I'm going, are you?

One of the most rewarding events I have ever attended was last year's Annual Science Blogging Conference in North Carolina. I got to meet a number of my favorite bloggers, made lots of new friends, and definitely enjoyed speaking about science blogging as a student. Now registration is open for ScienceOnline'09 (the 3rd annual meeting for science bloggers in NC), and I definitely would encourage you to attend. (I have already signed up.)

There is at least one important difference from the previous meetings, though. There is so much to do that the organizers have added a second day of talks, greatly expanding the number of topics that can be covered. You can keep up with ScienceOnline'09 news at their blog, here, and be sure to check out the conference wiki for details on all the events.

Also of note is that the 3rd edition of The Open Laboratory (featuring the best of science blogging) will be formulated in conjunction with the conference. I am proud to say that I served as a judge for the 2nd edition and also had one of my posts selected for inclusion in the anthology, and I am hoping to make it in again this year.

If there is a post I have written that you especially liked (or if there is a post by any science blogger you enjoyed), please feel free to submit it for consideration via the handy Open Lab submission form. There's still plenty of time to write stunning entries, of course, but it's never to early to send in the good stuff.

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