These Guys Are Really Crazy

Do remember when all those wackjob militia groups fantasized about UN Mongolian shock troops that would invade the U.S. and establish the One World Order under the control of the Trilateral Commission? (If you don't, you really missed the rightward anchor of the modern conservative movement). Well, the Missouri Baptist Convention has taken this sort of lunacy to a new level.

The president of the Convention, Rev. David Clippard, had this to say about the Islamofacist hordes (by way of Glenn Greenwald):

"Today, Islam has a strategic plan to defeat and occupy America," he told the 1,200-strong crowd of delegates (called "messengers"), pastors and lay people, many of whom cheered his words.

Clippard said the Saudi Arabian government and royal family had funded teaching positions and 138 Muslim student centers on university campuses across the United States, three in the University of Missouri system in Columbia, Rolla and St. Louis. "What they are after is your sons and daughters," Clippard said. "They are coming to this country in the guise of students, and the Saudi government is paying their expenses."

Bob Sample, a spokesman for the University of Missouri at St. Louis said that the school did have a Muslim Student Association but that it was one of 150 student associations on campus and one of six considered "faith-based." He said neither the university nor any of its student associations were receiving subsidies from the Saudi government.

Andrew Careaga, a spokesman for the University of Missouri at Rolla, said his school also had a Muslim Student Association, one of 14 religious student associations. He said he was not aware of any complaints from other students that Muslim students had been recruiting them.

Clippard said that Muslims were hoping to take over the United States government one city at a time, and that they were starting with Detroit, where there is already a large Muslim population.

"They are trying to establish a Muslim state inside America, and they are going to take the city of Detroit back to the 15th century and practice Sharia (or Islamic) law there."

In an interview Tuesday, Clippard said he believed the Islamic "strategy for taking over America" was to wait until there was a Muslim majority here and then "eradicate those who don't conform to their religion."

On Monday night, he told the crowd that "your freedom is on the floor with their foot on it, with their sword raised, and if you don't convert, your head comes off."

Usama K. Dakdok, an Egyptian Christian and founder of Straight Way Ministry who calls himself a "Muslim evangelism specialist," said Tuesday that "every word (Clippard) said is true. It's time for us to wake up. They are not here to be in our welfare system, they are here to take over our country."

Wow. They're right, you know, because our Muslim president has wiped his ass with the Constitution with over 750 signing statements vitiating Congressional bills. They're right because our Muslim president has asked for (and shamefully received) a bill allowing to eliminate habeas corpus for those he deems to be terrorists. Our Muslim president pushed for faith-based initiatives that funneled money to solely to Muslim organizations: no Christians or Jews need apply. I could go on and on...

Oh, Little Lord Pontchartrain isn't Muslim? Really? Who woulda thunk it? No, I don't know what 'self-projection' means...

Once again, on behalf of the Coalition of Those Who Are Not Barking Lunatics, can we please have our country back?

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This would be almost laughable, except I'm sure lots of people in the audience believed every word.

God, I hate religious fanatics!

If these guys really believed in this scenario, they'd be BIG supporters of the First Amendment--you know, the one that prevents any one group from foisting a religion upon other people. Instead they rail against the protection of individual liberty inherent in that amendment and distort history in an attempt to force their idea of a "Christian nation" upon us. But I bet they'd quickly 'get religion', so to speak, if they were ever actually faced with a scenario in which a majority Muslim community decided that prayers to Allah should be part of the curriculum in public schools. For now, though, it is obvious that the Pastor Ted Haggard isn't the only hypocrite out there.

My first thought is . . . Detroit?

No offense, but if the invasion is starting in Detroit, the invasion is seriously badly planned on a number of levels.

On a serious note, this is pretty scary stuff. It's basically saying "them Muslims in Detroit are evil." What's next lynching parties? Or did I spoil phase two for these wackjobs?

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 05 Nov 2006 #permalink

"They are trying to establish a Muslim state inside America, and they are going to take the city of Detroit back to the 15th century and practice Sharia (or Islamic) law there."

That might be an improvement over the 9th century BCE laws that many Christian Fundamentalists want.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 05 Nov 2006 #permalink

The scariest comment of all is the last one.

I don't hate Islamic people," he said. "We need to love these folks, go after them and love them, one at a time. We need to crucify them with Christ."

I suspect he didn't mean love in the literal (Ted Haggard)way. But crucify them with Christ? What a load of claptrap!

By Andrew Brown (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink

If these guys really believed in this scenario, they'd be BIG supporters of the First Amendment--you know, the one that prevents any one group from foisting a religion upon other people

Well, no. As far as they're concerned, the best way to stop other people foisting religion on everyone is to foist theirs first.