For a limited time only, Next Generation Energy

Hot on the heels of the ScienceBlogs Book Club comes another special, limited-run blog all about alternative energy called Next Generation Energy.

The blog will be another active group discussion, with multiple authors (from Sb and beyond) throwing in on energy technologies and policy. The first topic gets right to the point, asking what the most viable energy solution might be as we are further mired in the energy crisis. The blog will only have a limited run, though, starting today and going through October 9, so be sure to keep up on what will surely be a lively discussion.

More like this is... a limited-run group blog called What's New in Life Science Research, which will cover four separate topics in biotechnology: stem cells, cloning, biodefense, and genetically modified organisms. The blog is sponsored by Invitrogen, but like the Shell-sponsored Next…
Well, maybe not Malthus, but Garrett Hardin and Paul Ehrlich -- the 1960's-era neomalthusian academicians -- have been right on the money.  There are hard limits to growth, and those limits are upon us.  This is the contention of Charles A. S. Hall and John W. Day, Jr., two systems ecologists who…
As previously noted, I'm planning to do more active-learning stuff in my intro mechanics courses this fall (starting next Tuesday), and as a result have been reading/ watching a lot of material on this (which, by the way, includes far too many slickly produced sales videos and not nearly enough "…
If you follow @ScienceBlogs on Twitter, you may have seen a cryptic tweet yesterday, just saying: ScienceBlogs will soon be making a very exciting announcement - so stay tuned! SciBlings (who by then knew what the news was going to be, but were asked to keep it under the wraps until the official…