Founder of Save the Chimps, Carole Noon, passes away

As reported in the New York Times Carole C. Noon, the founder of Save the Chimps, passed away this week. She was 59 and suffered from pancreatic cancer.

I first learned of Carole and Save the Chimps when I saw the documentary Chimpanzees: An Unnatural History. Since 1997 Noon and her organization have worked to acquire and care for chimpanzees used in biomedical experiments, the entrainment industry, or kept as pets.

One of the biggest wins for Save the Chimps was when the organization was able to rescue 266 chimpanzees that were being improperly kept (and even abused) at the Coulston Foundation biomedical research facility in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Many of these apes have been moved to a retirement refuge in Fort Pierce, Florida, but 134 are still at the former Coulston facility waiting for their turn.

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Thank you for taking the time to make a note of Dr. Carole Noon's passing, and acknowledging her incredible work. We are moving ten more chimps this week from NM to FL, so her work continues.

RIP Dr. Carol Noon's work was a noble one. God bless her. We MUST keep her dream alive & save our primate cousins. We must BOYCOTT movies, etc that exploit them after being torn from their mothers and then treated so horribly, for such a long life in captivity...for what?
RIP Dr Noon.

By jake's mom (not verified) on 29 May 2009 #permalink