Poor Mitt: He Sacrifices Gay Children...

...and conservatives still don't like him. Boo fucking hoo. Here's how Straight-Talking, honest McCain is sliming the Mittster:

"I'm calling with an urgent Mitt Romney [unintelligible]"

"We care deeply about traditional values and protecting families. And we need someone who will not waver in the White House: Ending abortion, preserving the sanctity of marriage, stopping the trash on the airwaves and attempts to ban God from every corner of society. These issues are core to our being.

"Mitt Romney thinks he can fool us. He supported abortion on demand, even allowed a law mandating taxpayer-funding for abortion. He says he changed his mind, but he still hasn't changed the law. He told gay organizers in Massachusetts he would be a stronger advocate for special rights than even Ted Kennedy. Now, it's something different.

"Unfortunately, on issue after issue Mitt Romney has treated social issues voters as fools, thinking we won't catch on. Sorry, Mitt, we know you aren't trustworthy on the most important issue and you aren't a conservative.

"Paid for by John McCain 2008.

Just how many dead gay children does it take to gain the Republican nomination?

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Romney is a scumbag. The fact that his campaign platform is, essentially, "Anything I did or said in Massachusetts I new believe was wicked and wrong; also, I hate the liberal pinkos who elected me." has not exactly increased our enthusiasm for the man. I am gratified to see it failing to pay off on a broader scale.

If Romney was a character in a hollywood movie, you would know within about 3 milliseconds that he was the Apparently Slick Guy Who Turns Out To Be Utter Evil In The End character, lice Al Pacino(sp?) in The Devil's Advocate without the charm or wit.

I mean, MOST republicans give off the elect-me-cause-you-know-you-like-to-be-hurt vibe, but Romney seems to go one step further.

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

I can't stand anyone left in the race. It sucks that so many candidates got out of the race so early. Our state doesn't even have their primary until May, which doesn't leave me much of a choice.

The primary process in this country is really unfair and sucks.

I will just write in my candidates name if he isn't on the ballot.

Number of Operations Iraq Freedom and Enduring Freedom casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 4404

If Romney was a character in a hollywood movie, you would know within about 3 milliseconds that he was the Apparently Slick Guy Who Turns Out To Be Utter Evil In The End character, lice Al Pacino(sp?) in The Devil's Advocate without the charm or wit.

can't stand anyone left in the race. It sucks that so many candidates got out of the race so early. Our state doesn't even have their primary until May, which doesn't leave me much of a choice