Great White Shark Longevity

Image from Woodridge, IL, USA --- Great White Shark Opening Mouth --- Image by © Denis Scott/Corbis Image from Woodridge, IL, USA --- Great White Shark Opening Mouth --- Image by © Denis Scott/Corbis

Scientists have discovered that great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) actually live longer than previously thought (up to 23 years or so). Using radiocarbon age estimates, Dr. Hamady and colleagues at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution determined the animals can live to the ripe-old-age of 70+ years. These findings mean that great white sharks, like humans, may take longer to mature. It also means that overfishing may pose more of a threat to them than previously thought.


Hamady LL, Natanson LJ, Skomal GB, Thorrold SR. Vertebral Bomb Radiocarbon Suggests Extreme Longevity in White Sharks. PLoS ONE. Published online January 08, 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084006

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Gotta love those scientists who are actually willing to admit
they were wrong. Inconvenient evidence that they leave out
of their computer models and predictions are amusing. Maybe
they should take a ride on the Global Ocean Conveyor...

By carol cowan (not verified) on 10 Jan 2014 #permalink

I love these creatures. They are so cool and are actually really pretty. Let's save these sharks rather then kill them for shark fin soup. Who's with me? How would you like it if ppl came and killed you and your family cuz you tasted good? It's sick. Thanks for your time. Bye

That's a really nice render, definitely not a photograph lol.

That is brilliant photo, capturing the majesty and power of this dinosaur of the deep, i read somewhere that the numbers of mature great white sharks are as little as 3500, that is less than tigers, that is not a definite number tho, as it is impossible to count all the sharks in our vast oceans,i realy hope much tougher controls come along soon to help stop the out rageous destruction of them through shark fin soup,the world will be darker,more boring, souless place if this leviathon of the ocean was to disappear from the earth, we need something bigger more powerful than us it give an edg to life,without which life becomes more and more meaningless,thank God for His great creation, including the great white shark.jHobbs.

By James Hobbs (not verified) on 14 Mar 2014 #permalink

There is not much else prettier and natural than a shark airbourne for a catch. Power trives for a healthy eco.

This research brings an interesting light to the way people should view these creatures from the deep.
Sharks play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the oceans ecosystems. They are in essence more of a savior to our oceans than a monster. Sharks generally prey on sick or weak fish, this helps maintain a healthy genetically stronger population of fish in the ecosystem. With the added scientific knowledge that sharks need more time to mature, greater care should e taken in preserving them. According to the great white shark population has decreased by 79% in the last few years. At this rapidly decreasing rate it is not long before the great white shark faces the probability of extinction. It is time for society to change their perspective on these misunderstood creatures before it is too late.

By u14084938 (not verified) on 04 May 2014 #permalink