniform design ideas.

By ZacharySmith (not verified) on 08 Feb 2008 #permalink

All I know is, if McCain wins, I'm moving to France. I'll just need to brush up a bit and check out some French books on syntax to get my fluency high enough so I can pursue grad work.

My own opinion, but I dislike it when people use this photo to mock McCain. The humor is the childlike nature of McCain's part of the hug, and what that's supposed to say about the McCain-Bush relationship. The real reason for the pose is that McCain can't raise his arms due to the injuries he received as a prisoner of war. It just seems in poor taste to make fun of something stemming from a disability.