Beta test version of Conservapedia graphical interface. Isn't he reassuring?
I feel bad for John Stewart and Stephen Colbert because when idiots unintentionally parody themselves, their gigs will be up. Conservapedia is going to be the gift that giving...for bloggers anyway. Here's what it says about the Holocaust (and, yes, this is the entire entry):
The Holocaust was the massacring of the Jewish race during World War II. The Germans are not to blame for this but the Nazi[s] are. Besides 6 million Jews dying, 3 million Christians were killed also along with many priests and nuns. This is a very touchy subject for the Jews and is not often discussed amongst them.
You can tell when a subject is touchy for us because our humongous Hebraic noses turn bright red. Then we reflexively lunge for your wallet.
It is interesting how the Holocaust-denier line of how people other than Jews were murdered rears its head. Nevermind that the death camps weren't designed with the Final Solution of Christians in mind but Jews, the whole goal is to belittle the organized extermination of the Jewish people "race."
Then there's the "Germans are not to blame for this" part. I don't believe in blaming Germans who weren't born then (or were very young) for the Holocaust, but I don't remember reading that it was the Samoans who cooked up the Holocaust (or on a much smaller scale, Kristallnacht).
This site has to be satire, right?
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How many of those 3 million Christians were. . . (whispers) hom. . o. . . sexual?
Well, Conservapedia is run by the folks who think it reasonable and justified for their All-Loving Father to blame everyone alive for Eve's mistake, and to punish us accordingly. While liberal weasels might regard this sentiment as akin to disowning a child for sneaking into the cookie jar — and cutting off the hands of their descendants for generations afterward — it is the value which made America great. . . .
Put another way, I'm not too surprised Schlafly and Co. have some odd notions about "blame".
The Germans are not to blame for this but the Nazi[s] are.
It must have been the Illinois Nazis. I hate Illinois Nazis!
I warn you against having a contest to see who can best parody the conservapediasts, because it would be impossible to tell a good parody from the real thing, since here the 'real thing' is itself a parody of reasoning.
Though it does produce some laughs, Conservapedia has a long way to go before it catches up with the Onion.
here is a nice example of Onion satire
Kansas Outlaws Practice Of Evolution:
No, Conservapedia is not even close!
Does Conservapedia have an entry for "Landover Baptist"? :-)
A bit off topic - but it reminds me when someone wrote a parody of the book "The Bridges of Madison County" and it wasn't NEARLY as funny as the original (from which I would read excerpts aloud at parties).
I'm kind of surprised that the entries for Mormonism and Catholicism don't have the word "cult" in them. Of course, I haven't checked them since last night...
Ole' Billy Donohue would be crawling up their asses with a crucifix.
Bastard, you beat me to this one! I had a post planned for tomorrow.
Ah, well.;-)
Why all this talk of conservapedia, and not the more-established
Take a look at the entry for Germany, and then some other countries. All this from what is "rapidly becoming one of the largest and most reliable online educational resources of its kind."
I was tempted to sign in help them out by adding links to Wikipedia, but there's no "create account" link. :-(