Not Dead, Just Deadlines

No, there's nothing wrong with your RSS feed. This blog has just gone very quiet as I've become insanely busy with an upcoming talk and my new book project (more on both later). I don't expect to have time to blog till the first week in April. But I'll have some delicious items to discuss then.


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Life has been proceeding more or less apace, and it feels like a long time since I've sat down and contemplated anything, much less my Anyway Project goals. At the same time, all this business is a series of steps on the way to actually many of the things done. I hope that's true of all of you!…
Dear loyal readers, quiet lurkers, constant commeters, and trolls, On or before the 24th of May (hopefully not later) will under The Branding. The Branding is not a phenomenon found in a cultish horror movie involving corn and a school bus, nor will it involve British schoolboys…
I've now read all of the science-related (that's applying the term "related" very generously) stuff in Ann Coulter's awful, ghastly, ignorant book, Godless, and it's a bit overwhelming. This far right-wing political pundit with no knowledge of science at all has written a lengthy tract that is wall…
As threatened a little while ago, this is the first of ten hopefully weekly posts looking back at the ten years this blog has been in operation. This one covers the period from the very first post on June 22, 2002 to June 21, 2003. When I started doing this look back, I was more than a little…

"Not Dead..."

Ah ... I'm relieved! :-)

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 28 Mar 2006 #permalink

Can we just have one sentence about the content of the new book? I am working on the Smithsonian Intimate Guide and have read most of the others.


By Meg Bernstein (not verified) on 31 Mar 2006 #permalink